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COVID-19 Induction Training – Resources (OCB)

About this resource

Induction resources

You willfind the recordings of the latest live sessions of the Induction Training, heldduring the week commencing July 27, 2020.

Please be aware that this is internal MSFmaterial, so please do not share it externally.

If youattended the sessions, this is the space where you find all the materials usedduring the live lectures: presentations and recordings.

If you didnot attend the live sessions, you can still benefit from consulting andwatching the recorded videos.

Induction training

Theintention of the COVID-19 Induction Training is to offer a structured introduction to COVID-19 and to the possibleresponse interventions in MSF projects.

Main goals of the training

At the end of the Induction Course,participants will be:

1.informed about the main aspects totake into account when dealing with COVID-19 in the field/project;

2.prepared to better address fieldneeds/challenges related to Covid-19, based on the context.

Target audience

  • Medical &Paramedical Coordinators and Managers (i.e. MedCos, PMRs, MAMs, NAMs, IPC, HP,WASH, etc.)
  • FieldCos

Before departure tothe field / before starting Covid-19 related interventions at field level.

All other profiles are welcome to attend the training.

List of contents

Module 1.a.: Epidemiological Considerations (1 h 32 min)

Module 1.b.: Transmission (53 min)

Module 2: Clinical Management (3h 20 min)

Module 3: HP – from patient to community (1h 30 min)

Module 4: Elements of IPC (2h 35 min)

Category: Miscellaneous

Data Protection Course (MSF)


This course describes what personal data is, why it is important to protect it, what GDPR is, and the use of this regulation within MSF. It describes the consequences for MSF in case of inadequate data protection, where to go in case of a breach, and how to clean sensitive data from our electronic devices and our desktops.


All staff must attend a data protection training course. This training is mandatory for all MSF staff.


30 minutes.


By the end of this course, you will be able to:

-Identify examples of personal data.

-Identify how MSF applies the GDPR.

-Identify examples of how breaching the GDPR might affect MSF´s operations.

-Identify risks to personal data.

-Identify safe practices for handling personal data.


1. The Importance of Personal Data Protection.

2. Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

3. The importance of respecting data protection laws.

4. Data Protection Management at MSF: The Role of the DPO.

5. Good Practices for the Security of Personal Data.

6. Data protection: Basic rules and guidelines.


This course is based on 7 short videos and 7 brief quiz questions. There are Infographics that are available to download (optional).


7 brief quiz questions.


A certificate is available for download upon completion of the course, except for MSF Tokyo staff. A badge is earned by completing the e-Learning.


Most staff are able to enrol themselves into the course at any time, however for MSF Tokyo staff please contact to get access to the Japanese version.

Category: Miscellaneous

DHIS2-OCA's Health Information System

About the Course

The course is for all those who use DHIS2 software – MSF-OCA’s Health Information System. DHIS2 is used to enter, analyse and report on all routine medical data collected in MSF projects in the field.


The course will be open to anyone who wishes to use it.


Certification is not provided. However a BADGE will be provided on the successful completion the end of each module. There will be assessments at different stages throughout the course.

Target Audiente

All users of DHIS2 software including field users, epidemiologists, and HQ Health Advisors.

Training Approach

Use of interactive videos, short reference sheets, and text embedded in a “book” within each e-learning module.


Assessments at different stages within the module. This could be within the videos, an activity within the module or an assessment at the end.

Learning Objectives

  • To use DHIS2 software to enter, analyse and report on medical data in the field and at HQ.
  • To describe how to manage user access to DHIS2 according to specified roles in missions and projects.

List of Contents

  • e-learning orientation
  • Introduction to DHIS2
  • Module 2 – Data Collection
  • Module 3A – Data Entry App
  • Module 3B – Data Capture App
  • Module 4A – Data Visualizer App
  • Module 4B – Event Reports App
  • Module 4C – Dashboard App
  • Module 5 – MSF Reports
  • Module 6 – Printing Forms
  • Module 7 – User Management

Category: Miscellaneous

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)


Thisself-paced course developed by OCG will introduce you to the concepts of Diversity,Equity and Inclusion (DEI). It will give you an insight on DEI and their related concepts, and highlight why MSF made a commitment towards DEI and what it means for the organisation and its staff.


Thiscourse is for all MSF staff, regardless of position or place of recruitment.


It should take you around 55 minutes to completethis course.

