Off To The Next Great Adventure - mongvie (2024)

Chapter 1: How it's Begin.

Chapter Text

“Wake up, Harry!”

“…Mionie?” Harriet asked while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Where did you place your emergency trunk?" Hermione yelled at her,

“Huh? A what?”

“Your emergency trunk!”

Harriet pointed to her dresser.

Hermione retrieved the emergency trunk and Harriet's outdoor clothes and robes. “Put this on! Quickly!” She threw the clothes to Harriet.

"What happened?" Harriet asked, hastily changing her clothes.

“Just change your clothes! Hurry!” Hermione yelled while transferring whatever item was in her beaded bag into Harriet's trunk. Once she emptied her bag and Harriet finished changing her clothes, Hermione resized the trunk into the size of a pendant, conjuring a chain and then making Harriet wear it. Satisfied with her work, Hermione nodded and dragged Harry toward the backdoor.

Yet before they could even leave the vicinity of Grimmauld's Place, a dozen Aurors led by Kingsley Shacklebolt appeared and blocked their way.

“King?” Harriet asked.

Guilt flashed on Kingsley's face. “Please surrender peacefully.” He pleaded.

“How could you do this to Harry!?”

Harriet finally grasps the situation.

Hermione drew her wand, and Kingsley raised his own wand to defend himself while instructing all the Aurors behind him to keep their wand down. “Don’t make this difficult, Hermione.”

“You know how much sacrifice Harriet made to save us all!”

Kingsley's eyes glistened under a street lamp. “Please, stop resisting; you will only make it difficult for everyone, for Ronald.”

Hermione took a sharp breath.

Harriet reaches for Hermione's hand and makes her lower her wand. “You have Ron?” she asks calmly.

Kingsley nodded.

“Is he unharmed?”

Kingsley nodded again.

“Swear on your magic that you will protect and fully pardon Ron, Hermione, their family, and my godson Edward Lupin.”

“Harriet!” Hermione protested.

Harriet squeezed Hermione's hand. “Ron, Rose, and Hugo need you, Mione,” she reminded her.


“It's fine.” She smiled at her best friend. "If you swear you will pardon them of any crime and ensure their well-being, I will surrender willingly."

Once Kingsley finished the unbreakable oath with Hermione, Harriet snapped her wand in half, threw it to Kingsley's feet, then proceeded to kneel on the ground with both hands behind her head.

“Everything will be just fine, Mionie.” Harriet smiled at the crying Hermione before closing her eyes and letting the Aurors take her away.

Harriet's trial passed quickly; she was relieved that none of her friends insisted on testifying on her behalf. She could not bear the guilt of being labeled as Dark simply because they attempted to save her life.

The sound of the judge's gavel snapped Harriet from her reverie: “We, The Wizengamot, find Harriet Lily Potter proven guilty of the charge of practicing forbidden Dark Magic that resulted in her achieving immortality.”

Harriet sighed. If she had just heeded Hermione's warning and maintained her glamour to make herself appear older like her peers, none of this mess would have occurred. However, it's futile to lament over lost opportunities, isn't it?

“—Any last words, Miss Potter?” The judge asked with a sad*stic smile, which reminded her of Umbridge.

Harriet ignored the rest of the spectators and only focused on Ron and Hermione. “I'm off to the next great adventure.” She gives them the best assuring smile.

Hermione immediately burst into tears in Ron's arms.

“Take care.” Harriet said the words to Ron, and her best friend nodded solemnly.

“I'm really sorry, Miss Potter.” One of the two Aurors who accompanied her toward the Veil said.

“Don’t be. My godfather once went through this veil; he said it was not painful at all. Quicker and easier than falling asleep.”

The other auror on Harriet's left side let out a choked sob, tears falling from her chin.

Harriet sighed; she patted the female auror shoulder before proceeding to climb the stairs alone. Once she reached the edge of the veil, Harriet took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let her body fall into the veil.

She was curious about the type of adventure she would embark on.

Chapter 2: The Witch Hunt

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“What kind of adventure is this?!” Harriet cried while furiously kicking the dirt around her sore feet.

She spent hours walking without finding anything, leaving her stranded in the middle of an endless field of grass.

Harriet tried to return her necklace-trunk to its original size with mock wandless magic, but to no avail; she could not undo Hermione's spell with her mediocre wandless skill.

“I wish I still had my wand.” She groaned, regretting deeply her choice to snap her holly wand in half.

Suddenly, something smooth touches the tip of her finger, causing her to shriek in horror, unsure if it's an animal or, worse, a venomous snake. Harriet jerks her hand off the ground and hugs it tightly upon her beating heart, her eyes darting toward whatever touches her hand. Her jaw dropped when she recognized what the object was. “What?! How?!” She picked up the Elder Wand from the ground and said, “I'm sure I snapped you in half!”

The Elder Wand suddenly buzzed with energy that pricked Harriet's hand, making her yelp in pain and drop the Wand.

Harriet could only gape in disbelief at the piece of wood that was currently buzzing angrily.

“I'm sorry! I'm truly sorry; I won’t do it again. Would you let me use you?” She asks politely, as if the piece of wood is a lunatic.

Seeing the Elder Wand become still on the ground, Harriet cautiously picked it up once more. She let out a sigh of relief when the wand did not attempt to hurt her again.

She swished the wand, and immediately her emergency trunk returned to its normal size. Thank Merlin and Morgana!” She almost burst into tears.

The Elder Wand buzzed again.

“Yes, thanks to you too, Elder Wand!” Harriet kissed the wand; she didn’t care anymore how crazy she looked right now.

Prior to opening the trunk, Harriet turned off the muggle-worth switch.

She cried when she saw the magical staircase that led into the private apartment below. Without second thoughts, Harriet went inside.


“Seriously, Viserys?”

"Yes, Daemon, I'm seriously asking you as your king to go out to find this so-called witch.”

“You're aware you had enough soldiers to do that, right?”

“I tried; all the soldiers I sent always returned empty-handed.”

Daemon rolled his eyes. “That only means the rumors are false, dear brother.”

“There aremanywitnesses to this, Daemon. People are restless!”

Daemon scowls at Viserys.

“A final attempt,” his brother said. “I'm sending a group of soldiers to meet you in that grass field. Ser Harrold, as well as two Kingsguards, will be present. Together, all of you will search and determine if there is any credence to those strange rumors.”

“If this is your will as the king, then I shall do as you bid.”

I beg you as your brother and king—you are our last hope.

Daemon let out a groan, “As you wish, your grace.” He gives Viserys a mocking courtesy.

“Did she look like a witch to you?!” When one of his gold cloaks brought her a slender young woman with auburn hair, Daemon spat angrily.

"She could disguise as a commoner, my prince." Said the gold cloaks.

With all the pent-up frustration in his body, Daemon slapped the man's head and said, "You idiot! the witch rumored to have raven's black hair!" He spat angrily.

The gold cloak lowered his gaze and pouted as he rubbed his throbbing head.

Before mounting Caraxes, Daemon let out an exasperated sigh and began to scour the Kingswood from the sky.

Daemon almost gave up and returned to Kings Landing when he saw a flash of red spark between the lush green of the forest.

He squinted his eyes in response to the red spark, which moved toward the open field south of Kingswood.

He then landed Caraxes at the forest edge, and not long after that, a woman with raven hair emerged from the forest right towards them. Facing a dragon, the woman, likely a witch, screams something about Merlin from the top of her lungs.

Daemon almost laughed out loud when he saw the woman point a worthless stick at Caraxes.

Viserys ordered him to catch the witch alive, but Daemon thought it was too much trouble. “Dracarys!” He yelled that Viserys would execute the witch if he handed her over to the Septon, so there was no reason to worry.

Daemon expected charred remains once Caraxes' fire died down, but to his surprise, the witch still there stood up tall with her tiny stick pointed at Caraxes like the fire never touched her at all.

“Dracarys!” Daemon repeated, and once more Caraxes breathed flame.

Once again, after the fire subsided, the woman remained unburnt.

“I swear in the name of Merlin, I'll kill you if you order your dragon to breathe fire once more!” The witch spat angrily.


Stupid muggle! Stupid oversized lizard!”Harriet spat angrily, unaware that she switched from English to Parseltongue.

ASpeaker?”The red, oversized lizard asked in awe.

Harriet blinked at the creature, “You understand me?”

Yess...” the oversized lizard nodded. “I heard many stories of the speaker; Balerion said the speaker died with Valyria.”

Balerion? Valyria?”

The lanky dragon nodded excitedly and said, "Balerion is our leader."

The muggle on your back?”

“No, my pretty pet is not Balerion; Balerion is a dragon, a mighty dragon, our mighty leader, father of all dragons.”

Harriet can’t help but snort loudly, “Pretty pet?”

“My pet is the prettiest among other pets.”The dragon declares proudly.

Harriet glanced at the pale-haired muggle on the dragon's back; he was indeed an attractive one with a pretty face. “Yes, he is quite pretty, but very rude. Who in their right mind greeted someone with fire?”

"My pet had a big fire inside him that was as large as his heart."

Harriet scrunched her nose. So, in other words, the red dragon's pretty pet is a big softie with a fiery temperament? What a combination! “What is your name, O’ Great Dragon?”

Caraxes the Blood Wyrm, what is yours, speaker?”

Harriet, Harriet Lily Potter.”

“Too mouthful, I'll call you Pretty Eyes speaker.”

Harriet burst out laughing; on the other hand, the muggle kept ordering Caraxes in a foreign language that Harriet had never heard before.

“Foolish pets, dragons were forbidden to harm a speaker.” Caraxes huffed in annoyance.

“Truly?”Harriet asked in disbelief.

Balerion said he cannot harm the speaker.”

Aaahh, can I meet him? Balerion?”

“Cannot, perished long ago.”

Ah, my condolences.”Harriet can’t help but feel sad upon hearing about the great dragon's demise, even though she never met him before.

The muggle began to whip Caraxes; it definitely did not harm the wyrm since dragon scales were hard enough, but that didn’t mean the gesture was not annoying him.

“Stop annoying Caraxes!” Harriet shouted to the muggle.

The muggle halted, his alluring violet eyes growing wide in disbelief. “How?” That's all he asked.

“How what?”

“How did you know Caraxes' name?”

“He told me.” Harriet shrugged.

The muggle's mouth hangs open comically.

"Look, mister, even you shouted till you lost your voice; Caraxes wouldn’t breathe another fire toward me; he is forbidden to do so.”

“How dare you bewitch my dragon with your magic!” The muggle roared angrily; he jumped down from Caraxes back before drawing his long sword.

“Woah! Easy there!” Harriet lifted her hand slightly. “I didn’t bewitch or charm your dragon!”

“You thought I'm gullible enough to believe the words of a witch?”

“Muggle.” Harriet sighs and throws a stupefy at the pale-haired muggle.

The spell collides with the muggle's long sword, and it bounces back to Harriet, who exclaims, "Merlin f*cking beard!" She barely evades the spell.

The mugger looked as shocked as Harriet.

Harriet recovered first; she purposefully aimed the sword and struck it with a stinging jinx and a disarming spell, but each of them bounced back just like the stupefying spell, leaving her to wonder, "What is the name of Merlin that sword is made of?"

“Who the f*ck even the Merlin is?!” The muggle spat back.

Chapter 3: Pretty Pet

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The witch was not exactly what Daemon expected.

She was obviously neither a toothless old crone nor a middle-aged woman who had just bathed in the dirt.

How curious… How could she appear unexpectedly too well groomed for a person who’d been fleeing for days? Though her clothes were nondescript and her hair wasn’t properly styled for fine company, Daemon didn’t miss the peculiar inaccuracies:

They’re days away from settlements and many miles away from a river, yet the girl does not smell.

No sweat from walking for days marred her clear skin, nor did dried mud, the smell of stale food, or even dirt. Even in the middle of nowhere, she prioritized cleaning her teeth, washing up, and even brushing her hair.

Yet the witch's eyes were what gave Daemon the most pause.

Large, lushful emerald green orbs.

The prettiest green eyes Daemon had ever seen; they almost looked magical!

"What is the name of Merlin that makes that sword?" The witch shouted after hitting his sword with another two-blasted magic of hers.

“Who the f*ck even Merlin is?!” Daemon yelled back furiously.

Again, for God knows how much time already Daemon heard Caraxes let out hisses like he never heard before.

The witch hissed back, and then said, “Steel from Valyrian that forge with dragon flame?! No wonder it could bounce back my magic! The sword is magical!” The witch exclaimed before hissing again at Caraxes, to which Caraxes replied with another hiss; it's almost like they were conversing in hiss!

Daemon's jaw dropped.

“Look here, Mister! I truly didn’t charm your dragon, Caraxes is forbidden to harm me because Balerion, his deceased leader, instructed him to never harm a speaker.”

Daemon felt the impact of a large boulder on his head. Not only did she know his dragon name, but now she also knew about Balerion! The smallfolk reported that the witch only occasionally came and healed the sick, then vanished without ever saying anything like a ghost.

"Are you truly capable of communicating with the dragon?"

"Yes, I am.”

“Unburnt and also a speaker…” Daemon's violet eyes glinted with newfound interest. “Are you from Valyria?”

"I'm not; I came from a place named Britain.”


The witch narrowed her eyes, "You didn't know who Merlin is... The king in this kingdom is not named Arthur..." No magical community... No creature except Dragons..." she winced, "This is not Camelot, isn’t it?”

“Camelot? No, this is Westeros, my brother’s kingdom.”

“Bloody Potter Luck!” The witch wailed loudly.

"You're seriously talking a lot of nonsense.” Daemon huffed, “Who is Merlin, who is Potter?”

“Err… Merlin is the greatest wizard that ever lived.” The witch scratches her temple and says, “And Potter is my name, Harriet Lily Potter.”

Daemon raised his eyebrow. “What a peculiar name...”

“What's yours?” The Witch Demand.

“Prince Daemon Targaryen, son of Prince Baelon Targaryen the brave, brother of King Viserys Targaryen.”

The witch had the audacity to snort, “How could you say that my name was peculiar when you have such a ridiculous name?!”

“I can have your tongue for slandering the royal name!” Daemon glared at the witch.

The witch, Harriet, lifts both hands in a sign of surrender and says, “Forgive me, your Highness.” She said it almost mockingly.

Daemon rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, you want to know what Caraxes called you?” Harriet's eyes glinted mischievously.

Daemon's brow furrowed, what Caraxes called him? Of course, his son will refer to him as his master.

“He called you his Pretty Pet.” Harriet even needs to bite her own lips to stifle her laughter.

Daemon took a sharp breath, he glared at both Caraxes and Harriet the witch.

"Oh, don’t be sour about it, Daemon Targaryen.”

Daemon glared at the witch.

Harriet pursed her lips and mumbled, “—my prince,” before continuing, “Dragons were never meant to be a pet or even a slave, they're proud magical creatures,”

“Magical Creatures?”

“Yes, in my…previous life?” Harriet sounds unsure, “There's a lot of other magical creatures besides dragons, such as a horse with a horn, a horse with a wing, a goat with a lionhead and snaketail, and oh, there's also one horse called Thestral, you could only see them if you have witnessed death,”


“I know right!” Harriet grinned widely, “And I don't know if this will ease your heart or not, but Caraxes named me his Pretty Eyes Speaker, I think that is how they named humans in general. Most dragons and snakes I've ever seen before called me Speaker.”

Daemon blinked; well, Harriet does indeed have pretty eyes.

“How exactly are you able to speak with Caraxes?”

"Is the hissing sound similar to a snake's hiss?" It's called Parseltongue,”

"Did all the witches have the ability?"

“No, you need to be born with it, like a family trait.”

“So I assume you were born in a family of speakers?”

Harriet shook her head; she smiled wryly before showing Daemon the lightning bolt scar on her forehead. "Long story short, there's a Dark Lord who tried to kill me but failed, leaving me with this scar and the ability."


“Lady Harriet Lily Potter from House of Grif-in-door?” The king inquired in confusion.

“House of Gryffindor, your Grace, one of four great houses in the kingdom of Hogwarts.” Harriet can’t believe she actually described it like that. Well, she needs to adapt to survive this unknown realm, isn't she?

“I never heard of that kingdom before; where is Hog-wash located?” Ask an old man dressed in dark green robes with a shiny pin in the shape of a hand on his chest.

Harriet needs to remind herself not to laugh. Daemon warns her to behave and mind her words; otherwise, she could lose her head. “Hogwarts is located on the northern part of Britain's island, a Far far away land beyond the veil... My lord?” The old men look posh enough to be a lord, hope she was right and not offended him.

“So you’re a northerner?!” Accused the old man with a triumphant glint in his eyes.

Heartiet could hear the court member, the c*nts Damon called them, begin to whisper something about Wildings and something about barbarians.

"She is not like someone who appears to have come from the north." The king spoke. “My brother said you are unburned and also could speak with the dragon, are you truly sure that you are not from Valyria?”

"Yes, I'm sure of your grace."

While waiting for the king to finish his talk with Daemon and the old man in green, Harriet practically bounced on her toes.

People kept glancing curiously and pointing their fingers at her, Harriet ignored all of it, it was not her first rodeo, and after all the years living as a girl-who-lived clearly did not end in vain.

“Do you have any intention to teach your magic to the people?” After some time, the king inquired.

“I don’t think it's possible, your grace, One needs to be born with magic in order to learn it,” not like she had the knowledge or resources to create a wand for able to teach people some magic properly.

The king nodded his head. “Do you have the intention to convert my people to accept your faith and make them leave the seven?”

Did the king imply that she intended to convert the people of Westeros to believe in Merlin and Jesus Christ? Harriet almost snickered, "No, Your Grace, I wouldn't. In my country, it's illegal to persuade people to leave their faith."

“Good! Very good!” The king mused,

Harriet glanced at Daemon, and the prince gave her a satisfied nod, while the old man in green regarded her with distrust. She huffed.

“What that old man problem really?” Harriet questions Daemon.


“The one dressed in dark green with a shiny pin on his chest.”

“Otto? Hand of the king?”

“Hand of the king? Like a prime minister?”

“a what?”

"Who assists the king in governing his kingdom?"

“Ah.” Daemon nodded. “Yes, the Hand of the King's job is to help the King rule its kingdom... So what about him?”

“I don’t know why he acted all hostile from the start, like he wanted to burn me at the stake so badly, what did I even possibly do to him? Did I accidentally piss on his ancestor's graves or something?” Harriet huffed.

Daemon let out a delightful laugh, “Never mind about that c*nt, it's how he acts to everyone.”

“Except to your brother.” Harriet gives him a knowing smile.

Daemon smirked at her and said, “Except for my brother.”

Harriet hummed, “So I'm officially an esteemed guest of the kingdom?”


"Fancy titles of a hostage aren't they?"

Daemon stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, come on, Daemon, you think I'm that gullible? I am aware that the king needs to keep me under his watch so I won’t cause trouble in his kingdom.”

“Are you going to run away?”

"Depend, if you give me a reason to run away, I would. If not, I stay," she says. She shrugs.

“And what do I need to do to make you stay?”

"Decent lodging and food are provided three times a day... away from Otto?”

Daemon snorted, “I shall see it done.”

“Good, I’ll stay then.” She smiled.

Chapter 4: Dragons

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Daemon impatiently tapped his forefinger on the table. He glanced at the window behind Viserys, only to realize how high the sun was already in the sky, Harriet must’ve already waited for hours now!

Daemon huffed in annoyance. He should be outside with Harriet, soaring in the sky looking for Vhagar’s current nest, not trapped inside small council members surrounded by oldmen who are busy pretending to care about the smallfolk's well-being when they never once walk among those people.

“Lastly, any new things regarding Lady Harriet Potter?” Viserys asked.

Daemon was about to ask what Viserys meant by a new thing about Harriet when Ser Ryam spoke, “Lady Potter never once approached or came near the Queen and Princess, your grace. If not with Prince Daemon, Lady spent most of her day in her chamber; she sometimes went to the library to borrow a book or two,” Ser Ryam answered.

"The majority of the books that Lady Potter borrowed are about the history of Westeros, and there are some old books with Valyrian text, Your Grace." Grand Maester added.

“Lady Potter never asked for anything Your Grace, not even a fabric to make her dress, all the allowance Crown bestowed on her goes straight to the orphanage and soup kitchen, anonymously.” Lord Beesbury spoke.

Daemon’s temple twitched in rage; he clenched his fist to keep his anger at the bay.

How dare His brother tell his councilmen to spy on HIS Harriet after he said he could only trust HIM to keep an eye on her?

“Really? What a peculiar lady." Visery hums happily. “Daemon? "Do you want anything added?"

Add anything? He dared to ask him that. “No, your grace.” He answered between his gritted teeth.

After receiving Daemon's harsh response, Viserys blinks at him in surprise.

“Since there's nothing to discuss anymore, I shall excuse myself.” Daemon rose from his seat, tossed his marble ball to the velvet centerpiece, and then walked out of the room without looking back.

Walking from the small council chamber to Harriet's apartment near the armory didn’t snuff Daemon's anger even the slightest.

The only thing that completely dissipated his anger was when he found Harriet sleeping soundly on her bed. The young woman didn’t even stir when Daemon sat on her bedside and began caressing her messy raven hair.

Harriet was sleeping on her side, hugging a bundle that was emitting heat protectively. On her bedside, there was an open journal that caught Daemon’s eyes.

Hagrid: Feed a bucket of brandy and chicken blood to a newborn dragon once every half hour.

Who’s Hagrid? Daemon continued to read.

Charlie: Maintain egg temperature, never leave it on an open fire, too much heat will cook the egg and kill the hatchling, and not enough heat will turn the egg into stone. The recommended temperature is 1,300 to 2,200 °F.