However, the course part is divided into small modules of 15 minutes maximum that you can take at your own pace.


At theend of this course, you should be able to:

  • define and explain what Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are, and understandtheir related concepts.
  • reflect on individual perceptions, actionsand contributions around DEI.


  • Introduction
  • Diversity
  • Equity
  • Inclusion
  • Final thoughts


This courseis interactive and include scenarios, quizzes and a combination of multimediamaterials (video, audio, text,)

There isalso a learning journal for you to write down your personal reflection.


Severalquizzes are included throughout the course to test and reinforce yourunderstanding.


Aftersuccessful completion of this course, participants will receive a certificateand a digital badge awarded by MSF OCG.


Course releasedfor the first time in July 2023.


This course is validated for use by OCG and OCB staff.


This course requires aninternet connection. Therefore,it is not possible to do this course offline.

It canbe completed on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

Category: Miscellaneous

DR TB – blended

About the course

Effective preparation for managing patients with DR TB requires both theoretical learning and practice and discussion under the oversight of experienced clinicians. This course is the compulsory theoretical study that needs to be successfully completed in order to enroll in a tutored online course or an in-person face-to-face course.

Target audience

The target group for this training at the moment is only doctors managing patients with DR TB who have been accepted into a tutored online course or an in-person face-to-face course. The satisfactory completion of this course, including the acquiring of all badges, is a pre-requisite for engagement in either of these courses.


This course consists of eight modules, each of which requires 2-3 hours of study. It is entirely self-paced so the participant can do this entirely in their own time. It is however recommended that to maintain momentum, that the total study time is spread over no more than four weeks.

Learning objectives

On successful completion of this course, participants will be ableto:

  • integrate DR-TB epidemiology whenapproaching potential TB cases.
  • request and appropriately interpretDR-TB diagnosis tests.
  • prescribe standardized orindividualized DR-TB treatment regimens as per MSF guidelines.
  • identify and manage barriers to andmotivations for patients to complete DR-TB treatment.
  • detect, manage, and report adverse eventsrelated to DR-TB treatment.
  • adapt DR-TB management tospecificities of paediatric patients (from diagnosis to follow-up)
  • document DR-TB treatment correctly to ensureproper patient care and programmatic monitoring.
  • detect and manage latent TB infectionin contacts of DR-TB patients.

List of contents

  • Module 1. Epidemiology and Clinical Course of DR TB
  • Module 2. Diagnosis of DR TB
  • Module 3. Treatment of DR TB
  • Module 4. Monitoring of DR TB Treatment
  • Module 5. Adherence to DR TB Treatment
  • Module 6. DR TB in Children
  • Module 7. Latent DR TB and Contact Tracing
  • Module 8. Documentation of DR TB


During this course participants will study carefully prepared content drawn from the latest international guidelines. The teaching content, drawing on evidence-based teaching strategies, uses a combination of multimedia materials, including video, audio, text and animations. Short quizzes and a few short assignments are interspersed throughout all the modules to stimulate effective learning.

Evaluation and Certification

For successful completion of each module, participants are required to:

  • read through all the course material.
  • complete and submit their assignments. Brief feedback will be provided after successful submission.
  • score 90% for all the quizzes. Please note that, when errors are made, participants may return to the text to find the correct answers and then repeat the quizzes as many times as needed.

On successful meeting of all the above criteria, badges and a certificate will automatically be issued.


You need to be a medical doctor or clinical officer, actively engaged in clinical decision-making in the management of patients with DR TB. Access to this course will be given only on acceptance for this course via the enrolment process explained in the next section.


In 2024, one course will be run in-person in French, in a West African country. It is likely to be in the first quarter on the year. A second course will be run as a tutored online course in English. Details of both will be announced before the end of November 2023. Application will be via the usual HR channels for national and expat staff.

Release and update

This course was first released in 2022 but is constantly updatedso that the content reflects the latest WHO and MSF guidelines.Its latest update was in February 2024.

OC Validation

Thiscourse is validated by the TB working group under the oversight and leadershipof Dr. Cathy Hewison.

Technical considerations

The course is best completed on a computer, laptop ortablet but it is also possible on a mobile if the screen size is large enough.In order to ensure that there always a fully up to date version of this course,it is not downloadable and therefore can only be viewed online. Access to goodquality internet is therefore essential.

Category: Miscellaneous


About the Course

Each part is introduced by a Video – a testimony from the field about the topic you are going to go through.