We use dead rats as rewards for good behavior.

Scale Rot Treatment: rub the affected area with a solution of sea salt, tar, and white spirits.

Recognizing dragon eggs...

How to clip a dragon's talons...

Daemon blinked in amazement. How could his witch possess more knowledge than seasoned Dragon Keepers?

“…Daemon?” Harriet rubs her sleepy eyes.

“Hey…” Daemon answered,

Harriet brings Daemon’s hand to her cheek and giggles, “Did you know that your hand is almost as warm as Caraxes’ scale?”

The corner of Daemon’s mouth twitches into a small smile, “Truly?”

“Mmhm.” Harriet happily rubbed her cheek on his hand, like a little kitten.

Daemon slowly rubs his thumb over Harriet's jawline and says, “We should leave now if we want to find Vhagar.”

“Can we go tomorrow?” Harriet yawned.

“What makes you stay up late?”

Harriet squirmed, “I spent the whole night turning wine into Brandy and butchering dozens of chickens while keeping these two at the right temperature.” She patted the bundle that she was hugging all this time.

Daemon halted, Brandy, chicken, keeping the right temperature? He felt a lump forming inside his throat, “Harriet…”

Harriet opened her eyes lazily. "Yes, Daemon?”

“Are you trying to hatch a dragon?" He asked carefully.

Harriet nodded, “Dreamfyre asked me to—” She yawned again. “I was in the middle of asking Caraxes story about Valyria that he heard from Balerion when Dreamfyre came to us, she asked whether I had the ability to hatch dragon’s eggs or not. I honestly responded, "Theoretically, I could, as Hagrid and Charlie had taught me everything they knew, but I never had the opportunity to practice because it's illegal to possess a dragon's egg in my world, you know." She blabbed before yawning once more, then rubbed her bleary eyes.

Daemon fights the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, “And it's not occurred to you, maybe it's also illegal to possess one here?”

Harriet's eyes snapped open and went wide, she slowly covered her mouth and shook her head.

“You and your impulse!" Demon groaned.

“I'm sorry!” Harriet cried. "Dreamfyre stated that since her pet's death, there have been no new hatchlings for years; she felt lonely, especially after Balerion's death, and Syrax always flew with her pet."

Daemon exhaled deeply, “It's fine... There’s still time for us to return the egg to the vault... I’ll tell the Keeper that we happened to stumble upon these eggs—”

A loud crack was heard.

Harriet gasped.

Daemon stun.

More cracking sound was heard, Harriet quickly unwrapped the bundle, and they watched two small dragons slowly emerge from their eggs, one had gleaming golden scales like beaten gold with pink wing membrane, and the other one had silver scales and bright golden eyes.

"Awww, look at them!” Harriet squealed in delight, forgetting all her previous distress, she quickly summoned two buckets of brandy and chicken blood mixture and fed the hatchlings.

Once the hatchlings finished drinking all the bucket's contents in relish, they began to hiss at Harriet. Harriet hissed back then laughed, and she hissed again, “They ask if I'm their mom! I told them I wasn't, and then they asked if you were their mom!" She laughed beautifully. “We need to bring them to Dreamfyre as soon as they can stand on their own two feet.”

Daemon stares at the two sleeping dragon hatchlings on his lap; he is overjoyed to see the new hatchlings, of course. The birth of a new dragon always meant a good omen and prosperity for Targaryen; however, what would this mean for Harriet? She basically committed a serious crime against the crown; she stole a dragon egg and hatched it without the king's permission. No doubt Otto would use this opportunity to get rid of Harriet from court.

Daemon must do something! Fast! He cannot lose His Harriet.

“I can’t believe my own eyes! You really hatched these two by yourself?!” Viserys carefully cradled the golden hatchling.

“Yes, Your Grace, and I'm truly sorry for not seeking your permission first…” Harriet lowered her head in shame.

“You’re forgiven—”

Harriet's face lit up.

“—This one time,” Viserys said in mocking sternness.

Harriet pursued her lower lips and said, "Of course, your grace. I'm grateful for your generosity, your grace."

Viserys chuckled.

Harriet glanced at Daemon, and he gave her an affirmation nod, She quickly excused herself to teach the Dragon Keeper how to make her concoction of Brandy and Chicken Blood.

Daemon decided to come right to Viserys, he carefully explained the situation to his brother, and as he predicted, Viserys was more elated upon learning that there was a new dragon hatched during his reign than inclined to punish Harriet for her insolence.

“No one shall know that Harriet was the one who hatched these dragons,” Daemon told Viserys. Before his brother was able to respond to his statement, Daemon continued, “To keep her involvement secret is crucial, brother." If the maester got hold of the information that you allowed a foreigner, like Harriet, to hatch a dragon egg, they would immediately demand the right to examine our dragons, or even worse, they would ask permission to borrow our precious eggs. Under any circ*mstances, we shall not let that happen.”

Viserys' expression turned serious when he realized how dire the situation was, “I understand.” He said.

Daemon felt a huge relief wash over him. “Have you chosen a name for the hatchlings?”

“I was thinking of naming the golden one Sunfyre and the silver one Meraxes,”

Daemon nodded in agreement, “Fitting a name for both, especially the silver one, it’s truly like the description of Queen Rhaenys’ dragon, silver with bright golden eyes.”

Viserys and Daemon hand over Sunfyre and Meraxes to the Dragon Keeper to be transported secretly to the Dragon Pit. Tomorrow at the Small Council meeting, the same Dragon Keeper would request an audience to announce the birth of the new dragons, and Viserys would have his banquet.

In Valyrian, Viserys told the Dragonkeeper, "I entrusted Sunfyre and Meraxes to you."

I will not fail you, your grace.” Before taking his leave with the two hatchlings, the dragonkeeper answered.

“Sunfyre and Meraxes?” Harriet asked.

“Mmhm, Viserys had decided on the name,” Daemon responds.

“Do I need to inform the dragonkeeper that Sunfyre is a male and Meraxes is a female on my next visit?” Harriet asks.

“How could you tell the gender of the dragon?" Viserys asked curiously.

“My friend Charlie taught me and Hagrid to ensure we wouldn’t make another blunder when naming a dragon.” Harriet smiled somewhat sadly, “Hagrid once illegally hatched a dragon and named it Norbert, he thought the dragon was a male, but later Charlie informed us that Norbert was a female, and he had to change her name to Norberta.”

“You named a dragon, Norbert?!” Daemon scrunched his nose in disgust.

“Hagrid does, not me, and just for your information, Norbert means Northern Brightness, a strong name for a dragon.”

“No, it's horrible! You cannot use a mundane name for such a precious creature! That's it, you are forever forbidden to name anything.”

“Hey!” Harriet protested.

Daemon flicked Harriet's nose, making her sneer at him.

“Come now, our search for Vhagar was far long overdue.” Daemon offered his hand, which Harriet received immediately.

“Searching Vhagar? What for?” Viserys asked curiously.

“Harriet wants to ask Vhagar about the story Balerion often told to our dragons,” Daemon explains.

“Balerion telling our dragons stories?”

Indeed, Your Grace, Balerion not only narrates stories but also appears to instruct other dragons like Vhagar, Meraxes, Dreamfyre, Vermithor, and Silverwing in the art of speaking in serpent tongue. However, the younger ones, like Meleys and Syrax, only learn by listening to stories, and their language skills are far below the others.”

“How about Caraxes?”

“Caraxes is different; the serpent tongue is his main language, probably caused by his wolfhead structure and deviated septum,” Harriet explains.

“How fascinating, No wonder Daemon spent hours discussing with you! Could you teach the other dragons the serpent tongue?”

"If the dragon was willing to learn, your grace,"

Viserys looks surprised.

“Serpent tongue is like a second language to them, Brother, and apparently Syrax refused to learn when Harriet and Caraxes offered to teach her.”


“Dragons are not slaves, Your Grace.” Harriet said, making Viserys stiffen for some reason, "They don't mean to be chained, but I understand you only did what you did for the safety of your people." Harriet smiled wryly.

"Harriet and I planned to make a dragon sanctuary far from the small folks settlement," Daemon said nonchalantly, earning a kick to the side of his boots.

“Only if I could replicate the Wards that Romanian’s dragon reserve uses!” Harriet glared at him. “I told you Wards need Ancient Runes and Arithmetic, and I was bonkers at Arithmetic.” Harriet huffed.

“You could do it, I believe in you.” Daemon smiled, once he was done teasing Harriet, he finally realized the weird stare that his brother gave him, “What?” He asked.

Viserys shook his head, “Nothing.” He answers vaguely.


“Blasted Merlin’s pants! I have never seen a dragon that big before!” Harriet gasped in awe when she first saw Vhagar. “I thought she was a small mountain at first!”

Daemon chuckled, “Vhagar is the queen of dragons; she is currently our largest dragon after Balerion is deceased.”

“Balerion was bigger than Vhagar?!”

“I can show you his skull if you want.”

“You asking me!? Of course, I want to see!”

Daemon chuckled, “Once we return to Red Keep, I'll show you.”

Harriet exclaimed, "Deal!" before hurriedly approaching the sleeping Vhagar.

Greetings, Vhagar, queen of all dragons." Harriet hissed.

Vhagar's eyes immediately snapped open, her golden serpent irises focused upon Harriet. “A speaker…”she rumbled.

“Pleasure to see you, O’ mighty queen; my name is Harriet Potter.”

“A pet that could talk to us… I should've known… should know that Balerion wouldn’t lie… not to me… Hopelessly fool he may but never a liar…never a liar…” The she-dragon practically ignored Harriet completely.

“May I ask something, O' queen of all dragons?”

“You may not.”She answered immediately.

Harriet blinked, did Vhagar just refuse her? For real?“…May I ask why?”

“Because I said so.”The queen of Dragon closed her eyes and went into slumber once more.

Harriet can’t decide if she wants to laugh or cry at this moment. Vhagar was her only hope to learn about Valyria's speakers.

“Something wrong?” Daemon asked.

“…She refused to talk to me.”

Daemon's eyebrows raised high, almost touching his hairline, “…why?”

“Because she didn’t want to.”

“That's it?”

“That's it,” Harriet exhaled deeply, “I'm sorry for wasting your time, I didn’t want to push the ancient dragon further and draw her ire since I didn’t know if my flame-freezing spell was strong enough against her hundred-year flame.”

“Flame-freezing spell?”

“Yes, the one that makes Caraxes’ fire unable to harm me.”

“Ah, that's how you are able to remain unburnt.”

“Yes, and I still would kill you if you tried that stunt again.”

Daemon barked a laugh, “Truly?”

“Magic does not always work like you intended to, Daemon. freezing a small fire like a candle or a small bonfire maybe would always work perfectly, however, to freeze fire with magical properties like Fiendfire and Dragon’s fire, the result may vary.”

Daemon looked quite surprised, “…I see, it quite surprises me to know that even magic has its own limit.”

“Everything has its own limit, Only death that is absolute.”

“Only death that is absolute.” Daemon hummed in agreement.

“….And tax,” Harrie adds.


“Tax to the crown is absolute too, isn't it?.” Harriet grinned.

Daemon barked a laugh. “You’re the most interesting person I ever encountered, lady Harriet,”

“I'm flattered, my prince.” Harriet made a mock bow for him.

“Cheeky woman,” Daemon said as he offered his arm, which Harriet happily accepted.

Once they return to the red, Daemon leads Harriet straight to Balerion's shrine.

“Merlin’s saggy tit*! Look at the size of this skull!” Harriet exclaimed, “I can practically walk through its eye socket! And that fangs! Holy sh*te! It's even bigger than a basilisk head!”

"I still can't understand how you can claim to idolize this Merlin person like your gods, yet you keep disparaging him, talking about his beard, his saggy tit*, and his pants."

Harriet immediately went flustered like a boiled crab, “Oh that… it's just how people talk…I never really think about it...”

Daemon shook his head in amusem*nt, “I think that benefits from having Mortal as your god, huh?”

Harriet’s vibrant green eyes lit up, “probably! I mean Merlin was never portrayed as a jealous and unforgiving God that would punish his worshipper for a little mistake, I think Merlin is the most chill wizard ever, I mean he helps Arthur and everything else.”

Daemon nodded in understanding.

“Anyway, What did you do to the rest of Balerion's body?”


“The rest of the body, skin, the bone, the entrails, heart string, blood?”

“We preserve the skin and bones but everything else we burn on a funeral pyre.”

“Such a waste!” Harriet gasped, “There are twelve uses of dragon blood you know! You can even clean the oven with it!”

“Cleaning what?!” Daemon gasped in aghast.

“And the heartstring, it's the main ingredient for crafting a wand!” Harriet completely ignored Daemon’s aghast. “Well it's not like I could make one but, such a wasteful of Dragon’s remains.”

“Harriet, do repeat what you just said.”

“Cleaning the oven with Dragon blood?”

“No, not that, and do refrain from mentioning that blasphemous idea out loud ever again, the thing about Heartstring.”

“Oh, Dragon Heart Sting is one of many Cores…uhhhh…main ingredients? "To create a wand, a magical wand, like mine." Harriet shows Daemon the stick she always carried around.

“People with magic need a wand in order to channel their magic properly, merlin knows how much door break due to my clumsy wandless magic,” she chuckled, “and as I also already mentioned, I don’t have the slightest idea how to make it,”

“Why not?”

“There's a special crafter who makes it, called a wand maker. Even in my previous world, there's only a handful of them.”

“I see…” Daemon humm, “What a precious art, just like Valyrian Steel’s smith.”

"Exactly!" Harriet nodded.

Chapter 5: Upside Down


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Harriet didn’t know how to describe how chaotic her peaceful life turned for worse in the past month,

A storm?

A tornado?

A tsunami? …Ah Yes Tsunami. Would be a fitting parable.

Imagine you were at the beach minding your own business and suddenly out of nowhere a massive tidal wave came crashing down on you, turning your entire world upside down.

It starts with Daemon's defeat on the tourney.

Well, the defeat was mostly caused by Daemon's own arrogance that knows no bounds but still, Harriet was certain the defeat was a bad omen. She swore she could feel Death's skeletal finger brush her cheek, and its black veil descended upon the red brick fortress.

“I thought you said you failed your fortune-telling class,” Daemon said when Harriet healed his wound with a couple of healing spells.

“It's Divination! And I indeed failed but that is not the point!” Harriet scowls.

Daemon chuckled, “I don’t believe in such things,”

“I don’t either, but!”

“Don’t overthink it,” Daemon ruffled Harriet's hair, “Thank you for healing me, I'll be at the tavern, drinking with my gold cloaks.”

Harriet sighs, Daemon is right, she shouldn’t overthink it…

Later that night Harriet heard that Queen Aemma Targaryen died during her difficult labor.

Not long after the news of Queen's demise, Harriet once again heard that the newborn Crown prince began to have breathing difficulties.

“I could help!” Harriet told Harwin Strong, the guard that appointment by Daemon.

“I had no doubt your magic could save the crown prince from his current illness, my lady, But think in the long term, If something happened to the prince later, no one but you will be held responsible.”

Harwin words were like a hard slap on Harriet's face.

Anapneo spell indeed could cure the difficulty breathing but what if there's another illness? What if there's a complication?

“Please just stay put in your room, my lady,” Harwin pleaded.

Harriet took a couple of steps back from the door, “…I will… I…thank you Ser…”

Harwin nods before closing the door.

Hours after that the newborn baby followed his mother to the afterlife.

Harriet thought everything would slowly return to normal, after the funeral pyre and everything but…

“I don’t even know what the queen looks like!” Harriet cried in frustration when one evening Harwin informed her that Otto happened to accuse her of magic for being the reason for the Queen and the crown prince's demise at the small council.

“That's what my father also said to the other councilmen, my lady.” Harwin tried to calm Harriet down. “You don’t need to worry, almost all council members..." Harwin cringed, "Except The Hand and Grand Maester vouch for your innocence. After all the whole keep know my lady never once meet nor be near the queen.”

“And yet the fact didn’t stop that Git accused me of doing such a vile act!” Harriet covers her face in frustration. She wants to scream, she wants to feed that Horrible dour man to Caraxes so badly!

Harriet never thought she would hate someone as much as she hated Umbridge till Otto Hightower proved she could.

The vile man is Umbridge's incarnation, Harriet sure of it.

“All will be fine, my lady,” Harwin assured her.

No! Nothing will be fine as long as she and Otto still breathe the same air. Harriet needs to leave, “Where’s Daemon?” She asked.

Hearing Daemon's name makes Harwin's demeanor completely change, “…The commander?”

“Yes your commander, Daemon Targaryen, where is he?”

“The commander…he…”

“He what?” Harriet urged impatiently.


Harriet was livid,

When she heard the news from Harwin she truly wanted to yank Daemon's pretty hair and slap his handsome face senseless.

Harriet is well aware that Daemon has the emotional range of a toddler and tends to make a drama of everything but to make toast and call his own deceased nephew an heir for a day?

Seriously Daemon?! What he had been thinking?!

What a stupid prick! Stupid stupid prick who doesn't even know how to grieve properly.

“Are you stupid?” Harriet spat as she entered Daemon’s chamber.

Daemon ignored her, he continued to pack his belongings in silence.

Harriet exhaled deeply, “Just cease your stupid plan and run away with me.”

Daemon halted, he turned around to face Harriet and squinted his eyes suspiciously at her.

“I know your plan to seize Dragonstone with your Gold Cloaks,” Harriet rolled her eyes, “What is your objective really? If you just want to get your brother's attention there are many other things you could do instead angered him evermore."

Daemon’s jaw hardened, “I'm not trying to get my brother's attention!” He hiss angrily.

“Oh really? So you going to seize the Dragonstone for yourself? Declare yourself king over your beloved brother? Could you really dethrone the brother you love so dearly, Daemon?”

With lightning speed, Daemon stood up and wrapped his finger tightly around Harriet's neck, “You dare to mock me?!”

In retaliation, Harriet dug the tip of her wand into Daemon's neck, the gesture enough to make Daemon ease his grip on her neck, “I'm not mocking you, you bloody pillock! I tried to make you see some sense!” Harriet spat.

Daemon sucks in a breath, shock visible on his face for a second before it is smoothed over

“Did you know how greatly it troubles me to see you keep sabotaging yourself and fall right into Otto’s petty schemes?”

Daemon's finger on Harriet's throat twitched, “…Why?”

“Because I care for you! You hot-blooded drama prince!” Harriet yell.

Daemon's eyes widened in shock, he slowly pulled his hand off Harriet’s neck.

“You’re my first friend in this strange realm…” Harriet mirrored the gesture by lowering her wand. “I still have not forgotten that you tried to kill me, TWICE on our first meeting!” Harriet glared at Daemon, making the man wince uncomfortably, “But we’re friends now, isn’t that enough reason?”

Daemon’s Adam apple bobbing, his eyes staring at Harriet with uncertainty, “You can’t leave… it would make you even look guilty.”

“I will leave! with or without you! I don't care even your brother declared me a fugitive!” Harriet said sternly, “I refused to remain in this keep waiting for the day Otto threw me straight to The Black Cell.”

“My brother wouldn’t allow—”

“Your brother wasn't even aware he was under Otto's thumb all this time! I am sorry Daemon but I can’t allow myself to gamble my fate on a blind man.”


“Wouldn’t stop until he had my head served on a platter! I'm the embodiment of all things he hates about women!” Harriet let out a long-suffering sigh, “I am not you Daemon, Otto cannot touch you because you're the prince of this realm but I'm nobody here! Without your protection, Otto would burn me at stakes at the first chance he got!”

Harriet began to tremble,

“People named me their Saviour in my previous world, I saved them TWICE from the most evil Dark Lord! I sacrificed my whole life for them! I died for them!” Harriet let out a bitter laugh, “And all of that didn’t stop them from framing me and falsely accusing me of doing something so vile!”

Harriet felt her heart beating on the base of her throat,

“They arrested and Imprisoned me like an animal! And then they— they—!”

Harriet felt lightheaded and found it difficult to breathe, her whole body practically shaken when she revived the memory of her execution day…

Daemon cupped both Harriet's cheeks, “Ssshhh…breathe, Harriet…” he whispered.

Harriet took a shaky breath.

“…slowly…yes… just like that…”

Daemon rested his forehead against her.

Harriet's breathing slowly returned to normal.

“Have you packed all your stuff?” Daemon asks after some time.

“…I never unpacked…” Harriet confessed, that she never truly settled in the keep, she knew she would need to be ready to flee anytime.

Daemon huffed a laugh, “Harwin, are you there?” Daemon called.

Harwin cautiously entered Daemon’s chambers, “Yes Commander?”

Daemon took off his gold cloaks and tossed the big shiny brooch to Harwin’s palm, “Go to Gold Cloak’s barracks and inform Luthor to cease all the plans, and tell him that I appointed you as Commander for the time being.”

Harwin's jaw dropped, and his eyes darted back and forth between Daemon and the big brooch in his hand. “You…leaving, commander?”

“I am, I'm going to venture Essos with Harriet.”

Harriet squeezed Daemon's hand.

“Ah and If the Small Council happened to call you for questioning, just tell my brother that If I truly want his crown, why haven't I sat on the Iron Throne yet?”

Harwin's eyes widened. “What…what about Lady Harriet? She will look guilty if she leaves now…”

“She cried her eyes out when she saw a rabbit being gutted!” Daemon groaned.

Harriet kicked Daemon’s boots, “I can butcher chicken just fine!”

“Yes, yes, The only livestock that you could eat as a whole.” Daemon rolled his eyes. “My point is, there's no way our Lady Harriet here able to kill a newborn babe.”

Harriet pouted, she kicked Daemon's boots again before shrunken all his trunks and shoved them into her pocket.