Each module is done the same way – Introduction to the topic – A quest (either in your mission physical documents or in MSF knowledge platform – A challenge with questions and exercises)

Anytime you can ask for Help by clinking on the “HELP” button at the end of each module

Duration of the course

6 hours

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to integrate all supply chain processesaccording to the MSF Supply chain guideline, to support medical and logisticsoperations

List of Contents

7 parts

1.Supply Operations

2.Collaborative planning and definition of needs




6.Stock Management

7.Supply Information Systems

All modules are stand alone – we can either start from the beginning or pick up 1 module depending on needs.

How to enrol



Badge and certificate

Who is this course for ?

The E-Nitial Supply Chain Management training is designed for new collaborator in the MSF Supply Chain and non-supply collaborators. It is an introduction to the MSF Supply chain allowing all participant to understand the impact of each step of the supply chain on the operations


By the manager on site

Category: Miscellaneous

E-Nitial (FR)

About the Course

Each part is introduced by a video - a testimony from the field on the subject you are about to discuss.

Each module proceeds in the same way - Introduction to the subject - A quest (either in the physical documents of your mission or in the MSF knowledge platform - A challenge with questions and exercises).

At any time, you can ask for help by clicking on the "HELP" button at the end of each module.

Course duration

6 hours

Learning objectives

Les participants seront en mesure de comprendre tous les processus de lachaîne d'approvisionnement conformément aux Guidelines Supply de MSF, afin desoutenir les opérations médicales et logistiques.

Liste des contenus

7 parts

1. Opérations d'approvisionnement

2. Planification collaborative et définition des besoins

3. Approvisionnement

4. Transport

5. Douane

6. Gestion des stocks

7. Systèmes d'information sur les approvisionnements

Tous les modules sont autonomes - nous pouvons commencer par le début ou reprendre un module en fonction des besoins.

Comment s'inscrire



Badge et certificat

A qui s'adresse ce cours?

The E-Nitial training on supply chain management is intended for new staff in the supply chain of MSF and anyone involved in the supply chain (LogCo/ LTL/ etc…). This is an introduction to the MSF supply chain allowing all participants to understand the impact of each stage of the supply chain on operations.


By the manager in the field

Category: Miscellaneous

Ebola Response Strategy Journey A


learning journey is addressed to the staff who are involved in all aspects of an Ebola response strategy. It will give you an understanding of the disease, response strategy and staff health support needed to respond effectively to an Ebola outbreak.


It targets:

  • Coordinators: Head of missions, Medical Coordinators, Project Coordinators and Project Medical Referents
  • Nurses, Doctors, Midwives, psychologists
  • Health promoters
  • Logisticians
  • Watsan staff
  • HQ staff from Medical, Operations and Logistics departments


It should take 1h45 minutes to complete Journey A. You can take it as your own pace. The course is divided into small bite sized e-Learning modules ranging from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.


At the end of this journey, you will be able to:

  • Identify the symptoms of Ebola
  • Differentiate between alert, contact, suspected, probable and confirmed cases
  • Explain how to cut the chain of transmission
  • List the various elements of the response strategy
  • Describe the role of each pillar in the disease transmission pattern
  • Explain the relationship between the seven pillars guiding an Ebola response
  • Construct the standard staff health circuit in a mission
  • Define stress
  • Illustrate the specific stress factors caused by the Ebola situation
  • Define behaviours that can help reduce stress


  • Characteristics of the disease (symptoms and case definitions)
  • The 3 Priorities of an Ebola response
  • Definition of community and community engagement
  • The 7 pillars of an Ebola response strategy
  • Staff health resource person in an Ebola response
  • Stress factors linked to Ebola and behaviours that can help reduce stress


  • Through this course, you be immersed in a story which spans across three episodes
  • You will interact with a combination of multimedia materials (videos, audio, text, animations, infographics etc.)
  • The course also encourages your self-reflection. You will be exposed to thought-provoking sequences and be provided with a learning booklet to write down your personal reflection and help you track your learning progress


The course includes short quizzes to test your knowledge.


Upon course completion, you will receive a certificate and a digital badge awarded by MSF OCG.


You are strongly encouraged to take the Introduction to Ebola course (Ebola level 1) before this course.


You will need to use the enrolment key provided on the Ebola Response Strategy Hub to register to Ebola Response strategy Journey A.