“…How could we contact you, my prince?” Harwin asked.

“You can’t, and I don’t wish to be contacted,” Daemon said before taking Harriet's hand and leaving everything behind without looking back.

Kings Landing - Small Council Chamber

“Anything else we need to Discuss?” Viserys asked.

The whole chamber went silent and the councilman started awkwardly staring at each other, neither of them seemed brave enough to break the news to their king.

“What is it?” Viserys demands.

Otto cleared his throat, “There's a rumor from across the sea, Your Grace…” he began.

“What about?”

“About a Pale-haired Dragon Lord who rides a ferocious slender Red dragon and his Powerful Witch wife…”

Viserys gasped.

“We heard the Dragon Lord and his witch wife helped Prince of YiTi to Dethrone his Uncle, the God-Emperor.” Inform Maester Mellos.

“There's also a rumor that the said Dragon lord let his beast loose and burned half of Dothraki Sea,” Otto adds.

The corner of Viserys' eyes began to twitch uncontrollably.

“I heard one of the King of Qarth tried to force himself upon the Dragon Lord’s witch wife and the said witch retaliated by blowing the said king along with his castle,” Lyonel reported.

Helping a coup, burning half the territory of Essos' most savage tribe, and blowing up the King’s castle?

Viserys pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes, how merely two people could create such great destruction?!

“…any compensation demands yet?” Viserys is unable to hide worry from his tone.

“No, Your Grace, there's no compensation demands nor letter of complaint,” Otto answered.

For the first time since hearing the news, Viserys felt he could breathe.

“We need to demand Prince Daemon and Lady…Potter returned to Westeros before they inflicted more destruction, Your Grace.” Otto said.

“But how to, Lord Hand? You know The Prince himself refused to be contacted, we even had to send letters to many cities in Essos but not even once Prince Daemon sent a reply.” Lyonel reminds them.

Viserys could only watch in silence as his councilmen debated the best ways to get hold of his brother.

His brother who he banished.

His brother who wed without his permission.

His brother who unleashed chaos in Essos.

His brother who he deeply misses…


Next Chapter Sneak Peak:
YiTi - Capital Yin - Jade Palace.

“Your wife?!” Harriet roared in common tongue once the servants left their room, “We’re not even married Daemon!”
“Lowered your voice, Harry!” Daemon hissed. “I don’t know how things run where you came from but here, it's uncommon for a man and unmarried woman to travel together, especially without an entourage, it will be safe for you and your reputation if people think you’re my wife.”
“Middle Ages and all its orthodoxy!!” Harriet groaned. She swished her wand around the room to cast a protection and privacy charm, “I still can believe you nonchalantly introduced me as your wife.”
“Stop whining, what's so bad about becoming my wife anyway? Honestly, You should be honored to have a handsome Dragon Lord for a husband, you know.”
Harriet sneered at him and then draped her invisible robe over her shoulders.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Daemon hissed lowly.
“Gathering information,” Harriet pulled the cloak over her head then slipped away from the room.

Chapter 6: YiTi


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

YiTi - Capital Yin - Jade Palace.


“Your wife?!” Harriet roared in common tongue once the servants left their room, “We’re not even married Daemon!”

“Lowered your voice, Harry!” Daemon hissed. “I don’t know how things run where you came from but here, it's uncommon for a man and unmarried woman to travel together, especially without an entourage, it will be safe for you and your reputation if people think you’re my wife.”

“Middle Ages and all its orthodoxy!!” Harriet groaned, and swished her wand angrily around the room to cast a protection and privacy charm, “I still can't believe you so nonchalantly introduced me as your wife to the God-Emperor, You can introduce me as your sister, your cousin, or whatever.”

“Stop whining, first we are nothing alike, and second what's so bad about becoming my wife anyway? Honestly, You should rather be honored to have a handsome Dragon Lord for a husband, you know.”

Harriet sneered at him and then draped her invisible robe over her shoulders.

“Where do you think you’re going at this hour?” Daemon hissed lowly.

“Gathering information,” Harriet pulled the cloak over her head then slipped away from the room.

Daemon sighs, Harriet and her ‘Constant Vigilance’ certainly getting worse after their short trip to Asshai.

Well, Daemon can’t blame Harriet though. He himself still occasionally gets goosebumps whenever he revives the memories of their short trip there. He swore he would never step foot in that sinister city ever again. Once in a lifetime is enough, he wouldn’t do it again even if someone bribed him with a ship full of gold.

Daemon rolled to lay on his side when he heard the door of their chamber creak open, “How’s your little investigation going?” He teasingly asked.

“Don’t unpack,” Harriet answered while storing her precious invisibility cloak safely in her bag.

“That bad?” He asks while patting the empty space on the bed beside him.

Harriet sat at the edge of the bed and began to undo her braid, “on the scale of one to Asshai I would say it's three.”

Daemon barks a laugh, Harriet always has a peculiar way of describing things, “only three but you suggest not to unpack?”

“I need to gather more info, all I learned tonight is that The God-Emperor is not what he claimed to be,”


Harriet nodded, “Remember the sickly prince?”

“The frail one with a walking stick?”

“Yes, the emperor introduced him as one of his sons, didn’t he?” Daemon nodded, “Turns out he was not, the sickly prince is Emperor’s nephew, the firstborn son of the late God-Emperor who died of poisoning.”

“Oho~” Daemon chimed, what a juicy finding.

“The emperor apparently not only usurped the throne, he also held the prince hostage to keep the previous Emperor Loyalist in check.” Harriet yawns, “The current God-Emperor is much much worse than your Grand-uncle Maegor. He is a tyrant, cruel, corrupt, and worst of all he is a nasty pervert! I overheard that He likes to kidnap virgin maidens to…ugh…fill his depraved fetishes… please remind me to curse him before we leave YiTi.”

“Curse him with what? Your tripping jinx or the stinging one?” Daemon teases.

Harriet rolled her eyes at him, “I’ll use the eunuch curse, a very dark curse. It would make the Emperor’s dick will remain useless and limpy until his death. A fitting punishment for a pervert.” She explains in detail.

Daemon let out a long painful hiss upon hearing the explicit description of the curse, he truly regrets ever asking the question. “Remind me to never be on your bad side.” He grimaced, cupping his groin which throbbed uncomfortably inside his pants.

Harriet giggled in delight as she cupped Daemon’s cheek and gave a light peck on the other, “Good night, Daemon.” She said, smiling so sweetly.

“Good night, Harry,” Daemon replied, holding the urge to claim sweet lips of her.

“Here in YiTi, Dragons are representative of benevolence and power, it's described in the old text the dragons were supposed to have control over watery phenomena, like summoning rain during a drought and many more else.” The God-Emperor explains,

Daemon nodded solemnly, he paid no attention to Emperor rambling, he was just amazed by how Harriet’s magic was able to make him understand and speak the language that he never learned before.

“When I first saw your Caraxes, I thought it was a sign from heaven that my reign would be a long and prosperous one!” The emperor laughed loudly, all pleased with himself, “And to add my joy it's not just any Dragon that descended upon my land, it was a Red Dragon, the bringer of Happiness and good luck!” his greedy eyes gleaming under the run as it focused on Caraxes.

“I had no doubt that your reign would be a long and prosperous one, Your Highness,” Daemon answered politely.

Harriet rolled her eyes.

Daemon glared at Harriet and reminded her to keep her mouth shut.

Behind the Emperor's back, Harriet makes a gesture of locking her mouth then puts the imaginary key on Daemon’s hand.

“Cheeky woman,” Daemon muttered between his smiles.

Harriet sticks her tongue out at him and then runs to hug Caraxes.

“Your wife also shares the same bond you have with your dragon?” The Emperor asks when he sees Harriet hug then caress Caraxes’ long neck without care in the world.

“Not quite… their bond is different than mine,” Daemon answered, “Sometimes I felt Caraxes preferred my wife over me, his lord.”

The emperor chuckled, “I really can’t blame him, no healthy male would refuse the company of such a talented and beautiful woman like your wife.”

The corner of Daemon's eyes twitched when He saw the Emperor begin to leer at Harriet’s body from top to bottom, that pervert even had the gall to shamelessly stare at Harriet’s bosom so openly, “…Shame she was already claimed…” The man muttered before patting Daemon's back and laughing loudly, “You such a lucky man, Dragon Lord!”

Holding the urge to choke the life out of the Emperor, Daemon responded with a strained smile, “I am well aware, Your Highness.”

“Please forgive my lord father’s callousness, Dragon Lord,” said the Sickly Frail Prince once The Emperor was out of hearing range.

Daemon blinked in surprise at the prince, it's the very first time he ever heard the boy speak, By old Gods and New, Daemon thought the boy was mute all this time!

“My lord?”

Daemon smoothened his expression, “Ah yes, You don’t need to worry about it, Prince Jar Yi.”

The boy’s pale blue lips curved upwards, forming a small kind smile, “May I ask something, My lord?”

“Do ask, my prince.”

The Frail Prince stopped on his track to admire Caraxes from safe distance, “What is it like to ride a Dragon, my Lord?”

“Well…” Daemon looks at Caraxes, recalling the memories of the day he claimed the Crimson Dragon, “I would say it’s felt Liberating,” Daemon smiled.

“Ah, it must have felt wonderful.” The boy mused solemnly.

Daemon feels a sudden urge to take the young prince for a ride around the Capital of Yi like how Queen Visenya once took Ronnel Arryn.

However, unlike Ronnel Arryn who took to the sky as king and landed as a lordling. The Frail Prince would likely become the new God-Emperor upon landing from the back of Daemon’s crimson Red Dragon.

Daemon was certain that If the people of YiTi knew their prince, their rightful ruler who was usurped by his evil uncle was able to ride a red dragon, they would see it as a mandate from heaven and start rallying behind the prince to dethrone the current God-Emperor.

No matter how much he wants to kill that Perverted Emperor he cannot risk getting involved in the rebellion, not just because it's not safe for him and Harriet, but also because his involvement may or may not impact with volatile peace between Westeros and Essos. The stakes are simply too high, even for a Rogue Prince.

“Daemon!” Harriet calls for him, “A little help.”

“Coming, dearest.” Daemon answers before excusing himself from Prince Jar Yi’s entourage.

Upon reaching the uphill Daemon could hear Harriet yell in frustration in Common Tongue, “You're going to roast it anyway!”

Caraxes who somehow seemed to understand what Harriet just said expressed his clear defiance by puffing smoke directly at Harriet's face.

“RUDE!” She smacks Caraxes’ snout in retaliation.

“Now, now, what happened here?” Daemon stood between Caraxes and Harriet.

“Your big lanky baby refused to eat dead gutted sheep.” Harriet scowls at Caraxes,

“Isn’t he now?” Daemon chuckled in amusem*nt, as he helped Harriet clean her face from soot and ashes, “May I ask why you cannot give him a live sheep?”

“Because I need to restock this,” Harriet shows Daemon a strange-looking stone that she stored inside a small glass jar. “This is called Bezoar, it can be found inside sheep stomachs.” She put the small jar on Daemon’s open palm, “This could neutralize most poisons, Keep this close,”

Daemon nodded, he pocketed the item and then urged Caraxes to stop sulking and eat the dead sheep.

With great annoyance, Caraxes finally yielded and ate what he called long-dead-tasteless-sheeps.

“What now?” Daemon asks when Harriet starts grabbing her Invisible Cloaks right after they return to their chamber.

“I'm going to spy on Prince Jar Yi,” Harriet answers.

“Spy on The Frail Prince? What for? We are going to leave for Qarth in one week, Harry.”

“Something has been bugging me, Daemon, doesn't the prince strike you as odd? I am certain he is keeping a big secret,”

“Everyone had their secret, Harry,” Daemon reminded her.

“You don’t understand, Daemon.” Harriet bounced on her toes impatiently, “He’s so frail and looks could collapse anytime yet he didn’t break a sweat when he hiked the hill with us to see Caraxes up close,”

Daemon blinked at Harriet, “…Oh!”

“See! And remember when we walked downhill on our way back?”

“Yes, you were tripped and the prince caught you before you fell face first.”

Harriet nodded, “I swear his arm had muscles! Just Like yours!”

Daemon scrunched his nose, there's no way a frail man like Prince Jar Yi could have the muscle mass of a swordsman like him, “He is not like someone who could wield a sword, Harry.”

“I know! But if he was truly frail he wouldn't be able to catch me, Daemon! My weight would bring him down with me.”

A frown marred Daemon's forehead, “Okay, fine, but promise me to be careful,”

“I will.” Harriet pecks Daemon’s cheek before pulling her cloak over her head and slipping away into the night.

Hours later Harriet came back in frantic, “Daemon!” She looks terrified.

“What happened?” Daemon asked, holding Harriet’s elbows.

“We need to leave, now!”


“Now Daemon! We don’t have much time left!” Harriet swished her wand to pack all of their belongings into her trunk.

Daemon didn’t ask further, he strapped his Black Sister and his short sword onto his hips before putting on his black robe.

“You got everything?” Harriet asked.

Daemon grabbed his personal bag and nodded.

Harriet grabs his hand and they run all the way to the Palace’s Northern gate. When they arrived at the gate, two guards had already begun to push the gate close, without missing a beat Harriet stunned one guard and made the other one trip, “Tell your prince My Husband and I wouldn’t take any part in his plan!” Harriet spat at the guard.

Daemon's eyes widened, from the palace direction he began to hear faint sounds of metal clashing, yelling, and screaming. “f*ck! It's already started!” Daemon curse.

While running uphill to where Caraxes resided Harriet pressed the tip of her wand into her neck and then let out the loudest hiss Daemon ever heard.

Hearing that Caraxes jerked awake, the crimson dragon quickly stood up and crawled downhill to them.

Once they were up in the Capital's sky people started filling the street, pointing their finger at Caraxes.

Harriet once again pressed her wand against her throat, announcing to all people below that she and Daemon take no part in Prince Jar Yi’s plan.

“That should be enough,” Harriet told Daemon.

Daemon agreed and then directed Caraxes to fly west to Qarth, leaving YiTi behind.

“I ran a diagnostic spell on him and found out he’s perfectly healthy, can you believe that?!” Harriet cried in exasperation,

“So he basically fools everyone while preparing his faction for a Rebellion.” Daemon mused as he kept Caraxes fly on the right track.

“Yes, He is! He fakes his limp and drinks some kind of potion that makes him look sickly pale and turns his lips blue! He really plans everything thoroughly!”

“I must say I'm impressed,” Daemon hummed.

“He had a plan to take us hostage and make us pledge our support to his cause, If we refused he would kill us and try to enslave Caraxes through Asshai’s magic” Harriet shuddered, she leaned back, seeking comfort.

“You did well.” Daemon wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her temple dearly, “I swear to the old God and the New that I wouldn’t mock your constant vigilance ever again.”

Harriet huffed a laugh and then rested her head on the man's shoulder.


Next Chapter: Qarth

Sneak Peak: ~Sometimes in the future~

“Before anything else, let me express my condolences, Daemon.” Said Corlys solemnly.
“Condolences?” Daemon asked in confusion,
“Your wife, she recently passed away, nine days after a horse riding accident,” Corlys answered.
Daemon looked at Harriet then raised his eyebrow at Corlys, “Are you drunk, Corlys? My wife is here, healthy and alive.” He proceeds to side-hug Harriet.
Harriet smacked Daemon’s arm, “Not me you fool, Lord Corlys were talking about Lady of Runestone,”
Daemon suddenly hit with the realization “Oh!” His confused frown instantly turned into a big wolfish grin, “She died? For real?! Ha! After 20 years I finally free from that bitch!! You, Boy! Bring the ale, I need to make a toast!” He shouted at Corlys’ squire.
Harriet smacked Daemon for a second time, she couldn’t comprehend why Daemon loved to make a toast on such an occasion, “Halt boy! No ale would be served!” She yelled at Corlys’ squire, the poor boy startled for a second time that night.
“But why, Harry? We need to make a toast on this joyous occasion.” Daemon whines.
“Joyous occasion my ass! I wouldn’t let our troops lose Arryn’s support only because you need to celebrate your wife's demise!” Harriet glared at Daemon. “This is a War, Daemon, we need all the support we can get.”
Daemon clicked his tongue in displeasure.
“No celebration, Am I clear?” She glared at the man-child with hands akimbo.
“loud and clear, dearest.” He pouted like a perpetual child.
Harriet shook her head in exasperation, then gave Corlys an apologetic look, “I'm truly sorry about everything, my lord.”
Corlys looked completely shocked, yet managed to quickly smoothen his expression, “Worry not, my Lady.” He smiled kindly.
Harriet returned the smile and then asked the seasoned Sailor to explain to them the current situation of the Battle.

Chapter 7: Qarth I

Chapter Text


“Aren’t you a bit far away from home, my friend?” Ask Vyronar Hesten, the Grain King, one of thirteen elders of Qarth, in the wheelhouse on their way to his manor.

“I am.” Daemon chuckled,

“Tell me what brings you far east.” The wealthy merchant urged.

“My wife—” Daemon kissed the back of Harriet's hand. “—had wished to express her wish to see the beauty of Essos, as a dutiful husband I cannot but obey my lady wife's wish.”

Harriet swore her heart skipped for a moment there,

Vyronar Hesten's eyes widened, “Wife? Lady of Rune—”

“Rhea Royce was not the Woman I chose to marry, unlike my lady Harriet here,” Daemon smiled softly at Harriet.

Harriet returned the smile with a strained one.

Daemon Targaryen’s charm is truly not good for One’s faint heart!

“Ah~ Then accept my congratulations on your marriage, My friend, may the union bring you more prosperity.” The merchant quickly grasped the situation.

Daemon placed his palm upon his heart then nodded slightly, “You have my thanks, dear Vyronar.”

When they finally arrive at Vyronar Hesten’s manor Harriet chooses to wander around the manor accompanied by one of Vyronar’s daughters while Daemon continues to talk with the merchant.

“Your eyes are so pretty, my lady, I have never seen such a shade of green before.” Said the young woman.

“Thank you, your eyes are lovely too, like the ocean in the summer,” Harriet replied kindly.

The young woman blushed, she thanked Harriet, then continued to show the rest of the manor to Harriet.

The manor was huge and lavish, and the architecture reminded Harriet of Roman-style villas in Italy that she had sited once. “Your home is really beautiful, Lady Hesten.”

The young woman flushed with pride, “It’s nothing compared to the famous Redkeep, Lady Targaryen.”

The corner of Harriet’s eyes twitched upon hearing her new title. It feels so weird, Harriet had been Potter her entire life, but now people call her Lady Targaryen, thanks to Daemon who was too lazy to create another cover story for her.

“Trust me, The keep was not as pretty as it looked, I was rather inclined to like a home like this with a lot of windows and open space.”


“Mmhm, there are a lot of ghosts there, not surprising since a lot of people died in that place, and not to forget to mention how King Maegor once brought so many skulls to decorate the Iron Throne.”

Lady Hesten's eyes grow wide as big as saucers in a mix of horror and amazement, “You can see a ghost?!”

Harrit slapped her forehead while cursing her blabbering mouth, “I shouldn’t say that.” She almost laughed at how she sounded like Hagrid.

Harriet didn’t lie though, there's a lot of ghosts in the Red Keep but all of them always run away when they see her, exactly like Hogwarts ghosts after the second war ended. Even the Bloody Baron was quite tense when they ever crossed paths.

“Are there any of them here?”

“Right now? I still haven't spotted one but we will see when the sun goes down.” Harriet wink mischievously at the lady.

“You're just messing with me aren’t you, my lady?” The young woman laughed.

Harriet just chuckled.

“You have a very beautiful house, Ser,” Harriet said once Vyornar Hesten’s daughter led her back to the Blue room.

“I'm glad to hear that my humble abode suits your taste, my lady.”

Humble abode? Is this merchant a Malfoys counterpart of this realm or do all Rich people simply love humble bragging?

“Ah yes, I almost forgot, Daemon my friend, Would you give me the honour to host a garden party to celebrate your marriage?” Vyronar asked Daemon.

“You’re too generous my friend.” Daemon smiled.

Harriet subtly pinches Daemon’s side, “I don’t like parties!” She hissed low enough to only be heard by Daemon.

“Is rude to decline such an offer for your generous host. Be a good girl and play along,” Daemon whispers before kissing Harriet's cheek.

“Ah, seeing both of you truly warm my heart,” Vyronar Hesten cooed.

“I wish I will soon meet a man that loved me like Prince Daemon loved Lady Harriet,” adds Vyronar’s daughter.

Harriet could only smile awkwardly.

“In time my dear, I'm sure of it,” Vyronar assured his daughter.

Harriet should already know that The rich’s ‘small’ garden party was not meant to be small by any means.

There are a lot of guests. It almost felt like Vyornar Hester invited the whole city's upper class, there's thirteen members of Qarth Elders, all of them were present and every one of them seemed eager to make Daemon their acquaintance.

Well, except for one elder, the leader of Qarth Warlock named Phra Thammarat who seems more eager to approach Harriet, even after Harriet subtly avoids him from the moment their eyes meet.

“Warlock of Qarth welcomes you—” Prha Thammarat bowed deeply after successfully cornering Harriet, “—Mistress of Death.”

Harriet held his breath as the chill like thousands of sharp icicles ran through her veins,

“Afraid not, we didn’t mean any harm,” the man's blue lips curved into a creepy smile. “Not all Asshai’i worship the lord of light, Mistress, the one who does may seek to harm you, but us here, we did not worship such a false god or many other Gods, we only worship the one absolute being…the death,”

Merlin's blasted pants! Can it be even creepier? Harriet thinks while trying to rub off the goosebumps from the back of her neck.

“If you need anything feel free to ask us at the house of undying, we will be honored to be able to serve you, mistress of Death.” The man once again bowed deeply then vanished in the crowd.

Godric’s heart! Harriet honestly wants to scream right there, why do weirdos always see her like a moth seeing a flame?

Harriet sighed deeply, she took a drink that was served by the servants, when she inspected the drink out of habit, for a moment there she hoped her gaze somehow could turn the wine into a butterbeer.

“Something Wrong with your drink, my lady?” Ask someone.

Harriet turned around and saw a man that Harriet had never seen before.

Seeing Harriet's discomfort upon being greeted by a stranger, the man placed his hand upon his heart and bowed slightly, “Please forgive my lack of manners, the name is Davos Dayne.”

Harriet frowned, she was sure she never met the man, yet how come she was familiar with his surname?

Before Harriet could recall where she had heard the name, she felt a hand snake across her shoulder followed by a strong body press onto her back, “Dayne.” Daemon said, his words seem laced with venom.

“Long time no see, Prince Daemon.” Davos Dayne smirks mischievously.

“Not long enough to my liking.” Daemon retorted, with one smooth movement Daemon removed the untouched goblet of wine from Harriet's hand and passed it to the moving servant.

Davos barked a laugh, “You wounded me, old friend.”

“We are never friends,” Daemon replied coldly.

“How cruel!” Davos Dayne feigned a hurt expression, “Did all those tavern brawls we fought side by side and all the whor*s we share in the brothels at Volantis hold no meaning for you?”

Harriet scrunched her nose. Daemon’s ferocious sexual appetite is legendary, but sharing a whor*? In this civilization, without proper safety? Ew…

Daemon took an exhausting breath, “Just tell me what you want, Dayne.”

“I just want to ask if your offer still stands.” Davos Dayne’s eyes glinted mischievously.

“What offer?” Daemon genuinely sounds confused.

“You once said If I want a woman to warm my bed, I'm free to take your wife anytime, did the offer still stand?”

Harriet's mouth hung open, to say she was speechless was an understatement,

“It was a drunken japes you Twat!” Daemon shouted angrily, “And I said it with my Bronze Bitch in mind! my Harriet is out of the question!”

Daemon's protective hands around Harriet’s shoulder and waist became tighter, pulling her flush completely to his body.

His chest was rumbling in anger, it heaved unsteadily on Harriet’s back.

Davos Dayne let out a disappointed sigh, “Shame… your Lady Harriet truly my type you know.”

The man winked at Harriet, making her grimace in disgust.

“Wink at my wife again and I will rip your balls off your crotch, you f*cker!” Daemon's anger finally erupted, and he snarled angrily exactly like Caraxes, if he could spit a fire, Davos Dayne wouldalready burn to a crisp.

Harriet rubs Daemon’s arm like how she soothes Caraxes’ anger. “Daemon—” Harriet called the angry man, “—people are watching.” She warns him in a whisper.

“I don’t—” Daemon hissed but Harriet quickly cut him with a peck at the corner of his lips. it's the only thing Harriet could think to effectively distract Daemon from his burning anger at the moment, “I know you don’t, but I do, so calm yourself down, you hear me?”

Daemon stilled for a second before he nodded, Harriet hoped he truly meant it since she was not sure what state of Daemon’s mind right now since she was unable to see his face.

Harriet drew her wand and hit Davos with a stinging hex when he was about to run his big mouth again, “Don’t say it,” Harriet glared at the man ignoring his painful yelp. “You better Keep whatever you had in mind for yourself because my next hex wouldn’t be just a stinging one.”

The Cruciatus curse was already on the tip of her tongue but Harriet was uncertain whether the unforgivable curse could be fueled with disgust or not since she didn’t want to fire half-ass Cruciatus ever again, being laughed at by Bellatrix once was embarrassing enough.

Instead of frightened by Harriet's threat and magic Davos Dayne looks…aroused. There's a bulge steadily forming inside his pants. Davos Dayne's nostril flares, and he inhales sharply, “Daemon Targaryen you lucky bastard.”

Harriet felt Daemon’s lips on top of her head curved into a smile.

Rowena’s wisdom! What in the actual f*ck is wrong with these men?! They fight like mortal enemy then suddenly befriend like nothing had happened?

Later that night, Harriet vents to Caraxes.

Dragon cherished what is his, My pet protecting you, his mate.

“I'm not Daemon’s mate.”

“You could.”

“I won't! He had a wife, Caraxes.”

“That two-leg sheep at the mountain? Dragons can’t mate with sheep, dragons eat sheep.”

Harriet huffed a laugh, what a speech from a dragon, “I'm no dragon either.”

“But you’re a speaker, Balerion said Many Dragons mate with speakers in Valyria, you will be a good mate for my pet.”

Harriet rolled her eyes, “Can we talk about something else?”

“Why don't you want to be my pet’s mate? He’s pretty and strong, people fear him, he is a good mate,” Caraxes pushed.

“I told you I can’t, he had a wife!” Harriet flustered, she cannot deny Caraxes’ claim, Daemon is indeed both beautiful and a great warrior.

“I can eat that two-leg sheep, free my pet.”

“No! You absolutely cannot do that!”

“I could, I ate all noisy two-leg and its horse.”

“It's different!” Merlin! How to teach a dragon the difference between a Noble of Westeros and a Dothraki?

“They both have two legs and ride a horse.”

Harriet smacks her own forehead. “ You just cannot, it would upset the king.”

“I don’t care about that weak pet with shiny things on his head.”

Harriet can't help but laugh, “ Daemon loves him, you know, that pet with the shiny thing on his head.”

“I hold no love but for my pet and you.”

Harriet truly did not expect Caraxes would say that, “ You love me? Awww~ ” she cooed.

You’re my speaker, Dragon cherished what is his. ” Caraxes huffed a smoke.

Such a declaration of love. ” Harriet laughed before hugging Caraxes’ neck. “... I love you too, Caraxes. ” she felt much much better.

Chapter 8: Qarth II

Chapter Text


“Harry! There you are!” Daemon said while dismounting from a horse,

Seeing Daemon fully dressed in his knight armor, Harriet immediately alerted, “What's wrong?”

“Vyronar’s daughter, the one show you the manor, got kidnapped by Dothraki, I'm going to try to chase after them with Caraxes,”

Harriet gasped, “I'm coming too!” she shouted.

“Of course, you’re coming,” Daemon helped Harriet to settle at Caraxes saddle, “I may have had a dragon but how would I look for someone in the middle of the grass field.”

“Daemon Targaryen needing help? I thought he was almighty?” She teases him.

Daemon pressed a chaste kiss on Harriet's cheek, “I am, with you by my side, Harry dearest, I am almighty.”

Harriet felt her heart skip a beat again! At this rate she is certain sooner or later she will die of heart failure!

“Where to?” Daemon asks once they are up in the sky.

Harriet draws her wand, “Point me, Elosha Hesten.” She cast the spell and a spark of blue light immediately shot out from the tip of her wand and pointed to the northeast, familiar with the spell, Caraxes immediately changed its course to follow the blue light.

They found the Dothraki Horde not long after that riding fast toward Yunkai’s Border.

“It will take hours before Vyronar and his soldiers to catch up with us. We cannot let them enter Yunkai.” Daemon said.

The Dothraki start to ride in a circle when they see Caraxes fly above them.

“There’s thousands of them!” Harriet gasped.

“Thousand of meat and bones.”

Food .” Caraxes hiss.

No! We cannot just burn them! We came all the way here to rescue Elosha, not burn her alongside the Dothraki.” She reminds him.

“We cannot just duel them one by one.” Daemon reminded her.

Unable to reach any agreement, Harriet and Daemon decided to land first to see the situation from up close.

Once they landed, one Dothraki rode forward to face them, the man had copper-colored skin, black hair, and black eyes. He is tall and muscular and moves strangely gracefully. He has a long braid hung with dozens of tiny bells that hang down to his thighs.

“He's the Khal, leader of the Dothraki horde,” Daemon whispers to her.

Harriet cast a translator spell to Daemon and her, “Surrender the girl you took and no one would be harmed.” Harriet said.

The Khal laughed loudly, “You will be the one who will be harmed, little girl! Look around you! You may have your beast but there's thousands of us!” The Dothraki spread his hand wide and his blood rider started to cheer.

Harriet ignores the deafening cheer, her eyes focused only on Elosha, the poor girl on her knee, held by hair by a Tall and muscular Dothraki beside the Khal, her hands and feet bound by a thick chain, and worst of all there's a huge crescent-shaped sword looming over her pale neck.

“On your call, Harry,” Daemon said.

“I can’t Daemon, the risk is too high!”

“Harry.” Daemon called her, and Harriet looked at him, “…She will die either way.”

Harriet held her breath, Daemon was right.

If they try Elosha may die but if they don’t do anything she definitely will die. Mustering all her resolve, Harriet nodded, Daemon drew his long sword, prepared for confrontation.

Harriet disarmed the Dothraki that held Elosha captive with Expelliarmus , the crescent-shaped sword flew smoothly from the man's grasp, shocking all the Dothraki who saw it including the Khal.

Without missing a beat, Harriet summoned the chain that bound Elosha's hands and feet with Accio , the girl immediately shot through the air towards Harriet.

Elosha was beyond hysteric when Harriet got her, Harriet had no choice but to knock her down with a sleeping spell, float her into Caraxes’ saddle, and bind her tightly there with an Incarcerous spell, “ Protect her, she is the one who sends you a fat cow every three days!” She told the dragon before the big lanky baby had a chance to protest.

Only this time, ” Caraxes grumbles before standing up and roasting Dothraki around them.

Harriet and Daemon fought side by side at the frontline while Caraxes burned all the Dothraki on the rear from the sky.

Harriet was in charge of knocking every Dothraki from their horse and Daemon did the rest. When the disarming and stunning spell quickly no longer makes a significant impact, Harriet switches to casting Depulso and Bombarda to blast several Dothraki and their horse at once.

“The Witch!!” Yell someone.

“Kill the witch first!” Yell another.

Oh, joy! “Yes, Yes!! Always f*cking aim the witch fist, capture her, burn her at the stakes,” Harriet spat angrily.

Beside her Daemon snorted loudly while plunging his long sword upon two Dothraki’s heads at once.

Noisy two legs, Die!” Caraxes hissed before spitting the biggest fire Harriet ever saw came from him.

Harriet then starts to use a more lethal spell, Sectumsempra , Diffindo , and Confingo flew flawlessly from her wand, wounding and slowing a great number of Dothraki at once.

“Just How many of them really?!” Daemon spat, blood splattered all over his body, and strangely it didn’t disgust Harriet at all, rather growing something inside of her.

Harriet smacks her own cheek, she quickly Imperio two of the strongest looking Dothraki she could find, and makes him her puppet to slaughter their own people. It causes quite a lot of chaos within the Dothraki.

“Is there anything your magic can't do?” Daemon asked while decapitating a Dothraki with a single slash.

“There's a spell I don’t want to cast,” Harriet answered, she human transfigured one Dothraki into a big slab of rock and catapulted it to crush a great amount of Dothraki on the rear that escaped Caraxes' fire.

“Show off.” Daemon laughed.

Harriet laughed with him, she never felt so free and alive before.

Harriet only stops casting offensive spells after Vyronar’s private armies reach them and successfully repel the rest of the Dothraki horde.

“She is unharmed, she is just sleeping,” Harriet explains to Vyronar while Daemon hands oversleeping Elosha to the Merchant.

The wealthy merchant hauled his sleeping daughter in a tight embrace and began to cry his eyes out. “My daughter! Thank You, oh Thank you both of you!” He wailed.

Harriet smiled, the exhaustion finally catching on her, she felt lightheaded and almost stumbled backward but a strong arm caught her waist. “Got you.” Daemon smiled.

Harriet huffed a laugh, she rested her head on Daemon's shoulder.

When Harriet wakes, she feels sore everywhere like she was just trampled by a horde of Thestrals but there's something else.

There’s an arm around her waist.

Legs intertwined with hers.

A thigh wedged between her own.

Soft breathing on her neck.


The memories from the night before flood back. Harriet remembers how Daemon brought her back to their chamber, how the servants helped her bathe because she was too exhausted to even lift a finger. After she cleaned and dried Daemon dismissed all the servants and tucked Harriet to bed himself.

They must have gravitated towards each other, curling around each other for comfort in their exhaustion.

And now—

She feels something else press into her backside, and she freezes because she doesn’t know what else to do. Rationaly she knew that it's natural for a man to have their morning wood, but to feel it on your buttocks is a completely different thing, and the fact that It's been really a long time since she was intimate with someone in bed only makes everything worse.

Harriet hated herself for how her imagination started to run wild in her head, she felt like a pervert! Godric’s heart!

The both of them indeed occasionally share an intimate touch and embrace, however, this is the first time they shared the same bed, all this time Harriet always makes sure to sleep in her trunk.

She lies there for some time, pondering her next move, yet before she can think of a way to leave the bed without waking him up, Daemon stirs behind her.

Making everything worse, Instead of letting her go, Daemon pulled her closer and buried his face in her hair. His knee is still lodged in between her legs. He inhaled a deep breath, which made Harriet shiver in need, Merlin help her! “How’s your feeling?” He asked softly.

“I think the ghosts of all the Horses I killed yesterday trampled me during my sleep.” Harriet sighs.

Daemon laughed, kissed the top of Harriet’s head, then said “Regardless, You did really well yesterday…I wouldn’t make it without you.”

Harriet turned around to take a look at Daemon, she raised her eyebrow, “Who are you? Where do you hide the real Daemon Targaryen?” She asked accusingly.

Daemon barked a laugh, “Cheeky woman.” He pinches her nose.

Harriet giggled, “Anyway, we don’t have anything to do right? I just want to Sleep, eat, and sleep again for the next two days.” She groaned like an elderly person with chronic joint pain.

“Mmhm, I don’t think Caraxes could fly anytime soon anyway.”

Harriet's eyes opened wide in shock, “Is he injured during the fight?!”

“Worry not, he’s unharmed.”

Harriet blinked in confusion, “then why couldn't he fly anytime soon?”

Daemon sighs deeply, “he simply just ate too much and refuses to do anything else besides sleeping in his cave, like a bear in winter.”

Harriet’s mouth hung open before bursting laughing out loud, “Are you being serious right now?!”

“Yes, I'm serious, Harry.” Daemon scowls, “I even seal the cave entrance with a big boulder and ask Vyronar for occasional guard patrols to make sure no one disturbs Caraxes’ sleep.”

It makes Harriet laugh even more “Oh Merlin help me!” She wheezed. “How much did he eat anyway?”

“During the battle? not too much but apparently our friend Vyronar wanted to express his gratitude to Caraxes by sending three fattest cows he could find, and Caraxes, like the greedy dragon he is, ate everything.”

Harriet wiped the tears from her eyes, oh she never laughed this much for a long time, “He won't wake up until he fully ingests all those cows, you know that right?”

“Why do you think I bother to seal the cave entrance?” Daemon rolled his eyes,

“I'll put a muggle-repelling charm and several other security charms on the cave entrance to ensure our greedy lanky baby sleeps without disruption,” Harriet said.

Daemon didn’t reply, when Harriet looked up to get a better look at the man, Daemon was wearing a strange and unreadable expression on his face that Harriet had never seen before.


Daemon quickly smoothens his expression, “Yes, yes, that will be perfect, thank you, Harry.”


Our greedy lanky baby…

Their baby…

Daemon can’t stop thinking about it since Harriet uttered the word.

He cannot stop picturing a beautiful silver-haired baby with Harriet’s mischievous bright green eyes.

Would they be a Dragon Lord like him or a Magical being like Harriet? Wait…What if they end up being both? Daemon took a deep breath, he felt giddy just thinking about the possibility.

Yet a realization of his current situation instantly soured his mood greatly. The whole world may already acknowledge Harriet as his wife but Harriet herself wouldn’t ever agree to legally become his second wife. If even she somehow agrees, their children would still be viewed as bastards in the eyes of Faith of the Seven and Daemon would never dishonor his Harriet and their children like that, both of them are too precious to get such ill-treatment, and they deserve to be honored, they deserve to be glorified.

Rhea Royce must be gone.

“You and your wife had been the talk of the town,” said Davos Dayne who casually took the seat on the sofa in front of Daemon without permission.

“Why are you still here, don’t you have anything important to do?”

“I'm here in my capacity as Dorne’s emissary,”

“Then do your job and stop showing your ugly mug to me!” Daemon scowl.

“The Thirteen still reviewing the proposal I brought, lucky you, I wouldn’t be going anywhere before my job is done.”

Daemon clicked his tongue in displeasure, “Next time raven me your schedule so we won’t end up in the same place ever again.”

Davos barks a laugh, “You don’t want to know what kind of proposal I brought all the way from Dorne?”


Davos Dayne raised his eyebrow but Daemon didn’t wish to entertain the Dornish man, he needed to think of the best way to get rid of his bronze bitch once and for all.

First, he cannot go to the Vale himself, he is too recognizable, especially the Caraxes. If his presence in Vale is followed by Rhea's death, people definitely will start pointing fingers at him.

Should he hire someone to do the job? But what if the word spread? What If Harriet gets hold of the information and decides to leave him because she feels responsible for Rhea’s assassination?

f*ck! What to do?!

Feeling ignored Davos Dayne struck another attempt at communication “So, tell me Daemon Targaryen, did you truly Burn half of Red Waste and Rescue Vyronar Hesten’s beloved daughter from Khal Daro and his 3000 BloodRider only with your wife and dragon by your side?”

“Half of Red Waste was burned?” Daemon asked coolly as he received another cup of wine from a servant.

“Yes, The fire was still burning brightly, and nobody dared to extinguish it.”

“...Don’t tell Harriet she will feel bad about it and try to put down the flame by herself.”

Davos raised his eyebrow, waiting for answers.

“To answer your other question, Those Savage almost reached the Yunkai border, waiting for Vyronar and his private armies is out of the question at the moment,” Daemon said nonchalantly.

“I know how ferocious your Dragon is, his fire even burns half of Red Waste, but the girl is unharmed Daemon! The only marks on her skin were caused by the chain that bound her! How did you manage to do that?”

“It's all my Harriet doing.” Daemon shrug,


“My Harriet had magic,”

“That doesn't explain sh*t, You Prat!”

Daemon laughed, “She's not just any witch, Dayne, she is not the red priestess who is fiddling with fire, she is not those shamans who curse people with blood sacrifices, or like any self-declared witch and wizard we know. My Harriet is a warrior, she once defeated a very powerful Dark Wizard, the battleground is no strange place for her.”

“f*ck!” Davos cursed loudly, “Where did you find a woman like her?! She’s perfect!”

“She’s more than perfect.” Daemon lifted his goblet to Davos before sipping his wine. “You should see how she annihilated the Dothraki yesterday—” Daemon sighs, “—Absolutely divine.”

“Yes, yes, just keep rubbing it on my face, Prat.” Davos rolled his eyes.

Daemon laughed.

“Did she have plans to get a second husband?” Davos asks out of the blue.

“You want to die?” Daemon threw his empty goblet at Davos which he dodged easily,

“It's just merely a suggestion.” Davos grin

“Denied!” Daemon yells angrily.

“Daemon?” Harriet called him while prying off her dragonhide gloves.

Daemon stood up and hurried to Harriet's side, “Finished?”

Harriet yawned while nodding, “No muggle will come close to the cave and if someone tries to pry the boulders open from outside, I would know immediately.”

“Wonderful.” Daemon kisses her cheek. “Let's retreat then.”

Harriet glanced at Davos Dayne who was waving slyly, like a fox he is, “How about him?” She asked.

“Dayne is just about to excuse himself,” Daemon answered nonchalantly.

“I never said that,” Davos denied.

Daemon temple twitched, “You will leave or the servants will throw you off to the street.”

Harriet let out a soft giggle, “why are you two always fighting?”

“Because he is a twat.” Daemon leads them back to their chamber.

“I have news from King's Landing, apparently you have a new sister-in-law, Daemon,” Davos yelled and it was enough to make Daemon stop on his track.

Daemon turns around and asks, “Who?”

The highest possibility is Laena, Corlys's daughter, young she may but marrying Laena would end the animosity between the Velaryon and the crown.

“Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower’s daughter.” Davos Dayne grins widely.

Harriet beside him gasped in disbelief.

It is quite funny to know that even Harriet, who was not adept with Westeros’ politics like Davos Dayne, was aware of how foolish Viserys’ choices were.

He could choose any lady from any major house in the Seven Kingdom, to gain political ally or simply just for a huge dowry to fill royal coffers to the brim, heck, he could even tie the knot to bring more territory if he chose to marry Aliandra Martell. Yet his stupid brother chooses the daughter of a second son who owns nothing but her c*nt?

Daemon can’t help but start laughing at the injustice he feels,

Why is Viserys always able to make a series of stupid decisions and still get away with a crown in his head?

Why does Daemon need to be the one who sacrifices decades of his life tied to a bronze sheep just to fill Royal coffers?

He trains with the swords to protect him,

He rides a dragon to win his battle,

It is he who raised an army to support his claim.

After all of those sacrifices, love, and support he poured for his brother, Viserys still banished him from his side and denied his only wish to divorce Rhea Royce.

Daemon truly didn’t know what to feel,

Does Viserys truly hold no love for him?

“Daemon…” Harriet looks at him, worried clearly expressed in her beautiful green eyes, her hands steady on his elbows.

Daemon finally stopped his hysterical chuckles, he took a deep breath and turned around to face Davos Dayne, “He's the king, he can do whatever he wants.” Daemon said, there was no hatred in his voice even the slightest bit.