This course was released for the first time in March 2023.


  • The course can be completed on a computer or a laptop

Category: Miscellaneous

Ebola Response Strategy Journey B

About the Course

This learning is addressed to staff who are involved in some but not all aspects of an Ebola response strategy. It will give you an understanding of the disease, response strategy and staff health support needed to respond effectively to an Ebola outbreak.


It targets:

  • Hygienists
  • House staff
  • Biomed staff
  • Waste management staff
  • Pharmacists
  • Human Resources and Finance staff
  • Epidemiologists
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Watchmen
  • Drivers
  • All HQ staff working for departments other than Medical, Operations and Logistics departments


It should take 1h30 minutes to complete Journey B. You can take it as your own pace. The course is divided into small bite sized e-Learning modules ranging from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.


At the end of this journey, you will be able to:

  • Identify the symptoms of Ebola
  • Differentiate between alert, contact, suspected, probable and confirmed cases
  • Explain how to cut the chain of transmission
  • List the various elements of the response strategy
  • Construct the standard staff health circuit in a mission
  • Define stress
  • Illustrate the specific stress factors caused by the Ebola situation
  • Define behaviours that can help reduce stress


  • Characteristics of the disease (symptoms and case definitions)
  • The 3 Priorities of an Ebola response
  • Definition of community and community engagement
  • The following pillars of an Ebola response strategy: Care (triage and health structures); Environmental Decontamination and Safe Transport; Community engagement; Access to Non-Ebola Care
  • Staff health resource persons in an Ebola response
  • Stress factors linked to Ebola and behaviours that can help reduce stress


  • Through this course, you be immersed in a story which spans across three episodes.
  • You will interact with a combination of multimedia materials (videos, audio, text, animations, infographics etc.).
  • The course also encourages your self-reflection. You will be exposed to thought-provoking sequences.
  • You be provided with a learning booklet to write down your personal reflection and help you track your learning progress.


The course includes short quizzes to test your knowledge.


Upon course completion, you will receive a certificate and a digital badge awarded by MSF OCG.


You are strongly encouraged to take the Introduction to Ebola course (Ebola level 1) before this course.


You will need to use the enrolment key provided on the Ebola Response strategy Hub to register to Ebola Response strategy Journey B.


This course was released for the first time in March 2023.


  • The course can be completed on a computer or a laptop

Category: Miscellaneous

Emergency Response Training

ERT aims to empower key mission staff to perform strategic activities related toemergencies.


Staff who will be involved in emergency management.

Learning Objectives

  1. Be better prepared to be able to detect and appropriately manage emergency alerts
  2. Know what the main emergency intervention criteria are (i.e. how to analyse different scenarios).
  3. Know what the main emergency intervention strategies and procedures are (i.e. how to adapt intervention to different situations).

The course is 75 hours long.

List of Contents

0. Intro to emergencies
1. Alert Detection
2. Alert Investigation
3. Epidemics
3.2. Mass vaccination
3.4. Cholera
3.5. Meningities and otheremerging diseases (Filovirus, Diphteria, Hepatitis E)
4. Nutrition
5. Natural Disasters
6. Complex Emergencies
Key concepts transversally: WASH, CE, MH, SV,…


ERT consists of a mix of eLearning modules, videos, jobs aids, and reading lists.


Participants will need to submit different assignments that will be assessed by the course facilitators following a rubric.


After having done all the assignments and participated in the virtual session of each module, you’ll be able to download your badge/certificate.


The Learning Unit will approve of the list of participants selected by the selection committee.

Category: Miscellaneous

Energy Level 1

About the Course

Welcome to the Energy level 1! This training aims at improving the knowledge about energy of all MSF staff. This course has been designed following the logtech competencies matrix, this course corresponds to the level 2.

The competencies for the energy level 1 course are:

• Able to design a basic electrical system: source choice (generator), a distribution system design (circuit) and a protection system design (circuit breaker, residual current device).

• Know how to ensure the safety of a small existing installation (office, house) (insulation, earthing/grounding, residual current devices, limiters, stabilisers, lightning protection).

• Able to set up backup systems to ensure continuity of service.

• Able to repair, alter or replace defective parts in a simple domestic circuit to reduce malfunctions and risks.

• Able to provide follow-up on maintenance of all types of moderate‐sized infrastructures.