Daemon decides enough it’s enough, he wouldn’t try to chase after Viserys love like a fool ever again, “I only hope he doesn’t f*ck badly this time because I had no desire savings his sorry ass ever again.”

Daemon sneaked his arm around Harriet's waist and continued to walk toward their chamber, leaving Davos Dayne’s unsuccessful taunt behind.

Till the day they depart to Astapor, Daemon still cannot find the best solution to deal with Rhea Royce.

While waiting for Harriet to bid her goodbye to Vyronar’s daughters who she has been quite close to this past month, Daemon and Vyronar choose to walk in the garden, “I have received the news, Ser Dayne was not lying, your brother truly wed Alicent Hightower, very unconventional choice, I would say.” Vyronar glanced at Daemon.

“Fool.” Daemon murmured, “People should call him Viserys the Fool.”

Vyronar cleared his throat, “Well, aside from that, did you truly need to leave? I could arrange for permanent residence for you here in Qarth.”

“As much as I like to be here, My Lady wife will certainly throw a fit if we don't proceed with our tour, there are many places left that she wants to see.”

“You truly love her, aren’t you?” Vyronar chuckled.

“Is it really that obvious?” Daemon laughed.

“The Daemon Targaryen I know wouldn’t never put anyone above himself.”

Daemon rolled his eyes, Vyonar was not wrong tho, though he indeed never put anyone above himself except Viserys before.

Vyronar laughed, “Your wife is good for you, my friend, I am truly happy you finally found your happiness.”

“You make it sound like I was never happy before.”

“Oh Daemon, every time we cross paths in Essos you always look like a mess, you may pretend as if you live your life to the fullest here, drink till you pass out, gamble, whoring, brawl, but I never once seen smile in your eyes…Not until I saw you with your lady wife,”

“Now you make me sound like a sappy husband.” Daemon scowled.

Vyornar laughed again, he patted Daemon’s back, “To be able to find the one person that could fill the void inside your soul is the greatest joy in life.” He smiled at him.

Daemon returned the smile, Vyronar was right, it greatest joy indeed.

“I have sent letters to all my associates, both of you and your mighty dragon would always find a home in any city in Essos,” Vyronar informs Daemon and Harriet.

“Oh, Merlin! you really don’t have to!” Harriet was flustered.

The wealthy merchant put his hand over his heart, “Please accept it, my lady, This is nothing compared to what both of you have done for me and my daughter.”

Harriet was about to protest again but Daemon placed his hand on Harriet's shoulder and shook his head lightly.

Harriet sighs and nods,

“Thank you for your hospitality, my friend, may we see each other again in the future,” Daemon said before hugging his merchant friend.

“May we see each other again.” Vyronar returned the hug, “Take care and enjoy your venture, my friend.”

On the way to Astapor.

“Aren’t Red Waste supposed to be covered with red grass? Why Is it all black?” Harriet asked while they crossed the Red Waste on their way to Astapor.

f*ck! Should he just tell the truth?

Daemon cleared his throat, “I don’t have any idea…maybe the sign of the changing season? Like a tree in fall?” He is glad Harriet cannot see his face right now, she would tell right away if he lied.

Harriet hummed, “Maybe? the plants here are weird after all, shame there's no trace of magical properties in them.”

Daemon silently let out a sigh of relief.

“What place is Astapor?” Harriet asked next.

“Small city, we will just stay long enough to let Caraxes recuperate then we leave for Mereen.”

“Why the hurry?”

“Because you wouldn’t like it there.”

“Because of the slaves? We are going to venture around Slaver's Bay, Daemon, I know what to expect.”

“Not just any slaves, dearest, in Astapor they trained Unsullied.”


“The Unsullied are eunuch slave soldiers, trained from a young age in Astapor to unquestioning obedience and martial prowess. Their training begins when the boys are five years old, any slave boy up to the age of five may be later selected to be made into an Unsullied, and then castrated.” Daemon explains. “To complete his training, each Unsullied is sent to Astapor's slave market, where he must purchase an infant, kill it, and compensate the child's owner before returning to the barracks; if they fail, they will be executed.”

Harriet fell silent for a moment but Daemon could taste her anger flickering in the air around them, “I agree, for the best, we shouldn’t stay for long there.” She said after some time.

Daemon pressed the kiss on top of Harriet’s head, “only for Caraxes to recuperate.” He promised.

Chapter 9: Slaver's Bay


Astapor, Yunkai and First Half Part of Meereen

Chapter Text


Harriet is aware she told Daemon that she knew what to expect when they visited Slaver’s Bay but in reality, she was not. She was unprepared to see how cruel and sad*stic those Masters were, and the worst of all for Harriet was to learn that those slavers dared to call themselves ‘A Good Masters’ “Good My ass!” Harriet murmured angrily in the common tongue.

She does not get over the recent incident when Daemon forbids her to give a drink to a young Unsullied who looks about to collapse due to dehydration. “He will killed immediately after you give him a drink,” Daemon warns him.

Harriet heeds Daemon's warning and helps the young Unsullied drink the water.

The ‘Good’ Master of those Unsullied saw it, he grabbed the young unsullied and slit the young unsillied’s throat like it was nothing, the image of blood and water that spilled from the boy's throat will burn in Harriet's memories forever.

After killing the young Unsullied himself, the ‘Good’ Master still dared to demand compensation by claiming that Harriet’s action forced him to kill his ‘goods’.

Avada Kedava was already on the tip of Harriet's tongue.

Yet, before Harriet could grab her wand, Daemon stepped up, apologized to the ‘Good Master’, and paid one golden dragon for his lost 'goods’.

“Harry—” Daemon warns her.

Harriet sulk.

Something wrong, Dragon Lord?” Ask their Astapori guide.

“My wife felt a little bit lightheaded, she wasn't used to the southern sun yet.” Daemon lied.

“Ah! Understandable, our sun here can be unforgiving for the northerners, can I bring you something?”

“Oh no, you don’t have to, My wife and I will just return to our lodge.”

The Astapori nodded, “If you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask, Vyronar Hesten’s friend is our friend.”

“Will do, thank you for the tour,” Daemon answered and then led Harriet back to their lodge.

Their return trip required them to walk through the central market, Daemon had already offered Harriet to take a detour but again Harriet refused, she just wanted to return to their lodge as fast as possible.

Once she stepped foot on the market, she gravely regretted ever refusing Daemon’s offer.

For the first time in Harriet's life, she saw a human being sold in the open market, besides Vegetables and fruit.

Old, young, sick, healthy, elderly, infants, light-skinned, dark-skinned, they’re chained like cattle to the stall, waiting for a potential buyer.

Harriet felt her heart break that instant.

The emotional part of her wanted to purchase some slaves to free them but the Logical part of her knew it wouldn’t make any change, without someone to employ them or protect them, the freed slaves would only be recaptured by slavers and sold on this very market again.

The feeling of helplessness and desperation is truly unbearable; it almost feels like there's Dementor clung to her shoulder, toying with her worst fears but never sucking her soul to end her misery.

In the middle of her turmoil suddenly Daemon scooped her from the ground to his embrace, carrying her like a princess in a muggle fairy tale book Harriet once read in the school library.

“Put your arm around my neck and close your eyes, dearest,” Daemon told her.

Harried complied, she put her arm around his neck and then closed her eyes.

Once they arrived at their lodge Harry ducked her head in shame, “I'm sorry…” she murmured in shame.

Daemon tilted Harriet's chin, “Don’t be,”

“I almost got us in trouble! You have warned me! You warned me that I wouldn’t have the stomach for it and I heed your warning.”

“But you didn’t get us in trouble, Harry.” Daemon smiled.

“And If I did?”

“As long as we’re together nothing can’t be solved.”

Harriet huffed a laugh before resting her forehead on Daemon’s chest, “I really hate them, how dare they call themselves a good master when there’s nothing good about them.”

Daemon patted Harriet’s back, “I don’t want to overwhelm you but, In Yunkai those masters called themself the Wise Masters, while in Mereen they called themselves the Great Master.”

“Why is it getting worse?!” Harriet groaned.

Daemon laughed, “We can always go camping outside, there's no need for us to stay in the city.”

“No, please, no camping.” Harriet immediately refused.

“Not fond of camping?”

Harriet nodded grimly.

“What happened, Dearest?”

Harriet settled herself on Daemon’s lap and began to recount her Horcrux hunt with Hermione and Ron. The sleepest night, the anxiety, the hunger, the cold, the pressure and temptation of the Horcrux, the time she almost drowned, and the mushroom, oh the mushroom.

“Now I know why you hate Mushrooms so much.” Daemon hummed.

Harriet snorted.

Daemon fell silent for a moment before embracing Harriet and tucking her head below his chin, “You have been through a lot, dearest,” he said softly.

“Honestly? I don’t think I would make it without Hermione and Ron… I would just surrender to Voldemort and let him kill me, like a coward…”

“You never a Coward, you are brave, my brave Harry,” Daemon kissed Harriet’s lightning bolt scar, “You and your friend, stood up and fought for what you believed where most people in your world were too afraid to do so, you have been brave, and I'm proud of you.”

Hearing such kind words made Tears begin to stream down Harriet's face, “I'm not brave… I'm so scared at that time, Daemon. There are countless times I almost give up.”

“But you’re not, aren't you? You keep fighting the best you can while other people dig holes and hide in there and do nothing, you’re Brave, Harriet and nothing couldn’t force me to say otherwise.”

Harriet wraps her arm around Daemon’s torso and cries on his shoulder.

Daemon stroked Harriet’s spine in constant up and down movement, he never once urged her to stop crying, he waited patiently, being there for her, listening to all her rambling.

“Break into the safest bank in the world and free a dragon?” He asked after Harriet calmed down and was no longer a sobbing mess.

“The bank gave me quite a hard time after that, you know? Paying for damage and everything else, I almost lost my vault and all my wealth in the process.” Harriet pouted.

“You don’t say?” Daemon laughed,

“I don’t have any choice Daemon,” Harriet scowls.

“You have, you can always choose to walk away and watch everything burn,” Daemon shrugs.

“You know I can’t.” Harriet huffed.

Daemon pressed a fluttering kiss over Harriet's forehead once more, “Of course I know.”

Harriet squinted her eyes at Caraxes for a moment before saying, “It’s just me or did Caraxes indeed grow bigger?”

Daemon walked toward Caraxes and inspected the saddle, when he struggled to shove his finger between the gap Daemon nodded, “Yes, he's definitely getting bigger.”

$What?$ Caraxes asked.

$You are getting fat$ Harriet snickered

$No, I am not! Rude speaker!$ Caraxes roared fiery breath at the Cave ceiling.

Harriet burst out laughing.

“What did you say to him?” Daemon asked.

“I told Caraxes he got fat, and he vehemently denied it.” She snickered.

“You're teasing him too much.” Daemon chuckled.

still giggles, Harriet swishing her wand to resize Caraxes’ saddle to make it more comfortable for the dragon, $Comfortable now?$

Caraxes just respond with a breathy huff that is equal to a human ‘Hmph’

“Now He's sulking!” Harriet crackles.

Daemon shook his head in amusem*nt, he rubbed Caraxes’ snout before climbing atop the saddle.


There's no need for a tour,” Daemon told another of Vyronar Hesten’s associates who welcomed them at Yunkai.

Are you sure my lord? You don’t have to worry about leaving your wife behind, here at our establishments, we offer endless choices of service for everyone… Well, everyone who could afford it of course.” The Yunkish smiled slyly.

Daemon smiled to hide his irritation, “I thank you for the generous offer but my wife and I, we… didn’t share.”

“Ah! Exclusive couple! How rare!” The Yunkish said as if he just discovered a rare species of animal in the wild.

“If that is the case, We can just arrange a viewing service. Maybe you and your lady wife are interested in learning our sixteen seats of pleasure or even learning the way of the seven sighs—” the Yunkish winked, “—to spice up your bedroom.”

The single vein on Demon’s temple popped up, he truly wanted to stab the Yunkish eye socket right there. “Thank you for offering, but my wife and I are fine.”

“Well, what can I say…I will just arrange your accommodation then. any food, or wine, you prefer, Dragon Lord?”

“Anything is… Oh, I almost forgot, do skip dishes that are made with mushrooms, my wife is not fond of it.”

“…Young love.” The Yunkish had the audacity to sigh, “Very well, please enjoy your stay.”

Once the door closed Daemon closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled it while shaking his head, he was just inches away from grabbing and snapping the Yunkish’s neck with his bare hand.

Harriet scrunched her nose, “why do you look like a dragon who is about to spit fire?”

Daemon took a deep breath.

Harriet laughed, “What kind of service that man offered you so vehemently anyway? I only catch several words, you two talk so fast.”

“That's…” Daemon scratches his temple.


“Well, you see…Yunkai is known for training bed slaves and the only establishment that could rival the one in Yunkai is the one in Volantis…”

Daemon explains in circles simply avoiding giving a straight answer but Harriet quickly gets the idea because her expression turns murderous once the realization hits her, “So, you say that the Yunkish basically offered you a sex service? In front of my face? After you introduced me as your wife?!”

Daemon lifted both his hands slightly, “Calm down, dear, it’s not just me who he offered the service…”

Harriet frowned, “what do you mean?”

“He offered for us… you know together… with the—”

Harriet's jaw dropped upon the insinuation of wild orgy and other stuff, “No! Absolutely not! No way in hell! Hard pass!”

“The offer was already declined, dearest.” Daemon chuckled.

“Merlin, have mercy! I hate Slaver’s Bay!” Harriet groaned, “This is the worst place on Planetosh!”

Daemon bent down to kiss the top of Harriet’s head, “I promise you Meereen will be slightly better, there's a lot of places we can visit, the great library, plaza purification, spice market, and the most important of all they sell slave in the specific market called slave’s exchange, it's easy to avoid that place.”

“Not seeing it doesn’t simply make it don't exist, Daemon.” Harriet scowled.

“Then, shall we just skip Meereen and go straight to Volantis?”

Harriet shook her head.


“No.” Harriet answered, “I know you want to search for Valyrian’s ancient text at Meereen’s great library.”

“You don’t have to hold back for me, Harry.”

“I'm not holding back, I just want to do something for you, after all you did for me.”

“You have my thanks, dearest.” Daemon smiled.

Harriet let out a frustrated groan, “stop smiling like that!”

“Smiling like what?” Daemon teases her, his smile turns into a knowing smirk.

“You’re too handsome for your own good, Daemon Targaryen.” Harriet scowls, “and worst of all you are well aware of that and wield it exactly like you wield Dark Sister.”

Hearing that Daemon laughed.


Daemon was right, Meereen is much more bearable than Yunkai or Astapor, and the city was vast and beautiful.

The pyramids are built in the colors of the noble house occupying them; The pyramid of Pahl is pink-and-white, the pyramid of Naqqan is green-and-black, and the great pyramid of Rhazdar is yellow-and-green. The pyramid of Kandaq is said to be the modest one compared to another.” Their Meereenese guide told them.

It's still strange to me to see multicolored Pyramids,” Harriet commented in broken Valyrian.

Oh? You also have pyramids in your homeland, my lady?” Ask the Meereenese curiously.

Yes, in the land called Egypt, there are a lot of Pyramids, the biggest one is called the Pyramids of Giza, it's made out of limestone.” Harriet smiled, reminiscing about her expedition with Bill, Fleur, and Gringotts’ Curse-Breaker team inside one of the pyramids of Giza.

“Egypt? I had never heard of that place before.”

“It's on earth, a place beyond the veil.”

The Meereenese look confused but do not pursue further, just like how people treat Luna when she starts spluttering nonsense.

Harriet learns Valyrian since most Essosi use the language, she knows she can rely on a translator to spell anytime but she refuses to become lazy, the other reason is she likes how Damon looks proud when she is able to finish a sentence in Valyrian.

You have better pronunciation than my idiot brother who spent years learning the language,” Daemon commented at some point.

I just mimicked you and other people here.” Harriet shrugged.

Don’t belittle yourself, Darling.”

Harriet was just about to disprove but their Meereenese guide said, “The dragon lord is not wrong, my lady, you’re way better than those Westerosi merchants that come to our port, they talk like babies. It irked me every time!”

“Thank you, your kind words make me more eager to learn the language.” Harriet blushed.

“Only his? What about me?” Daemon demands.

Harriet snorted at Daemon, “You have all my thanks, my prince.” She said before kissing Daemon’s cheek.

Daemon grinned.

“What a lovely couple, how long have you two been married for?”

almost a year,” Daemon answered.

Harriet blinked at Daemon, it had been almost a year since they left Westeros. How fast time flies!

“You’re so lucky my lady, not many lords would bother to take their lady wife on a tour like this, most of them would force their wife to produce an heir immediately.”

“I am very aware how very lucky I am,” Harriet patted Daemon's arm proudly.

The Meereenese smiled and then continued their tour. They skipped all the fighting pits and went straight to the Temple of the Graces, then the Plaza of Purification, and finally the Grand Library.

“This is where our tour ends, feel free to contact me if both of you need anything, enjoy your stay at Meereen.” Their guide bowed deeply.

“Thank you so much for your assistance,” Harriet told the Meereenese.

The man touched his forehead. Valar Morghulis.”

“Valar Dohaeris,” Daemon answered.

“All men must die?” Harriet asked.

“All men must Serve.” Daemon nodded.

“What a weird customary saying.” Harriet hummed before entering the great library with Daemon.

Meereen’s Grand Library

“Coupling with a literal dragon?!” Harriet almost shrieked in horror, “Ew! How?! Ew!”

Daemon laughed.

“Don’t laugh! You know how big Caraxes’ was! There will be a tear, no! A rupture! Oh, Dear Merlin! Oh no!” Harriet gagged, “Don’t Imagine it, Harriet Potter! Think about something else!” She shuddered.

Daemon shook his head in amusem*nt before continuing to read the ancient text, “There are several mentions of blood magic here.” He tapped the text.

“There are many types of Blood Magic, Daemon, the basic one can be used to tie two people, like wedding rituals, or adoption. The advanced one can be used to protect your home it's called Blood Ward, and the purpose is to make people who don’t share your blood unable to enter without permission, and the darkest Art of Blood magic, the one that will land you straight to jail is Necromancy, the art of reviving the dead.”

“Blood magic can do that?”

Harriet nodded, “I was blood-adopted by my Godfather, it legally makes me his heir in front of magical law. For The Necromancy, the simplest one is to reanimate the undead, it's called Inferi, a mindless decayed creature who only follows the order. The ultimate one is to completely revive the dead, but I never heard anyone ever manage to do that.”

“Interesting.” Daemon hummed.

“I think I have a book about blood magic in my trunk, I'm not sure though but Hermione tends to always overpack everything.” Harriet shrugs.

“If you ever find the book, I would like to borrow it.”


Harriet leaves Daemon with his ancient text and explores the great library. Harriet wondered if the Great Library of Alexandria didn’t burn down would it be like this?

Harriet traced her finger in a daze upon the yellowish scroll. Seeing so many books and scrolls makes her miss Hermione greatly. She would live in this place, hell, she would set up a tent in the garden and try to read as many books as she allowed.

Ron will be bored in no time and go to check the fighting pit or stuff his face at the market with exotic foods.

Neville will drown in the book about plants,

Draco would scrunch his nose and claim that this library collection was sub-par compared to Malfoy’s library.

Ginny…George…Luna…Rolf…Hugo...Rose...Lysander…Scorpius…Teddy…Harry quietly wipes tears from her eyes.

Harriet realizes she never properly mourned what she had lost, mourned the life she cannot return to, she only hoped Kingsley honored the vow he made and kept everyone safe.

Harriet takes her time to mourn silently between the silence of ancient books and texts she once had before returning to Daemon’s side.

“First make a cut on each other's palm…” Daemon dragged his forefinger upon Harriet's palm,

“Joined the open wound and tied it with embroidered ribbon…” they clasped their palms together,

“Let the blood of the joined hand flow to the goblet…Make another cut on the lips…” he ghosted his finger upon her lips,

“Chant the vow together…” Daemon looked at Harriet straight in the eye.

“drink the blood mix with ritual wine….” Daemon feeds Harriet the wine from his goblet.

“Then sealed with a kiss.” Daemon leaned to lick wine from Harriet's lips.

Harriet yelped loudly, “Daemon!”

Daemon laughed. “That's how you do a Valyrian wedding.”

Still flustered Harriet rolled her eyes, “Now I know where you got your dramatic flair,” she huffed, “so many unnecessary steps, In mine, you just have to put seven drops of your blood and your spouse's blood into a goblet with potion on it, say the enchanted words, drink the potion, and you bounded to each other till death do you apart.”

“How romantic.” Daemon drawled.

Harriet laughed. “Most pureblood marriages are transactional,” she explained.

“And for the one married for love?”

“We do a wedding vow, some with binding magic, some don’t, depending on the couple really. The vow also varies. I attend all my friend's weddings and none use the same vow.”

“And you? What did you use?”

“Me? I never married.”

Daemon's purple eyes glinted, “why?”

“Nobody wants Harriet Potter.” Harriet shrugs, “All They wanted is the Saviour of the Wizarding world, The girl who lives…twice,” she chuckles darkly, “Once they learn that I was just like any other witch, they lose their interest and leave.”

“They’re fools, don’t listen to them.”

“But I really just like any other witch. I vanquish the Dark Lord twice truly by sheer dumb luck, I rely on my friends for almost everything, and my strong point is only Defense against the Dark Arts. My healing skill is sub-par at best, I still cannot stand straight after Apparate, I ordinary, Daemon.”

Daemon cupped both Harriet’s cheeks, “How many times do I need to remind you to stop belittling yourself, dearest?”