At the end of the course, you will be able to define all the first steps to take into account to ensure that electrical systems in MSF are safe and not Hazardous for the people

This courseis an online course where you will mix short explanatory videos with practical exercises to achieve step by step the learning objectives. If you finalize successfully all the proposed exercises and the final quiz, you will obtain abadge.


The duration of the course is 2 hours.


The target of this course is national and InternationalLogisticStaff that should have knowledges about energy.


At the end of this online course, you will receive a badge. To achieve this badge, you must follow all the modules until the end and to pass the final quiz.

Learning Objectives

You will be able to:

  1. Use thegenerator sizing toolto calculate the power of a generator in function of the needs
  2. Differentiate thedifferent kindsof voltage regulatorsand explainwho it works.
  3. Define all the steps to set up abasicandsafe single-phase electrical installation
  4. Describe theelementsof a grounding system and explain how to install it
  5. Explain thedifferent sources of energy used in MSF

List of Contents

Module 0: welcome

Module 1 : Sizing generators and protecting equipment

Module 2: Electrical installations

Module 3: Energy sources

Module 4: Final quiz!

Category: Miscellaneous

Family Focal Point during Critical Incidents

About the Course

By taking Family Focal Points during critical incidents course,you will learn in an interactive and reflective way which are theresponsibilities of a family liaison in the reporting and in the psychosocialaccompaniment aspects and which are the limits.

You willunderstand the responses of a person living a traumatic situation, how to supportthem, how to use different communication abilities, how to ensure confidentialityand create a trustful relationship with the family.

Finally, you will learn about the latest investigations in empathetic distress and how tocope training your resilience abilities.

Who is this course for?

This course is for allMSF staffidentified aspotential candidateto act asFamily Focal Point during acritical incidentand willing to assume the responsibility.

Learning Objectives

In this course you will learn to:

  • Identify what is a critical incident and its potential consequences.
  • Identify the composition of Crisis Team at field level, capital and HQ. Roles. Communication lines.
  • Identify main actions to do when there is an open and a close incident.
  • Identify appropriate answer to media, social network, community, community leaders and MSF colleagues when requested to give information about the incident (preserve confidentiality)
  • Identify what the reporter role entails.
  • distinguish the characteristics of a potential traumatic event
  • Identify what is normal and worrying reactions at short, medium and long term.
  • Recognize vulnerable family members.
  • Identify the impact of incidents specific to each phase...
  • Identify consequences of living with uncertainty among family members, including psychological ones.
  • Identify what the families need in each phase, including psychological support.
  • Identify what FFP can do to accompany families.
  • Identify the meaning of confidentiality and risks of broken it.
  • Identify how tow to stablish trustful with families.
  • select the most appropriate communication manner during all encounters with the family.
  • Identify how can affect the stress.
  • Identify your copying mechanisms.
  • Recognize how being in contact with family's suffering can affect
  • Recognize what you can do to take care of yourself (based on stress management)
  • Identify activities to increase your own resiliency capacity.

List of Contents

The course consists of three modules thatwill introduce you to:

  • Key concepts on Crisis management and communication lines during a critical incident.
  • Key responsibilities and limits in the role of family liaison.
  • Key concepts on Trauma, its consequences, and normal reactions during and after a traumatic event.
  • Families’ main needs during an open incident, including identification of vulnerable family members.
  • How to identify individual and family copying resources.
  • How to support the family in their needs all along the process, how to empower the family.
  • Communication abilities, verbal and nonverbal to apply all along the process, including during difficult moments.
  • Reporting abilities.
  • Importance of having a trustful relationship with the family. Key concepts on how to stablish and maintain it.
  • Key ideas on the importance of confidentiality.
  • Self-care and emotional regulation, abilities to increase your resilience.

Training Approach

This e-learning course will take around 7 hours, including watching the videos and doing reflexional exercises.

The training has a second part, consisting in a face-to-face workshop. Each mission will select some of the learners to participate in the face-to-face workshop.

The completion of the Psychological First Aid training will be part of the path for the complete training for Family Focal Point.

Those not participating in the Face2face workshop will have the opportunity to participate in an online workshop.

The training itinerary includes yearly online webinars (frequency to be defined).


Enrolment with authorization. This program is for staff selected by the mission to perform the role of Family Focal Pointduring critical incidents.


Upon completion of the three modules, you are entitled a Tembo completionbadgeandcertificate.