“Listen to me, Harry, I don’t care if there are a thousand witches like you in your world, I don't care if you failed your fortune telling and history class, I don’t care if you need your friend's help to do Arithmetic for you or sorting magical plant for you.” Daemon brushed his thumb over Harriet's cheekbones, “Because here, in my world, you are extraordinary, you are the only one, the most interesting and intelligent woman I have ever seen… no don’t try to persuade me that Hermione is way smarter than you, she is not here, only you here.”

Harriet bit her lower lips,

“You’re not Savior of the Wizarding world, you are not the girl who lives—” Daemon smirked, —twice.”

Harriet huffed a wet laugh,

Daemon gently wiped tears from the corner of Harriet’s eyes with his thumb, “You’re Harriet Potter, my Harry, my witch, my wife.”

“‘M not your wife.”

“To the whole world you are my wife,” Daemon chuckled.

“Yes, thanks to someone.” Harriet feigned an annoyance.

Chapter 10: Meereen


Long Chapter Ahead.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“Prince Daemon Targaryen?” Ask someone.

“Who is asking?” Daemon asked without leaving the text he was currently reading.

Harriet is eyeing the slave who approached them. The man dresses modestly, has a solid muscular build, and has noble high cheekbones. He is well-kept, clean, and smells nice, yet he wears a slave choker made of leather and gold chain.

“My Master, Mazdhan zo Loraq the Magnificent summoned you and your wife to the great pyramid.” The man answered.

Daemon put down the ancient text, “ Summoned?” He asked.

Yes, Dragon Lord, you and your wife had been summoned by—”

“Mazdhan zo Loraq the Magnificent, king of Meereen.” Daemon rolled his eyes, “I never heed Viserys’ summon and these Slavers dared to summon me?” Daemon muttered.

Harriet squeezed Daemon’s hand when she saw two armed soldiers walking towards them.

Daemon took a deep breath, stood up, and said, “Lead the way.”

There's a beautiful open palanquin with six male slaves to carry it and two more armed soldiers waiting for them at the entrance of the Library, “We didn’t do something illegal—” Harriet gasped, “Did they know I made copies of all Valyrian books and scrolls in the library?” She whispered, her eyes glued at the soldiers.

“We didn’t do anything illegal, dearest, even if we do, the king will prepare a closed carriage with a tiny barred window, not an open palanquin, like this.”

“Who knows!”

Daemon snorted, “Let's be done with this quickly so I can return to my ancient text, there's a lot of things to read.” He offered his hand to help Harriet hop into the palanquin.

“You sure they wouldn’t know? Geminio spell is highly illegal to be used on books or any printed literature, Daemon.” Harriet whispered once they were on the road.

“There's no such law in this world, relax,” Daemon whispered back.

“We practically stole from a library!”

“We did not steal anything, dearest, we simply copied the book,”

“We return the copy and keep the original!”

Daemon chuckled, “Don’t blow our cover off.”

Harriet groaned.

Dragon Lord! There you are! I wonder when you will finally grace me with your presence. ” Mazdhan zo Loraq exclaimed.

Your Highness, ” Daemon bowed slightly. I never meant to disrespect you; I simply don’t want to disturb your busy schedule.”

“Nonsense! I will always have time for you, Dragon Lord, so tell me, did you like my city?”

“My wife and I enjoy it greatly, your Highness, Meereen is truly a place of wonder, especially your library.”

“Ah, No wonder you need almost ten days before presenting yourself.”

“Well, Your Highness, like I said earlier, I never meant to disrespect you. I'm here in my capacity as myself, not an emissary for my brother, that is why I see no reason to bother your busy schedule, your highness.”

Harriet silently watches the tension between Daemon and the King, the two wagging perfectly curated words like a sword, which tense Harriet like no other.

You may come as yourself and claim you have come without any political agenda. However, you, my dear Dragon Lord, brought a Dragon into my territory, an Adult dragon who is known for its ferocity. As a fellow Royals surely you understand my need to be aware of your intentions.”

“I assure you, Your Highness, My wife and I bear no ill intent, we are here only to celebrate our nuptials,”

“I truly want to believe you, Dragon Lord, however reflecting on the fate of the Old Empire of Ghis and Westeros… sure you can’t blame me for being a little cautious, aren’t you?”

Daemon nodded, “Your worry is justified, your highness, however, I think you missed one important point.”

“And what is that?”

“What comes to the Old Empire of Ghis and Westeros is ‘Dragons’ and ‘Armies’, Not a newlywed couple and a dragon,” Daemon smiles curtly.

The corner of Loraq’s eye twitched, his mask finally cracked, and his impatience showed, “Did you take me for a fool?! Did you think I was not informed about what happened in YiTi? And about how you, your witch wife, and your dragon eradicate Khal Daro and his khalasar?”

Harriet instinctively reaches for her wand in her right pocket and portkey in her left pocket, ensuring everything is ready and preparing for the worst.

Daemon grabs Harriet's elbow to stop her. “Whatever you heard from YiTi is a false accusation. Your Highness, I assure you, my wife and I had no partake in Prince Jar Yi's rebellion; we already left the city long before the God-Emperor was slain.” Daemon may look aloof and nonchalant, but Harriet knows he is alerted and ready to fight if something terrible happened to them, “For Khal Daro, It's all pure self-defense; the Dothraki kidnapped daughter of my dearest friend Vyornar Hesten, Grain King of Qarth, we already offered peace, but he refused and chose violence instead.”

Loraq narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Daemon, but he clearly still did not trust them, even the slightest.

Unable to persuade Mazdhan zo Loraq that the two of them didn’t bear any ill intent toward Meereen and his reign, Daemon took drastic measures by suggesting the King choose one of his trusted men to be their warden and two of his royal guards as a sentry during the duration of their stay.

Harriet tried to protest, but Daemon whispered that either this or thrown into the dungeon, he was certain that Loraq wouldn’t let them leave the great pyramid in peace.

Mazdhan zo Loraq's expression shifted. He no longer liked someone who had had year-long constipation. The king of Meereen contemplated the suggestion momentarily before nodding, “…That will do, Mase!” The king snapped his finger, and the slave who had previously summoned them at the library appeared.

“My king.” The man bowed deeply.

“Mase, brother, you will watch Dragon Lord and his wife and report everything to me till the day they depart from my city,”

A king called a slave his brother? Weird, Harriet thinks.

The slave Mase put his hand on top of his heart, “as you wish, my king.” He bowed.

“One more thing, Dragon Lord.” Loraq stopped Daemon from his track, “I don’t wish to see your dragon anywhere near my city wall.”

“Of course, your highness.” Daemon bowed slightly.

Harriet stared at Mase; the slave had been sitting in the same position for hours since they settled at the library.

He did not move, talk, drink, or eat, and Harriet was sure he also did not blink.

“Well, this is awkward.” Harriet sighed.

“Better than being thrown into a dungeon.” Daemon reminded her. His nose is still buried deep in Valyria’s ancient text.

Harriet tried to get a reaction by putting a glass of water and some delicious-looking shiny candied fruit on the table beside the man, “ You can’t keep watching us if you faint from hunger. ” Harriet said softly,

Yet, the man is still unmoved, with no thanks, no single nod, just stare.

“Your eyes don't feel dry at all? You haven’t blinked for nearly half an hour, you know.” Harriet tried again.

Masking his laugh, Daemon said in Valyrian, “ Darling, stop bothering the man, let him do his job.

“He makes me uncomfortable!” Harriet whines.

“My poor dearest.” Daemon chuckled. “Come here and read this book to expand your vocabulary.” He put a book down and patted its cover gently.

“You think Mase once was Unsullied? I never saw someone who could hold still in the same position for hours except the Unsullied.” Harriet asked after flipping two pages of the book she was currently reading.

Daemon glances at Mose's pants, “Judging from the bulge inside his pants, I'm certain He’s not.”

“He's too well groomed and well fed to be a slave, he also speaks perfect High Valyrian, he wears high-quality leather and gold chains as a choker, oh! And did you remember Mazdhan zo Loraq called him brother? Don’t you think it's weird?”

Daemon put his book down, “It is not strange for a master to take good care of his favorite slave, dearest, and we are not here to play detective, we are here to read books, remember?”

Harriet pout.

“Patience, darling I almost finished compiling all the material I needed.”

True to his words, by the end of the week, Daemon managed to compile all the materials to create a book of the complete history of Valyria before doom.

“Now we only need to hire the Meereenese commissioned writer that Vyronar introduced to us, to compile everything into a book,” Daemon said proudly.

Harriet looked at the stack of books and scrolls and went pale. Hermione had told her how muggles copied their books in the medieval era when they learned about the Geminio spell. She estimated that with all the materials Daemon had, it would take years to rewrite everything!

They can’t stay that long!

Harriet could not stand to be a prisoner any longer! She wanted her freedom back!

“Can’t it wait till we return to Westeros?” Harriet asked.

“Only a handful of men beside me that could read Old Valyrian text in Westeros, Harry, and the people who are capable of reading the text and doing manuscript-writing are the Rats of Citadel,” Daemon scowled in disgust, “Honestly, I'd rather burn all this book and scroll rather than entrusted these valuable materials to them.”

“I understand you didn’t trust the Maesters but I truly can’t bear another week under Mase’s watchful stare, I'm just inches away from transfiguring him into a frog!”

“Oh, Harry.” Daemon laughed,

“Please, Daemon?” Harriet almost begs on her knees. She truly cannot stand Mase and his cold stare anymore. " Are you sure there’s no other way? Can we hire commissioned writers from other free cities?”

“...We may find someone in Volantis…”

“Why do you sound unsure?”

“As I said, reading old text alone is tricky, and finding someone who could do the reading and manuscript-writing is even harder, if we hired two people and either one quit we are doomed.”

“You should do it yourself then! Complete History of Valyria before Doom by Daemon Targaryen”

“You can’t be serious.” Daemon pinched Harriet’s cheek. “Manuscript writing is a laborious process, dearest, that’s why we commissioned a person to do it.”

“Trust me I know how, Hermione told me how the muggles copied their book before printing machines were invented.”

“Then you should be aware why I am not suitable for the job, I had no patience nor dedication for it.”

Harriet pouted in defeat.

“I'm sorry to disappoint you, dearest, but you said it yourself that there's no spell to help you make an essay out of the book, everything needs to be done manually, right?” Daemon rubs his thumb over the back of Harriet’s hand.

“Yeah, I'm so bad at writing essays, not only was my handwriting chicken scratch at best, but my professor also complained about my almost art-like ink splotches.” Harry chuckled.

Daemon also chuckled, “With all things magic can do, I still wonder why no one bothered to invent a spell to make quill able to write on its own.” He mused.

Quill that could write on its own!

Harriet pulls her hand from Daemon’s grasp, only to smack her forehead.

How could she forget!?


Harriet ignored Daemon and went to rummage her bag.

“I found it!” She cried out in relief when she found the things she was looking for,

“What is this?” Daemon inspected the box, which had a fountain pen inside it.

“The enhanced version of Self-Writing Quill! Twins’ Shop best-selling item! I present to you The Self-Writing Fountain Pen!” Harriet presented the pen to Daemon, “This one is a special edition, George makes this unbreakable and never runs out of ink!”

“Seems everyone is well aware of your clumsy nature, hmm?”

Harry sticks her tongue out,

Since the pen requires no specific magic spell to be used, Harriet easily links the fountain pen to Daemon’s voice and teaches him how to use it,

“Say something.”

“Say what?” Daemon asked, and the quill stood up and wrote the exact words on the parchment, even the punctuation mark.

Daemon gasped loudly, “By God, Harry! This—”

“Ingenious! I know! The first version, Self-Writing Quill, was Twins’ best-seller item for years before George came up with the fountain pen version.”

“This twin is the one who runs a joke shop in the alley, right? Ronald’s older brothers?”

Harriet gasped, “You remember!”

“Of course I remember every single thing you said to me, I even remember that you Funded this Weasley’s joke shop with Tournament prize money that you won in your fourth year in Hogwarts.” Daemon chuckled.

Harriet felt her heart skip beating again! Godric’s heart! Daemon truly remembers everything she said, even the silliest of her silly rambling, and it made her heart unbearably full; she felt loved like never before!

Harriet scrunched her nose at Daemon before kissing his cheek. “Off to work now, Daemon, the faster you finish the more unlikely Mase ends up as a Frog.”

Daemon chuckled, “As your command, my darling.” He returned the kiss and then started working on his book.

Harriet listened attentively as Daemon enunciated the Valyrian words clearly and melodiously, almost like singing a beautiful song rather than creating a book.

Is there anything that this man couldn’t do?

Well, the man claims he can’t cook, but not because he genuinely can’t; he never bothered to try in the first place. Who knows, he may also be good at it.

Harriet folded her arm on the table and rested her head there. She stares at Daemon’s handsome face and sighs; why, of all people, must she fall in love with a married man?

She exhaled deeply.

Yes, Harriet cannot deny anymore that she had fallen for the handsome, charming, witty, jack-of-all-trade dragon prince.

Caraxes can’t know about this!! That dragon wouldn’t let Harriet live this down and hold it over Harriet’s head every time they talked!

Harriet shuddered; Caraxes definitely can’t know about her little infatuation!

She is well aware that Daemon had no love for his wife, nor did he ever touch or share a bed with her, and Harriet believed him. She also knew that for years, Daemon had kept pushing his brother to annul his marriage, but the king of Westeros, for some reason, never agreed to do it.

Does Viserys think that Daemon will relent in the end?

How come Viserys, who claimed to love Daemon dearly, knew nothing about Daemon? Did he even look like someone who will yield and surrender to pressure?

Viserys Targaryen is a fool, no doubt about it.

Harriet sighed. Should she just take the matter with her own hand? Should she get rid of the woman herself to finally make Daemon hers?

It only needed one simple spell; the muggles wouldn’t suspect anything since the killing curse left no mark; it would just look like the woman had heart failure and died.

Harriet fell silent for a moment before laughing silently. She can’t believe she is just thinking about killing an innocent woman to take her husband for herself.

What kind of savior is she?

Harriet leaned her forehead onto the table, hid her face in the crook of her arm, and chuckled softly.

Godric’s heart since when she became so bloody heartless?!

Harriet knew she should be ashamed, but truthfully, she was not. The Second World War and years of travel across the globe had changed her drastically. She no longer sees everything in black and white or thinks the greater good is not always good.

She learns that the world has no absolute goodness or evil; everything is equal, even magic. Dark Magic could save people's lives just as Light Magic could kill people. It's not the tool; the wielder's intention will differentiate between good and evil.

Harriet turned her head, and her gaze met Daemon’s; he smiled sweetly at her.

Harriet sighs; she is sure sooner or later, she will end up killing for him.


Daemon just finished writing the third chapter of his book when Harriet returned from her daily little charity at the plaza of Purification. “How much bread did you hand out today?” Daemon asked with a coy smile.

Lately, Harriet has found a new way to kill time while Daemon works on his book. She would buy two or three baskets of bread and then give them away to slaves' children who were too young to work near the slum area.

If she were just an ordinary lady, Daemon would forbid her from doing so, but since she knows how to defend herself and brings two sentries with her, Daemon just lets Harriet do whatever she wants.

Happy wife, happy life.

“Three baskets full.” Harriet glanced at Mase, who sat not far away from the window, before walking to him, wrapping her arm around his waist and kissing him sweetly.

“Something happened?” He whispered.

Harriet nodded.

Daemon asked Mase, “Shall we call it for the day, Mase? I want to spend the evening with my lady wife.” He asked.

Mase stood up and bowed to Daemon and Harriet before leaving the room.

Harriet waits until Mase’s footsteps are no longer heard; Daemon asks again, “What happened, Harry?”

“I think something is going to happen tonight, Daemon.”

“What makes you think that?”

“The slave’s children, the ones I give bread to, they keep telling me to stay away from the city before the sun goes down.”

Daemon frowned, “They may just try to pull your leg, darling, you know how children are.”

“Trust me I know how children love to play pranks on adults, Teddy and Huggo never missed a chance to pull a prank on me, however, those slave’s children seem serious about it, Daemon.”

Daemon looked out the window; the sun had already begun to set on the horizon. Daemon decided to leave the city for a night to be safe if something indeed happened that night.

They leave the city under a disillusionment spell. Their journey to Caraxes’ secret lair on the hill overlooking the city was smooth and without any disruption.

Daemon watches Harriet and Caraxes hiss at each other; like every time, the hiss quickly turns into Harriet's fit of laughter and puff of angry smoke from Caraxes.

Daemon huffed a laugh and went to rub Caraxes's snout to soothe his poor blood wyrm. “Must you keep antagonizing him?” Daemon chuckled.

Harriet placed her hand upon her chest and gasped, " How could you accuse me of doing something so evil?”

“I may not understand serpent tongue.” Daemon flicked Harriet’s nose gently, “But I didn’t miss the mischievous glint in your eyes, dearest.”

Harriet scrunched her nose at Daemon.

Daemon pulled the woman into a hug and kissed her cheek.

He heard Caraxes hiss something; Harriet rolled her eyes before angrily hissing back.

“What did he say?”

Soft blush colored Harriet's cheek, “…Nothing…” She lied so bashfully.

“Nothing?” Daemon raised his eyebrow,

Caraxes hissed again, “Oh shut up you!” Harriet glared at the Dragon; her face and ear were utterly red now,

Yet before Daemon managed to pursue further, loud explosions were heard; Daemon and Harriet quickly exited the cave, and even Caraxes stretched his neck to take a look.

Daemon's eyes widened as he saw fire engulf almost the whole city’s central pier. The fire was so big and spread so fast to the surrounding area.

“Dear Merlin! Our lodge!” Harriet pointed to the west part of the dock, which was already burning brightly. We will burn with it if we choose not to leave!” Harriet exclaimed.

Daemon clenched his fist. Is this set up to harm them?

The two of them watch silently as the soldiers and slaves pour out from all the pyramids, most likely to put out the fire.

Yet, instead of starting to put down the fire, the slaves began to attack the unsuspecting soldiers; they stole those soldiers’ weapons and then threw the disarmed soldiers into the roaring fire.

“Godric’s Heart!” Harriet gasped in horror.

“Slave rebellion.” Daemon spat.

The armed Slaves quickly regrouped and made their way back to each pyramid they came from, unbothered by the fire that grew bigger behind them and slowly spread wider each second.

“The children knew.” Harriet squeezes Daemon's hand. “That's why they warn us to stay away from the city!”

“Yes, seems your little charity has saved us from doom, dearest,” Daemon admitted.

Daemon warned Harriet not to raise her hope because even if the slave managed to overthrow the Masters, their reign would be short-lived since they were not equipped to defend the city when the Good Masters and Wise Master began to attack the city to maintain the order in Slaver’s bay.

As always, Harriet and her bleeding heart refused to hear reason, so she demanded him and the Caraxes to assist her to help the Slaves.

Daemon took a deep breath. “You realize that we need to conquer the whole of Slaver’s Bay if we truly want to help the slaves, right?”

Harriet nodded. “We could do that!”

Daemon took a deep breath, “my love, please listen to me first.” He almost begged.

Harriet frowned at him.

“We couldn’t just conquer the entire Slaver’s Bay and let the Slave fend for themselves afterward, we need to rule, protect, and teach the slaves to be self-sufficient.”

Harriet's frown deepened.

Daemon sighs, what a gullible darling he had, “Dearest, slaves were only taught to follow order, they need someone to order them around, and they are not equipped with specific talents like farming, fishing, mining, or smithing.”

Daemon saw Harriet’s resolve begin to crack, “Not only will it take years to teach those slaves, you are aware of what will follow when you try to abolish slavery, don’t you?”

Harriet's lips turn into thin lines.

“Not only is it impossible to make the whole Essos agree to abolishing Slavery completely, but those free cities will consider us as a threat and start wagging war on us, have you prepared for that?”

Harriet’s lips began to tremble.

“Even If we survive everything, the war, the constant assassination attempt, and somehow manage to make the slaves sustained on their own, what will happen to the people when we die? Without magic and Dragon will they survive?”

Frustration tears began to well in Harriet’s emerald eyes.

Daemon pulled Harriet into his embrace, “I know you hate being helpless, but we cannot help everyone, my love.” He kissed her temple, “Even Aegon the conqueror himself prepared for years before he started his campaign on Westeros,” he began to pat her back,

Daemon felt his shoulder begin to feel damp.

“…I just want to help.” Harriet began to sob.

“I know my love, I know…”

They were in the middle of preparing to leave Mereen when the City started bustling again. A wave of soldiers began pouring from each of the pyramids, slowly gaining city control back from the slaves.

“Why those slaves carrying a log with them? Are they going to rebuild the dock right away?” Harriet asked.

Daemon glanced at the burnt dock. They needed to clear it first before rebuilding it, and if not for rebuilding, there was only one explanation…Cold dread rushed over Daemon’s veins. “Hurry up, Harry. We’re leaving.”



Unfortunately, they’re not quick enough. The sound of wood being hammered down begins to echo through the city, followed by a pained scream.

Daemon tried to distract Harriet by dragging her back to the cave, but the woman managed to slip away from his grasp.

“Harriet…” Daemon softly called her as she silently watched the Slave’s crucifixion happen on the burnt part of the city.

Daemon watches Harriet’s bright emerald eyes slowly turn into Dark ruby.

“Harry, My love, you need to calm down…”

Harriet shook her head, then vanished with a loud crack. Seconds later, loud explosions were heard from the top of the Great Pyramid, and the giant Harpy statue on top of the pyramid began to topple and then collapse forward.

“f*ck!” Daemon cursed loudly as he watched the giant golden statue slide down from the top of the great pyramid, bringing destruction in its wake.

Then another explosion was heard. Part of the green-black pyramid of Naqqan exploded. The blast made the tip of the pyramid fly and crash into the side of the Pyramid of Phal, causing the pink and white pyramid quite significant damage.