Category: Miscellaneous

Field Comms eBriefing

About the Course

This eBriefing gives a solid induction into MSF Field Communications practices for communications staff in the field. It is divided into 6 modules, each one touching on a different aspect of communications in the field.


The eBriefing requires self-paced learning based on readings, case studies, videos, animations and quizzes.


This eBriefing is compulsory for new Field Comms Managers and Officers. Enrolment information will be provided by recruiters or Communication advisers.

Other staff can apply by contacting the Field Comms Unit:


The Field Comms eBriefing is aimed at Field Communication Managers, Field Communication Officers as well as all other Field Comms positions.


A badge is available on completion.

List of Contents

  • Medical action & speaking out: In this module you will learn how témoignage, or speaking out, is part of MSF’s identity and how MSF’s communications have evolved in recent years. Communicating strategically
  • Communicating strategically: In this module you will learn how communications support MSF operations and how to develop strategic communications in a specific operational context involving operational colleagues.
  • MSF’s communication network: In this module you will learn about the roles and relationships of the different positions within the MSF communications network.
  • Your role in field communications: In this module you will learn about the main responsibilities of your position and who to approach for validating and sharing your communications.
  • Working with the media: In this module you will learn about the MSF approaches and tools for comprehensive media management, including in crisis situations.
  • Creating content: In this module you will differentiate among the variety of communications tools used in MSF and learn how to produce content in line with MSF standards.

Category: Miscellaneous

Generación fotovoltaica sobre cubierta

About the Course


  • Seleccionado e identificado por OCBA
  • SPA
  • 45 min
  • Sin certificado
  • Gratuíto

Video proveído por CIRCUITOR para conocer los diferentes sistemas para colocar paneles solares sobre tejados.

Consideraciones formación externa:

  • Dada que esta formación es externa de MSF, MSF no ofrecerá insignias de TEMBO para estos cursos. En algunos casos, los cursos individuales pueden ofrecer su propio certificado u otro reconocimiento cuando termines el curso.Tembo NO será responsable del registro, operación, soporte o certificación del curso.

  • Recuerda que la finalización de la formación externa en líneano le exime de seguir lasnormas MSF, protocolos, procedimientos, políticas o códigos de conducta de la organización.

  • Si tienes dudas sobre qué curso puede ser mejor para ti o deseas más información sobre cómo acceder a la formación online, por favor, hable con su supervisor o HR y pide ayuda.

Category: Miscellaneous

Hand Hygiene in MSF

About the Course

This is a Self paced e-learning on Hand hygiene skills for all staff (medical and non medical) who work in or visit MSF Country Programmes.


This course is open for all MSF staff. Click on Enrol to start the course.


Upon completion of the course, a badge is obtained that recognises the correct completion.

Training Approach

Self Paced e-Learning containing videos

Target Audience

All staff working or visiting MSF Country Programmes.


30 minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of these course you should feel able to

  1. Identify the correct moments for Hand Hygiene  
  2. Recognise common myths and misinformation about Hand Hygiene and act to prevent them
  3. Describe three exceptions when Alcohol Handrub is not recommended 
  4. Value why hand hygiene is a critical component of preventing the spread of germs and infection 

List of Contents

  • Foundation module PLUS


  • (2) Hand Hygiene for staff doing clinical procedures


  • (3) Hand Hygiene for non-clinical staff

Category: Miscellaneous

Homere (OCP) (English)

About the course

Use the basic functionalities of the HOMERE software.

Target audience

All HOMERE users

  • OCP: Operational Center Paris



Learning objectives

At the end of this e-Learning, you will be able to use the basic functionalities of the HOMERE software.

List of contents

This e-Learning is composed of:

  • Technical content organized into an introduction and 6 thematic chapters modules:
    • M1- Technical aspects
    • M2- Employee management
    • M3- Contract management
    • M4- Leaves and absences
    • M5- Events management
    • M6- Payroll
  • Practice Quiz to test your knowledge and understanding of the technical content at the end of eachmodule

  • Final Quiz that gives you a final and global vision of your understanding of allmodules and HOMERE functionalities

  • Mix of supporting resourcesuser guides and videos

  • Exercises to practice in a real Homere software Environment


At the end of the training, a Final Quiz will allow to measure your understanding of the different Homere functionalities seen in the introduction and 6 technical modules.


To obtain the certificate and/or badge, you must have completed all the compulsory activities, including the satisfaction survey, AND have obtained a score of 75% in the final quiz.


Open self-registration

Category: Miscellaneous

HOMERE e-Learning(OCBA)

About the Course

Summary :Use the basic functionalities of the Homer software.

Target:all HOMERE users

How to register: Open self-registration with Password -onlyOCBA

Duration :5H

When you have completed the content of this course, you will be awarded a badge.

Résumé : Utiliser les fonctionnalités de base du logicielHomère.

Public cible:tous les utilisateurs HOMERE

Comment s'enregistrer:Auto-inscription libre-onlyOCBA


Une fois le contenu de ce cours terminé vous recevrez un badge.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this e-Learning, you will be able to use the basic functionalities of the HOMERE software.

A l'issu de cet e-learning, vous serez capable d'utiliser les fonctionnalités de base du logiciel HOMERE.

List of Contents

This e-Learning is composed of :

  • Librarycontains the user guide of OCBA
  • Technical content(technical sheets and videos) organized into an introduction and 7 thematic chapters
  • Practice Quizto test your knowledge and understanding of the technical content at the end of each chapter
  • Final Quizthat gives you a final and global vision of your understanding of all chapters and HOMERE functionalities.

Cet e-Learning est composé de :

  • Bibliothèque contenant le guide utilisateur de OCP et OCB
  • Contenu technique (fiches techniques et vidéos) avec une introduction et 7 chapitres
  • Quiz pratiquepour tester vos connaissances et votre compréhension du contenu technique à la fin de chaque chapitre
  • Quiz final qui vous donne une vision finale et globale de votre compréhension de toutes les chapitres et des fonctionnalités HOMERE.

Category: Miscellaneous


Informazioni sul corso

Questo corso obbligatorio di MSF Italia ti introdurrà agli strumenti del progetto HOPE (Health Orientation Promotion Education) ed è rivolto a tutti i volontari di MSF Italia che parteciperanno agli sportelli d’orientamento sociosanitario Hope.


Questo corso obbligatorio è rivolto a tutti i volontari di MSF Italia che parteciperanno alle attività dello sportello del progetto Hope. Sarà un'introduzione per una migliore comprensione del contesto dell’accesso alle cure dei richiedenti asilo e dei rifugiati in Italia, affinché di migliorare l’orientamento socio-sanitario dei beneficiari.


I partecipanti dovrebbero impegnarsi circa 5 ore e mezzo del loro tempo in due settimane.

Obiettivi di apprendimento

Al termine del corso, il partecipante dovrà essere in grado di:

  • Spiegare la componente principale del contesto migratorio e le operazioni di MSF in Italia
  • Riferire la panoramica del quadro giuridico per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati in Italia.
  • Organizzare l'orientamento alla registrazione SSN dei beneficiari.
  • Applicare misure di prevenzione e controllo delle infezioni quando si partecipa allo sportello di orientamento sociosanitario, in particolare Covid 19
  • Applicare l'informativa sulla riservatezza e sulla privacy durante le attività dello sportello di HOPE.
  • Gestire la banca dati (EMR Light) raccolti dopo la sessione con i beneficiari
  • Interagire con i beneficiari con l'aiuto di un mediatore interculturale.


Il corso affronterà i seguenti argomenti:

  • Numeri, rotte e provenienza della persona che migra in Europa attraverso l'Italia.
  • Funzionamento di MSF nel contesto italiano.
  • Descrizione del progetto HOPE.
  • Descrizione del contesto del richiedente asilo e del rifugiato in Italia.
  • Il quadro giuridico internazionale in materia di protezione.
  • Il sistema di accoglienza e asilo in Italia.
  • Vulnerabilità specifica presa in carico dal sistema di accoglienza e asilo in Italia.
  • L'accesso all'assistenza sanitaria in Italia e come esercitarla
  • Statuto amministrativo e l'accesso al Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (SSN).
  • Tessera sanitaria NHS per stranieri senza permesso di soggiorno o popolazione europea.
  • Criticità e le barriere accesso alle cure
  • Elenco dei servizi sanitari territoriali
  • Infezione da COVID
  • Il controllo e la prevenzione delle infezioni per proteggere te stesso e gli altri
  • Procedure di disinfezione e protezione
  • Obiettivi e procedure di prevenzione personale
  • Quadro di riferimento per la privacy e la riservatezza in Italia
  • Quadro di privacy e riservatezza nelle attività quotidiane di MSF
  • Modo di operare in caso di data breach
  • Banca dati (EMR Light)
  • Lo strumento e le varie informazioni di inserimento dati
  • Aggiornamento dello strumento DB
  • Mediazione interculturale e il mediatore
  • Preparazione del lavoro con il mediatore interculturale
  • Operare durante e dopo la consultazione, con i beneficiari grazie al mediatore interculturale


Durante questo corso gli studenti dovranno seguire vari problemi presentati a loro utilizzando una combinazione di materiali multimediali (video) e quiz.