Daemon held his breath as he watched the chaos and destruction Harriet made by herself.

“Seven Hell…” he breathed out.

Caraxes nudged his snout on Daemon’s back as if he urged Daemon to stop Harriet.

“We can’t do anything, Caraxes, we could only wait.”

Caraxes laid his head beside Daemon,

Daemon runs his hand on Caraxes' scale. Meereen is already half burned, and Harriet's magic has ruined the other half.

Daemon felt Caraxe's golden eyes eyeing him. He sighs, “We will expose ourselves if we fly to the city. Those Greedy slaves' masters would know exactly where to demand compensation for the damage Harriet created. Also, it's not like Harriet will listen to me; she is still blinded in rage,” he says, hoping the great wyrm can understand him, at least the main point.

Caraxes puffed a smoke,

Daemon let out a sigh of relief when he heard a crack of thunder near him. Harriet had returned to him. She looked defeated, her face covered by soot and ashes, her hair dishevelled, tears and exhaustion marring her beautiful face, and her eyes dim but no longer red like rubies.

She looks at him, guilt and shame flashing over her beautiful eyes.

Daemon sighed, “Come here, my love.” Daemon said as he opened his arm.

Fat tears dropped from Harriet's eyes; she ran and crashed onto him, hugged him tightly, and began to cry her heart out; her wailing was a heartbreaking one.

Daemon holds her firmly in his embrace. “I'm here, love. I'm here,” he whispers before kissing Harriet’s head.



“Is it true that God finally punished Meereen for their sins?” Ask someone at the tavern.
Harriet flinched; Daemon reached for her hand and patted it gently.
“That’s not God's work! I saw the city myself! It's the devil’s doing! The city is practically destroyed!”
Harriet ducks her head in shame.
“There's no god or devil! The star fell from the sky right onto Meereen!”
From that point onwards, the rumors escalated even more wilder and bizarre.
Daemon kept holding Harriet's hand while eyeing the tavern door; when the person he was waiting for appeared, he stood up.
“Auntie.” He greeted me with an open arm.
The petite Targaryen woman smacks his hand, “I told you to call me by my name you insolent child!”
Daemon snorted. “Calling you by your name won’t make you younger Saera, you already have dozens of grandbabies, remember?”
Saera smacked Daemon again before turning to Harriet, “You must be the poor soul who this rascal tricked into marriage?”
“Oy!” Daemon protested.
Harriet chuckled, “Greetings, Princess Saera.”
Saera waved her hand. "I'm no princess or Lady; you can call me Aunt Saera. We're family.”
“How could Harry allowed to call you aunt but I can’t?” Daemon protested.
“Whine all you want Daemon.”

Chapter 11: Volantis


Another long chapter ahead, enjoy ❤️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“I’m fine, Daemon.” Every time Daemon checked on Harriet, she uttered these words, yet she remained guilt-stricken and flinched frequently at the mention of Meereen or Slaver's Bay.

“Is it true that God finally punished Meereen for their sins?” Ask someone at the tavern.

Harriet flinched; Daemon reached for her hand, squeezed it softly, then ran his thumb over her back.

“That’s not God's work! I saw the city firsthand! It's the devil’s doing! The city is practically destroyed!”

Harriet ducks her head in shame.

Daemon glared at the man. Did he want to die? How dare that lowlife call his wife a devil?

"There's no work for god or devil!" The truth is, a star is falling from the sky onto the heart of Meereen!”

Daemon rolled his eyes. From that point onward, the made-up rumors escalated even more bizarrely.

The entire time, Harriet looked both guilty and ashamed. She confessed to him that she had never snapped like that before and didn’t know what possessed her that day.

Slaver's Bay truly takes a massive toll upon Harriet, and Daemon regrets that he didn’t insist on skipping that wretched part of Essos. Daemon brought Hariet’s hand to his lips; the woman smiled weakly at him.

When the person they were waiting for finally appeared, Daemon quickly stood up. “Auntie.” He greeted Saera Targaryen with an open arm.

The petite Targaryen woman smacks his hand with her fan; Daemon almost yelps when the huge jewel attached to the fan collides with his knuckles; damn, it hurts! “I told you to call me by my name, you insolent brat!”

Daemon snorted. “Calling you by your name won’t make you any younger, Saera. You already have dozens of grandbabies, remember?”

Saera smacked Daemon again with her fan before turning to Harriet and smiling sweetly, “You must be the poor soul who this rascal tricked into marriage.”

“Oy!!” Daemon protested.

Harriet chuckled, “Greetings, Princess Saera.”

Saera waved her hand. "Cut that courtesy; I'm no longer a princess nor a lady; you can call me Aunt Saera. We're practically family through that brat.” With her fan, she pointed to Daemon.

“How could Harry be allowed to call you aunt, but I can't?”

“Whine all you want, Daemon.” She smirked at him.

Harriet bit her lips to stop herself from laughing at Daemon.

Saera wrapped her arm around Harriet and walked her out of the tavern. “Tell me about you, my dear. Did my rascal nephew treat you all right?”

“What kind of question is that?!”

"Your treatment of your first wife is well known, even here in Volantis; you piece of sh*t!"

“I would never dishonor my Harriet!” Daemon snarls back at his aunt, "You shouldn't judge me because you knew it was your mother who sold me to that Bronze Bitch for her golds!"

Saera sneers at Daemon, “Ignore that whiny wee lad; tell me truthfully, are you happy, dear?”

Harriet nodded. “I am happy, Aunt Saera; Daemon is true to his words, and he—” Harriet glanced at Daemon and blushed prettily, “—the best thing that has happened to me.”

Hearing that, Daemon proudly puffed his chest like a peaco*ck, which Saera quickly smacked.

The sudden impact drove Daemon to cough hard. “Why do you keep hitting me?!” He asks between coughs.

“Because I can,” Saera smirked.

Daemon groaned.

Once they arrived at Saera’s extravagant mansion, Saera ordered her servants to serve and pamper Harriet like a princess while she caught up with Daemon.

“What happened to her? Why is she flinching when mentioning Meereen or Slaver’s Bay?” Saera asked.

Daemon sighed, and even Saera noticed that something had happened with Harriet: “The slaver’s bay took a huge toll on her; there's no slavery where she came from.”

“Then you should know better than to bring that sweet girl there!”

“I shouldn’t, but she insisted.” Daemon sighs.

Saera scoffed, “Since when has Daemon Targaryen ever listened to anyone?”

“Harriet, not just anyone.”

Saera laughed, “I never thought the day would come when I witnessed a woman manage to wrap Daemon Targaryen, the almighty Rogue Prince, tightly around her finger.”

“Trust me, I was surprised too.”

“Do her right; don’t repeat your grandfather's mistake.” Saera sipped her wine. “Never forget how his sense of duty drove my mother to her grave.”

“f*ck duty.” Daemon scoffs.

Saera snorted.

“How are Viserys and Rhaenys?”

“They’re… fine.” Daemon honestly didn’t know what to say about those two.

"Do you mean that Viserys remains a court fool and Rhaenys remains a pretentious brat?"

Daemon barks a laugh; Saera always had an amusing way of nicknaming people.

Saera poured Daemon another goblet of wine. “Anyway, have you heard about your beloved brother's recent blunder?”

Daemon exhales deeply, “I have.” He sipped his wine.

“Daughter of the second son who owns nothing and a tower on top of that?” Saera scoffed, “Did you forget to teach your brother that he is not obligated to marry a whor* after using her service?”

Daemon burst into laughter again. "You said it yourself: he's a court fool."

“Yes—yes—the same fool who experienced the joy of a second marriage yet let his brother rot in his miserable first marriage.” She smirks at him.

Daemon's laughter and mirth instantly subsided.

Saera sighs, "I had warned you, Daemon, that when the cursed crown lands on your brother's head, he will no longer be your sweet brother; he won't keep any of his promises; he will flatly lie to your face and claim it was for the betterment of the crown."

Daemon clenched his jaw. He never liked it when someone talked badly about his brother. No matter how foolish Viserys is, he is still his only brother.

Saera seemed to get the hint of Daemon's anger and waved her hand. “Well, you could always hire an assassin to get rid of your first wife,” she eyed Daemon from the rim of her goblet. “I knew people, even the faceless men.”

“Can’t. It will only upset Harriet,” Daemon scowled.

Saera narrowed his gaze at Daemon. “Who are you? Where do you hide my nephew?”

Daemon rolled his eyes at Saera.

Saera laughed, “So what are you going to do? Pray to the Fourteen Flame and hope your wife somehow falls and breaks her neck.”

Daemon glared at Saera.

Saera glared back, “You cannot return to Westeros while your first wife is still alive, Daemon; those court hyenas will start yapping and feasting upon our precious girl.”

Did she assume he wasn't aware of it?

Daemon closed his eyes; he could not hire an assassin to kill his Bronze Bitch, nor could he fly to Vale and kill her himself. Cursing at Saera wouldn’t bring anything either. Daemon let out an exhaustive breath, “I will send another petition to Viserys.”

“Good luck with that,” Saera said, raising his goblet. “I doubt something that has been going for almost two decades would ever change.”

“Must you always rile me up?” Daemon gives Saera a droll look.

Saera chuckled, “Tell the servant to fetch you Balerion for sending your letter; that bird likes to bite people's fingers off.” She winked.

Daemon blinks several times before snorting loudly, “I will.”

Saera hummed.

Saera took off her emerald necklace and draped it on Harriet’s neck. “Everyone who sees this would know that you’re someone not to mess with.”

“Thank you, Aunt Saera,” Harriet said in awe.

Saera grinned as she pinched Harriet's cheek lovingly.

“What about me?” Daemon asked.

“Did you forget your own face? Do I need to call servants to bring a big mirror for you?” Saera rolled her eyes. "No one will ever mistake you for a page boy with that ridiculous Targaryen look and the Dark Sister on your hip."

Daemon clicked his tongue in displeasure.

Harriet started giggling.

“What did you really see from this big baby, my dear?” Saera asked, “If only for his face, I knew many other handsome men I could introduce you to.”

The question only drove Harriet to burst out laughing.

“Stop trying to sabotage our relationships!” Daemon spat as he pulled Harriet away from Saera.

Still giggling, Harriet cupped Daemon's cheek and kissed the corner of his lips, saying, "Aunt is just playing with you, Daemon." She patted him softly on the chest.

Daemon scowls, pretending his heart did not flutter under her delicate hand.

“You blush shown, Daemon.” Saera sneers at him,

Daemon glared at his aunt.

She shooed them, "Off you go now, children; enjoy the city."

“We’re off, Aunt Saera,” Harriet chirped.

Saera leaned against the door frame and waved at them.

Daemon led them to cross the famous bridge that connected the old town and the new one, telling her briefly what place they would visit today.

“You appear to be familiar with Volantis. Have you been here before?” As they crossed the bridge, Harriet inquired.

“Every time Viserys banished me from his court, I would fly here or to Pentos.”

“Oh? Do you have another relative in Pentos?”

“Nah, just my long-time friend Prince Reggio. The other relatives besides Viserys, Rhaenys, Saera, and their children are my uncle Vaegon; he's an archmaester in the Citadel.”

Harriet's eyebrows shoot up. “You said you don’t have people to trust in Old Town.”

“Because I don’t trust Vaegon,”

“Why? He's your family.”

“First, he hates my mother. And second, he's no dragon; he's a rat, just like every other Maester.”

“Your family drama is worse than the Black.” Harriet chuckled.

“The Black? Your Godfather's family?”

Harriet nodded, “Years of inbreeding and shallow gene pool have driven them insane, especially my Godfather Cousin...Bellatrix Lestrange.” Harriet spells out the name with pure hatred. "People even come up with a name for it: Black Madness.” She scoffed.

"You think it's due to inbreeding?" Daemon asked carefully.

“It is scientifically proven in my world, Daemon.”


"I can't tell; there are so many things different here than mine, but you came out great, didn't you?" Did you have any family members with malformations such as extra limbs?

Daemon shakes his head. “None that I know of.”

“Well, according to the material of your book, the Valyrians have often married brother to sister since its founding day. If it's like how things run in my world, I guarantee you, you wouldn't be born healthy with a sound mind.”


Harriet nodded. "There's a magical family in my world that practices inbreeding, not directly brother and sister, like the Valyrians." To preserve their rare family magic, they only accept someone close to them. Harriet looked uncomfortable for some reason when she mentioned the 'rare family magic.' "The last 'pure' generation of those families ends up almost squibby, deformed, mentally deranged, violent, and quite mad."


“I had read the master’s notes about him, and I think his madness comes from grief and the head injury he suffered.”


“He can’t have an heir, Daemon. For a man like Maegor, son of the conqueror and warrior queen, a prince, a renowned knight, and on top of that very healthy, to face the fact that he is unable to have an heir is rather...humiliating I would say.” Harriet grimaces, "especially when his weak and sickly brother manages so easily to get son after son."

Daemon contemplates Harriet’s words. She does have a point. If Daemon were in Maegor's shoes, he is sure he would also lose his mind and take drastic measures.

Harriet entwined their fingers together. “There's a king in my world, a warrior king, from six wives and many affair partners. He only got two daughters and one son—”

“Six wives?!”

“It is not like Maegor and his black bride,” Harriet laughed. “The said king legally The king was legally married six times in total: he divorced the first, he beheaded the second, the third died in childbirth, he annulled the fourth, he also beheaded the fifth, and finally, the king passed away before he could marry the seventh."

“Bloody hell!”

“Bloody indeed.” Harriet chuckled, "Anyway, back to the topic, the constant push for having an heir to the throne, the insecurity and feeling emasculated was claimed to be the reason the king was slowly losing his mind."

Daemon starts thinking about visions. At first, Visery's decision to cut Aemma open makes no sense to him, but now, after hearing about Harriet’s warrior king, he is unsure. Maybe that incident was Visery's breaking point? It's not justifying anything and still a murder, however...

Daemon stares at Volantis’ blue sky.

“Anyway!” Harriet's voice brings him back to reality: “You need to be more kind to Maegor; despite everything he has done, he saved your family! Not once but twice! Without him stepping up, I’m certain that the Faith militants will definitely wipe your family from history.”

What Harriet said is true. Everyone knows the faith militants were too powerful at the time. Even Queen Visenya demanded several times that Aenys rain fire upon the Sept to keep those faith militants in line. Without Maegor, there would be no Targaryen today.

“He only claimed to be king after Aenys died, right? If he truly lusts for the throne, he will rebel and claim the throne for himself right after Aegon; the conqueror turns into ashes because only a suicidal fool would try to stop Maegor and Queen Visenya from taking the Iron Throne.”

Daemon stared at Harriet in awe; what a revelation he had just had! “I wonder why no one ever thought about it before.”

“Because most people only see something from a black-and-white perspective, there's no such thing as that; the world is too colorful to be divided into only two categories.”

“You talk like an old crone, darling.” Daemon chuckled.

Harriet sticks out her tongue.

Daemon kissed her temple and continued their walk toward the famous maze.

“Please!” Harriet pleaded,

“No.” Daemon refused.

“Just one bite.” Harriet waves water spider meat to his face. “one small bite.”

Daemon grimaces and shakes his head, “No, thank you, dearest.”

“One tiny bite—” Harriet looked at him with her puppy eyes, “Pleaseee~”

Daemon sighed in defeat, wondering how, in the name of God, he could refuse this lovely woman and her big emerald eyes. “Fine…”

Before offering it to Daemon, Harriet beamed; she dipped the white rubbery meat into melted herb butter.

With or without its shell, it looks hideous.

“The things I do for love,” Daemon murmured before reluctantly opening his mouth and taking a small bite. Daemon braced himself for the nausea to hit him hard.

But the nausea never comes. He closes his eyes and chews, and the firm texture of the meat is surprisingly nice. He chews again and tastes a hint of sweetness and freshness from the ocean. The more he chews, the more the flavor bursts into his mouth.

Daemon opened his eyes and found Harriet grinning at her, “Good, right?! Now try this!” She offered sea-roach meat to him.

Daemon didn’t resist this time. He simply opened his mouth and let Harriet feed him.

The texture of the sea roach was not as firm as that of the sea spider; it's on the crisp side, easy to chew, and has more of a hint of the ocean's sweetness.

“Do you like it? Want another?” She asked.

While chewing, Daemon nodded.

Harriet beamed, “This—” she pointed at Sea-spider, “—called Lobster, and this—” she pointed at the Sea-roach, “—called Shrimp.”

“Is it popular in your world?”

“Not only is it popular, but it's also ridiculously expensive! I was so shocked it was so cheap here.”

“The poor eat the roach whole; people don’t know how to properly eat it.”

Harriet hummed while feeding Daemon more shrimp that she had peeled from its shell. Once Harriet's finger was close enough to his mouth, Daemon playfully nipped and licked the tip of her finger to make the woman yell and blush scarlet. “Daemon!” She glared at him.

“What?” He smirks.

Harriet's eyes may have glared at him, yet her lips indicated otherwise by curving into a shy smile.

At one point, they heard some people at the tavern debating about the shipwreck that was discovered near the Freehold open sea. Some individuals asserted that the ship belonged to Tommen II, while others refuted this claim, citing the absence of the Brightroar from the shipwreck.

Harriet asked who Tommen II was, and Daemon told her story about Tommen II, the Lannister lion king who sailed with his massive fleet to Valyria after the Doom to plunder the wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. It was a quest from which he never returned. He lost the Valyrian steel greatsword Brightroar with him.

He also told her that the Lannisters were still grieving the lost ancestral sword; they had tried several times to buy other houses' Valyrian swords with their gold, but no one was willing to accept their offer.

After hearing the story, Harriet’s big emerald eyes shone, giving Daemon bad feelings. “No!”

Harriet's begun to grin.

“Harry, darling, Don’t you even think about it?” He warned her.

Harriet grinned while slowly pulling her wand from her dress's sleeves.

“Harriet sheathed your wand!”

Her bright emerald eyes twinkle mischievously as Harriet grins from ear to ear.

“Harriet Lily Potter!”

She swished her wand, “Point me, Brightroar.” A wisp of blue flame immediately shoots from the tip of her wand toward the direction of the open sea.

“f*ck me!” Daemon groaned.

Harriet laughed.

“No! We are not going! Freehold open water is too dangerous! The fog! The stone men! Have you forgotten what happened to Asia?!”

“It's the Brightroar Daemon.” Harriet pout.

“Not worth the risk.” Daemon refused vehemently.

“I can summon it withAccio.”Harriet tried.

“That damned sword is not worth your safety, dearest.”

“Not even worth seeing the Lannister twin’s devastated face when you dangle the sword in front of their face?”

Daemon clamped his mouth shut and narrowed his eyes at Harriet. The sly woman smiled triumphantly, knowing Daemon had bitten her bait.

She pursed her lips. “We won’t be anywhere near the ground; I can summon the sword from the sky.”

When Daemon didn’t respond, Harriet once again used her last resort, the blasted ‘puppy eyes.’ “Pleaseeeee~” she begged so sweetly, she even managed to make her bright, lush green eyes look a bit glassy under the dim light.

Daemon rubbed his face while letting out a long-suffering groan: “No landing on the ground; stay above the fog; if you fail twice, attempt—”

Harriet cheered excitedly; she wrapped her arm around his neck and peppered his cheek with kisses.

“We return immediately if you fail to summon it twice.” Daemon scowls.

Harriet nodded enthusiastically, “Let's go! Let's go!” She practically bounces on her feet.

“Promise me first.” He demanded.

“I promise.” She answered a bit too quickly.

“Don’t cross your fingers behind your back!”

Harriet pouted; she showed her hands to Daemon, rolled her eyes, and swore again, “I promise.”

Daemon let out a deep breath; this woman will be the death of him.

Daemon circled above Harriet, who had reached their destination using her precious broom. Yet the fog was too thick below them, so Daemon hardly saw anything.

Harriet cast something; a ring of warm light spread around her. “Nothing alive around us!” she yelled.

Daemon could only hope the spell deemed Stonemen and another unknown creature that boiled Aerea alive from inside were ‘something alive.’

“I will start summoning!” Harriet yelled again.

Daemon watches Harriet point her desire to the ocean, then yells out the spell, "Accio Brightroar!"

At first, nothing happened, but then Harriet started grunting and holding her wand with both hands.

Before Daemon could yell at Harriet to let go of whatever was pulling her from the sea, a shipwreck emerged from the fog. “Seven hell!” Daemon yelled.

Harriet's triumphant laugh echoed through the foggy ocean.

“I expected you to return with petty trinkets or sweets from the market. And what do I get?” Saera asked with hand akimbo, “A bloody shipwreck in my perfectly manicured garden?!”

Harriet ducked her head in shame. “I'm sorry, Aunt Saera.” She mumbled.

“Oh my dear, I am not upset at you.” Saera cupped Harriet's cheek and smiled softly at her. She then glared at Daemon and said, "Because your stupid husband should know better!"

Daemon pointed himself in disbelief.

Harriet looked at Daemon and whispered apologies.

Daemon sighs.

It took almost three months to dismantle the shipwreck. While they wait, Daemon decides to work on his books, while Harriet ventures the city either by herself or with Saera when Daemon can’t accompany her.

He had just finished the sixth chapter of his book when there was a knock on his door. “Enter,” Daemon said.

"My prince, we have finished dismantling the ship." The servant informs him.

“Have you informed my wife and my aunt?”

“Yes, my prince, I believe Lady Harriet and Mistress Saera were on their way to the garden.”

“Good,” Daemon said as he stretched his sore limb. He wondered how much time had passed since he began working on his book.

From afar, Daemon could already hear Saera’s delightful laugh: “With that much treasure, I will even allow You to turn my garden upside down, Harriet.”