Questo corso è dedicato unicamente alle volontarie/i che vogliono partecipare al progetto HOPE (lo sportello di orientamento sociosanitario) già attivo in Italia.

Nel caso foste interessati vi preghiamo di mettervi in contatto con il gruppo dei volontari della vostra città che potrà fornirvi tutte le informazioni necessarie per la registrazione a questo corso.


Per superare questo corso gli partecipanti dovranno completare i quiz della sessione che seguono prima di passare alla seguente.


Dopo aver completato con successo questo corso, i partecipanti riceveranno un certificato e un badge digitale assegnato da MSF OCB.

Rilascio e aggiornamento

Questo corso è stato rilasciato a marzo 2023.


Questo corso è convalidato per l'uso da parte dei volontari di MSF Italia.

Category: Miscellaneous

Hospital Management Training 2023

About the Course

Target group:

Staff currently working, or planning to work within 6months, Hospital Management positions (Hospital Director, Hospital clinicallead, Hospital nursing manager, Midwife activities Manager, Hospital facilitiesManager, NAM Hospital, MAM Hospital, LOG Hospital) and Fin/HR administrators or assistants executing administrative tasksat hospital level.


This training aims at increasing the quality ofactivities implemented at hospital facility level. Participants will improvetheir management capacities and will go in depth in the specificities ofmanagement in hospital settings.

This training will contribute to create a pool ofmanagers prepared to lead complex hospitals/ secondary health care facilitieswithin the overall activities of a project.


BLOCK 1. ProjectLogFrame in relation with secondary health care.

BLOCK 2. Qualityof care & Improvement cycle.

BLOCK 3. Quality& Safety care.

BLOCK 4. Indicators.

BLOCK 5.Logistical component.

BLOCK 6. HRComponent.

BLOCK 7. Medicalcomponent.

Training modality: Blended Training


The online part includes apretest based on the Hospital Management Guideline and other preparatoryactivities (readings, forums, quizzes, videos). This Online part is totallymandatory to ensure that participants are coming to the face-to-face part withthe same base-line knowledge.

The face-to-face part isbased on a multidisciplinary approach and teamwork. Participants will analyzethe challenges that MSF OCBA is facing in projects that include hospitalsettings.

Participants will apply specificmanagement tools and will be involved in different kinds of activities: a casestudy, problem-solving activities, interactive lectures with referents andadvisors, role plays and discussions.

MSF Tembo : Search results (1)

Category: Miscellaneous

HR Assistants' Onboarding

About this course

This self-paced course aims at providing HR assistants and other HR support positions with the relevant information and skills to start their position with confidence and efficiency. It combines self-paced interactive activities and guidance for a structured conversation with the line manager on the position and project’s specificities.

Target audience

HR assistants, HRCO assistants.


This course should take no longer than 2.5 hours to complete.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • have understood the key elements of MSF HR vision.
  • be able to position the HR Department in the organization.
  • have identified the key steps of the main HR processes (admin/ recruitment, induction/onboarding/L&D).
  • have identified the different roles in a HR set-up at coordination and field level.
  • have identified their main responsibilities and tasks.
  • have identified the relevant HR fundamentals to use in their position.

List of contents

  • MSF HR vision and main HR policies (Duty of Care, Responsible Employer, Global Workforce, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion)
  • The HR Department and HR roles
  • The main HR processes (admin/recruitment/induction-onboarding/L&D)
  • HR assistant main tasks and responsibilities
  • The HR fundamentals in assistants’ position


Self-paced with intereactive videos and short quizzes + complementary guidance for a structured conversation with the line manager targeting the project and position specificities for each of the topics covered in the self-paced.


Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a badge and a certificate.


This course is validated by OCB.

Category: Miscellaneous

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MSF Tembo : Search results (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.