“Auntie!” Harriet groaned in embarrassment.

“What do we have here?” As Daemon entered the garden, a small mountain of gold and precious gems welcomed him. “Damn.” He commented.

“Daemon! Look.” Harriet shows him a great sword. From the pattern of the steel and the way it gleamed under sunlight, Daemon is certain it was made with Valyrian steel.

"Careful, darling, that's very sharp; I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” Daemon carefully took the sword from Harriet's hand.

“I have handled swords before, Daemon; I killed a basilisk with it.” Harriet scowls.

“Yes, but you also almost died in the process.” He sneered.

Harriet huffed.

Daemon took the great sword and inspected it. The steel and the dragonbone handle remained undamaged even after years of submersion in salt water; the lionhead pommel lost its gem, but the damage was easily repairable.

“I still wonder what kind of metal Valyrian steel was.” Harriet rested her chin on Daemon's shoulder. It's much lighter than goblin metal, but twice as sturdily; how curious."

“Goblin’s metal? That's what Gryffindor’s sword is made of?”

“Nope, Gryffindor’s sword is made from pure silver.”

“Pure silver, how?”

“It's enchanted and forged by goblins. Don’t ask me how the goblin did their job; they hate wizards.”

“I see; I would like to see the sword.”

“Maybe you can one day; the sword sometimes presents itself to a worthy Gryffindor in need.”

Daemon fell silent for a moment. “I changed my mind; I didn't wish ever to see the sword anymore.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Because, dearest, the only time you need a sword to defend yourself is when you’re in perilous danger, and I don’t wish ever to see you in that kind of situation.”

“Oh, Daemon…” Harriet threw her arm around Daemon’s neck and kissed her cheek sweetly.

“I wonder why you two haven’t yet had a dozen babies already,” Saera commented.

“Aunt Saera!” Harriet shrieked; she was completely flustered.

“I told you I would not dishonor Harriet,” Daemon said as he wrapped the Brightroar with thick fur. He soon needed to find an armorer to make a scabbard and repair the pommel.

“And I told you just to be done with it and hire an assassin to get rid of your first wife.”

Harriet gasped.

Daemon glared daggers at Saera.

Seeing her error, Saera raised her hands slightly, signing a surrender.

Daemon shook his head angrily, then stomped out of the garden with Brightroar.


“What trouble you, my dear?” Ask Saera one evening.

Harriet looked at the middle-aged woman. “Daemon asked if I wanted to live here...permanently.”

Saera took the empty seat beside Harriet and said, “You don’t want to?”

“I don’t know.” Harriet hugged her leg and propped her chin over her knees. “Daemon said he asked because I look happy here.”

“you don’t?”

“I am happy, Aunt Saera. I like Volantis, and I like you, but it just... doesn't feel right. I already asked so much from Daemon, you know. Harriet sighs. “He practically abandoned everything to go with me.”

“That Brat may be impulsive, but trust me, he would never ask that if he didn’t know the consequences.”

“I am aware... However, to ask him to uproot his entire life is just…too much…too selfish.”

“You are allowed to be selfish, Harry. No one will ever judge you.” Saera assured her.

Harriet sighs, “No one besides myself.”

Saera laughed, “You’re truly a precious one, aren’t you?”

Harriet gave her a look.

"I'm just teasing you, my dear," Saera says softly, pinching Harriet's cheek.

Harriet pouted.

“Just do whatever you think is right, Harry. I know your heart, and I know you will always make the best decision for everyone.”

Harriet rests her cheek on her knee and sighs.

“Mistress!” One servant ran to them in a hurry.

“What is it?”

“Westeros had declared war on the Triarchy!”

Harriet's head snapped towards the servants.

Saera read the missive and snorted loudly, “That court fool finally grew a ball, huh?" She turned to Harriet and asked, "Should we notify Daemon?" She waved the missive.

Harriet snatched it, “We should! He would be furious if we kept something like this from him!”


Next Stepstone

Chapter 12: Stepstones - War Preparation


27/8 Edit Notes: I just realized that no Cannon exists in ASOIAF!! Thank you Mimy for the correction!
04/09 Edit Notes: Trying the Quilbot app for grammar correcting :3

Chapter Text

Despite the king's significant assistance, the soldiers' morale is at an all-time low; they continue to suffer defeat after defeat, and many honorable men have succumbed to their wounds.

“We need more solid plans! I can’t keep sending my men to their graves!” Lord Gunthor Darklyn protested.

“You are not the only one losing soldiers here, Lord Darklyn!” Vaemond snapped, slamming his fist on the table. “My family had suffered massive loss for years before our king finally decided to wage war with the Triarchy!”

“I think it's time to request your wife to aid us with her dragon, my lord.” Ser Arryn, Lady Jeyne's cousin and head of the Arryn soldiers, spoke calmly.

Corlys gritted his teeth; putting Rhaenys in danger was never an option. "My son-in-law's fleet will soon arrive from Braavos to assist us."

“We don’t need more soldiers or fleet, Lord Corlys! All we need is a dragon to burn Craghas Drahar's hiding cave! Your son's dragon fire is too weak to melt stone! We need a larger and older dragon!” Lord Darklyn's tone began to rise.

Corlys balled his fist. He was inches away from breaking the Darklyns' nose.

“I wish Prince Daemon were here.” Lord Alton Celtigar murmured tiredly.

Hearing Daemon’s name instantly turns Ser Royce's face an ugly shade of red. “We didn’t need Daemon Targaryen!”

How many times must I remind you that your niece passed away due to natural causes? There's no way Prince Daemon had intervened with it; he was a thousand leagues away in Essos!” Laenor stood to defend Daemon; Lord Alton Celtigar nodded.

“Even though he had nothing to do with my niece Death, it doesn’t change the fact he had dishonored her for almost two decades! We do not need a man-whor* like him!” Ser Royce spat furiously.

“Prince Daemon—”

“—more dragons—”

"We didn't need Daemon Targaryen-!"

“ENOUGH!” Corlys slammed his fists on the table, “We are in the middle of the war, and we cannot spare to fight among ourselves!”

“DRAGON!!” Someone yelled from outside the camp.

“Your Lady wife finally decided to aid us, Lord Corlys?” Ask Lord Celtigar.

Did Rhaenys defy his order? However, before Corlys could reply to Lord Celtigar, another shout rang out, "It's the Blood Wyrm!"

“Prince Daemon has returned!”

“Prince Daemon has returned!”

Hearing all the cheer, Corlys and other lords quickly exited the main tent to look at the sky.

“Prince Daemon had returned to aid us!” Shout out to another soldier.

All the soldiers, nearing their breaking point, rose to their feet and began cheering, "All hail Prince Daemon!" The Rogue Prince”

Caraxes let out loud roars. The great beast circled the sky three times before landing with a heavy thud on a small hill.

“By Old Gods and the New! Was the Blood Wyrm always that big?” Lord Darklyn asked in awe.

“No, it's bigger than the last time I saw it,” Lord Celtigar answered.

Despite Caraxes' size, Daemon easily dismounted his great beast, as if he had done it thousands of times.

The prince extended both hands to catch a woman with wild black hair.

“It is the Witch!” Lord Royce hissed with apparent disdain in his voice.

Daemon’s second wife, The Northern Witch, Harriet Targaryen.

“Before anything else, let me express my condolences, Daemon.” Corlys spoke solemnly.

“Condolences?” Daemon asked in confusion. According to him, both Viserys and Rhaenyra were alive and well in KingsLanding.

“Your wife recently passed away,” Corlys answered.

Daemon glanced at Harriet and raised his eyebrow at Corlys. " What are you talking about, Corlys? Are you drunk? My wife is here, healthy and alive.” He proceeded to side-hug Harriet.

Harriet smacked Daemon’s arm. “Not me! Lord Corlys was talking about Lady of Runestone.”

Lord Corlys nodded, “She was hawking with several lords and ladies in the Vale; Lady Rhea fell from her horse and cracked her skull upon a stone. She lingered for nine days before finally feeling well enough to leave her bed, only to collapse and die within an hour of rising.”

“…Oh!” Daemon's confused frown gradually transformed into a wolfish grin, asking, "She died?" For real?! Ha! After nearly two decades, I am finally free from that bitch! You, Boy! Bring the ale; I need to make a toast!” He shouted at Corlys’ squire.

Harriet smacked Daemon for a second time. She couldn’t comprehend why Daemon loved to make toast at a funeral. “Halt, boy! No ale would be served!” she yelled at Corlys’ squire. She shocked the poor boy for the second time that night.

“But why, Harry? We need to make a toast on this joyous occasion.” Daemon whines.

“Joyous occasion, my ass! I won't let our troops lose Arryn's support just because you need to celebrate your wife's death!" Harriet glared at Daemon. “This is a war, Daemon; we need all the support we can get.”

Daemon clicked his tongue in displeasure.

“No celebration. Am I clear?” With hands akimbo, she glared at the man-child.

“Loud and clear, dearest.” He pouted like a perpetual child.

Harriet shook her head in exasperation, then gave Corlys an apologetic look, "I'm really sorry, my lord.”

Corlys looked completely shocked yet quickly smoothed his expression. “Fret not, my Lady.” He smiled kindly.

Daemon taps his forefinger on the table while Corlys listens to the battlefield scenario.

He had refused when the other lords asked him to lead the coalition army. Daemon told everyone he was here, but not in the name of the Crown; he came because Harriet asked him to aid the soldiers. Of course, Harriet never asked him that. Daemon is just creating an excuse because he is still furious at Viserys for declining his last petition.

Harriet observes her surroundings, with the Velayron and Celtigar appearing grateful for Daemon's help; the Arryn, particularly Ser Royce, appears sour, as if he has just bitten into the most bitter lemon in the world. If he had known that Daemon was nearly toast after his niece's death, he would have stabbed Daemon without hesitation.

"First things first, we need to seal the cave entrance so those pirates cannot return there to hide," Daemon stated after reviewing the terrain map.

“We have tried, many methods, but nothing works; the sands and the everchanging tides make it impossible to build a catapult,” Corlys explains.

“You fail, but My Harriet wouldn't.” Daemon smiled at Harriet and asked, "Do you think Bombarda has enough spells to collapse the cave entrance, dearest?"

Harriet didn’t miss how murderous Ser Royce looked when he heard Daemon call her ‘His Harriet.’ “I can try BombardaMaxima,but I need time between recasting.”

“How long?”

“Half to one minute.” Harriet shrugged.

“Can you keep yourProtegoup the entire time?”

“I could.” Harriet nodded.

"Good, there's no problem then," Daemon says, staring at the terrain map again. “Ser Leanor, please assist Caraxes in burning all archers on the cliffside. Don’t forget to maintain your distance and not stand on Caraxes’ trajectory,” Daemon explained. “Harriet and I will be on the battlefield to lure the crab out, Lord Corlys?”

“Vaemond will be leading the Velaryon’s fleet; I will lead the infantry to fight by your side, Daemon,” Corlys said.

“Fine with me.” Daemon nodded.

“Wait!” Laenor interrupted, whole eyes on the camp immediately landed upon him, “You said you and Lady Targaryen will be on Battlefield, then who is going to mount Caraxes?”

“No one,” Daemon answered.


“You think it’s wise, Daemon?” Corlys asked in worry.

“Don’t worry about it; Caraxes know which one to burn; my Harriet will ensure it,” Daemon smiled.

Harriet nodded, “I will talk to Caraxes, but I think it will be wiser for our Archer unit not to be dispatched; Caraxes is smart, but—”

“Our Archer unit?!” Ser Royce yelled. " You were never one of us, Witch!” He spat angrily.

All eyes turned to Ser Royce.

“Daemon! Sheath your sword back!” Harriet shouted,

People's eyes widened when they realized how close Daemon was to decapitating Ser Royce.

“I will have his head for disrespecting you!” Daemon growls menacingly, Dark sister already directed to Ser Royce’s head.

Harriet places her hand on Daemon’s chest. “Daemon, I can handle this.”

Daemon clenches his jaw.

Harriet reassures him again; Daemon finally relents and sheaths Dark Sister back into its scabbard.

All who attended the meeting held their breath, watching Harriet approach Ser Royce. “I have overstepped. I apologize, Ser Royce.” She smiled at the dour man.

Daemon's protest elicited several gasps, and Harriet's response even shocked Ser Royce.

“I'm sorry if I offended you in any way; trust me, I only had the best intentions in my heart. Caraxes is a smart dragon; there's no doubt about it. However, he tended to get excited after killing so many; I was afraid he would burn all the soldiers who brought bows and arrows with them at the height of the war,”

Ser Royce could only gape, his mouth hanging open like a fool.

Before returning to Daemon's side, Harriet smiled and bowed curtly at him.

“Why did you apologize to him?!”

We are at war, Daemon,” Harriet said in Valyrian; the last thing she needed was Daemon provoking Ser Royce once more, and they ended up losing half of Arryn's troops.

He disrespected you!

Yes, but seeing that dour man making stupid expressions is more interesting than seeing his head rolled on the ground.”Harriet grinned. “Isn’t it?

Behind them, the Velaryons and Lord Celtigar snorted loudly.

“Oh!”Harriet blushed.“I forgot there are more Valyrian speakers in the room. Greetings, my lords.”

“My lady.”They responded curtly.

Daemon huffed loudly. He pulled Harriet into his embrace and kissed the top of her head. “I will let this one slide.”

Harriet rested her chin on Daemon's chest,“Thank you.”

“Just this once!”

"Yes, yes, I won't stop you from beheading him if he continues to behave like that in the future." She grins.

Harriet leaves the meeting, worn out of Ser Royce and Ser Arryn's glares, and looks for Caraxes to provide excuses for the Dragon's task tomorrow.

Daemon gave her a knowing look. Harriet just scrunched her nose at him before leaving the tent.

On her way to Caraxes' temporary nest, she happens to stumble upon a silver-grey dragon. $You must be Seasmoke$Harriet greets the dragon.

$Yes! Yes!$,the dragon answered while nuzzling his snout at her eagerly like an oversized puppy.

Harriet laughed as she hugged Seasmoke and patted the young dragon,$You are so sweet; did you know where Caraxes is?$

$Yes!$ Seasmoke pointed his snout toward the ocean.

Harriet frowns$You don’t know how to speak serpent tongue?$

Seasmoke laid down his head and said, $...Yes$ with sad eyes.

Ah, poor boy, one of the younglings who only understands the language but cannot speak it.

Harriet rubbed her palm near Seasmoke's nostril,$Don't be sad; Caraxes could teach you$

$No, I won't$. Caraxes landed beside Seasmoke.$I am a warrior; I no Youngling caretaker.$

$Eish, don’t you feel sorry for this sweet boy?$

Caraxes huff,$I have more important things to do$

Harriet felt sorry for Seasmoke. $Don't worry, sweetheart, you live with Meleys, right? Why don't we ask her$

Caraxes let out a snort like a huff; $Meleys can’t speak. Like Syrax; she thinks the serpent's tongue is below her$

$ah no wonder$Harriet rub Seasmoke snout,$poor youngling$She turn at Caraxes,$come now Caraxes, just teach him$

$I told you I have many more important things to do$

$Like what? Eating and sleeping?$

$Eating and sleeping are important$

Harriet rolled her eyes at the blood wyrm.

Seasmoke stood up and flew away,

$Are you happy now for breaking that sweet youngling's heart?!$Harriet scolds Caraxes.

Caraxes just respond with a huff.

Minutes later, Seasmoke was back with freshly dead sheep, which he pushed toward Caraxes with his snout.

$You think if you bribe me, I will be willing to teach you?$

$Yes!$Seasmoke nods enthusiastically.

Harriet covers her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

Caraxes let out a rumbling roar like an amused laugh,$Fine; I will teach you, youngling$

$Yes! Yes!$ Seasmoke was flapping his wings with joy.

$Don’t be too happy. I will only teach you the basics; you may ask Dreamfyre to teach you the rest$

Seasmoke nodded happily.

“I never seen Seasmoke that happy before,” said someone.

Harriet turns around and finds Laenor Velaryon, Corlys Velaryon's son, and Seasmoke's pet. “Ser Laenor.” Harriet greeted the young man.

“My lady.” He returned the greeting.

“Seasmoke was happy because Caraxes agreed to teach him the serpent tongue.”

“Really? How kind of him.”

“Trust me, it does not come from kindness. Seasmoke needs to bribe Caraxes with sheep first in order to make Caraxes agree to teach him.”

“For real?” Laenor laughed in amusem*nt.

Harriet nodded.

Laenor stared at her for a moment before saying, “You are far from any rumors I heard about you, my lady.”

"Are there rumors that I'm a witch who enjoys abducting and devouring children?" Harriet inquired. Harriet smiled mischievously at the young Velaryon knight.

Laenor burst out laughing, “That's one of many ridiculous rumors about you, but I want to talk about the rumors that said you have bewitched Prince Daemon and forced him to leave his family behind.”

“Oh, that.” Harriet snickered. “So people believe that I was capable of forcing the infamous Rouge Prince to do something he didn’t want?”

"Most people, like The King, my wife, Princess Rhaenyra, and my sister, believe this."

Are you among the majority?

"While I find it weird that Daemon keeps rejecting the King's summons, I don't believe you bewitched him and kept him under your control; he is still the Daemon I knew."

“Daemon rejecting King’s summons?”

“You don’t know?”

Harriet shook her head, “I have no idea.”

“Well, if you and Daemon planned to return to the king's landing, you should prepare yourself, “The king hates you for making Daemon no longer prioritize him; my wife and my sister believe if you do not take Daemon away, they don’t need to be forced into marrying someone they don’t love for the sake of creating an alliance to support the war,”

“Well f*ck.” Harriet barked a laugh. "Laenor, I am genuinely sorry that you are compelled to marry someone you do not love, but I am unconcerned about those three."

Laenor waved his hand. “It's fine. It is not as though I will be able to marry the love of my life if I do not marry Rhaenyra.


Laenor gives her a sad smile.

“I still don’t understand why muggles are so against hom*osexuality; it's almost like they had no better things to do.”

Laenor gapped at her, “…How?” It's all he could ask.

“Well, you said you can’t marry the love of your life; it could only mean that your lover is either a man or a commoner.”

“And you didn’t mind about it?”

“Who am I to feel entitled to minding other people's business?”

Laenor looked at her in disbelief,

Harriet patted Laenor's shoulder. Living life while you can is important, but be cautious. I don’t wish to see you paraded naked by an upset religious mob.” She winked at him.

Laenor huffed a laugh, “Now I understand why Daemon is so enamored with you.”

$Burn all two legs with a bow on the cliff$Caraxes repeat the order.

$Correct, don’t fly too close to the two-leg; their prickly arrow cannot penetrate your scale but is still able to tear your wing$

$Don’t worry about me and prepare my lambs$the great Wyrm demand.

Harriet laughed.$I will make sure Daemon prepares the best lambs$ she said before kissing Caraxes’ snout.

She then approached Seasmoke,$Be careful and stay out of Caraxes way; he can be snappy when excited$

$Yes! Careful!$

Harriet pats Seasmoke’s snout and looks up to Laenor, “Good luck.” She said,

"You too, Harriet," Laenor nodded;

Harriet smiled at the young knight, then returned to Daemon's side.

“Done?” Daemon asked.

Harriet nodded. “Our big baby knew who to roast.”

Daemon smiles and kisses Harriet's temple.

They stand by Corlys’ side, waiting for the man to finish his rally speech to the troops. Once the Velayron lord finishes allocating the soldiers, Daemon steps up before the Crown’s infantry troops.

Daemon stood tall, stared into all the soldiers' eyes, raised his shield, and pounded it with his sword.

“Men of Westeros! For years, those filthy pirates had been plundering our wealth! Killing our men! Raping our woman! Enslaving our child! But it shall end today!

Today, the spear shall be shaken, and shields shall be splintered! Today, we will rain fire and blood upon our enemies! Today, we will win the war!”

Each of the soldiers unsheathed their swords and started thumping their shield while crying Fire and Blood.

Chapter 13: Stepstones : The War, The Wedding, and The Missive.


03/09 edit note :
-Thank you TheOneFromTheForest for the grammar edit
04/09 Edit Note: Trying Quilbot grammar corrector :3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harriet and Daemon waste no time. Once they step into the battlefield, Harriet blasts shut every cave entrance in record time while Daemon defends her from incoming attacks.

When the Triarchy pirates had no more caves to retreat to, their attacks gradually became more brutal and desperate. Yet, they are nothing compared to the Dothraki; they lack agility and deadlines.

Honestly, Harriet was quite bored.

Daemon, who seems to be able to read her mind, said, “I told you we don’t need the troops.” He laughed as he slashed one pirate in half.

“They’re nothing but cowards,” Harriet blasted pirates that were about to charge toward them withDepulso.

“'Even Caraxes sounds bored.” Daemon crackles while parrying a pirate's half-assed attack.

Many burning Triarchy archers jumped down from the cliff that surrounded them, hoping for a swift death; everything was going smoothly according to plan.

“Because it is boring!” Harriet slashes the pirate withSectumsempra.

“Then how about after this, we burn Vaes Dothrak and wage war with the whole Khalasar?” As he plunged the Dark Sister into a pirate's head, Daemon posed a playful question.

“I said I was bored, Daemon, not that I was feeling suicidal!” Harriet spat as she transfigured one pirate into a massive timber and threw it to the enemy's flank.

Daemon's laughter sounded strange amidst the clashing swords, but Harriet somehow liked it.

They engaged in side-by-side combat, eliminating as many pirates as they could, until Daemon, in an effort to protect Harriet, pushed her aside and took a Fire Arrow to his shoulder.

“Daemon!” Harriet cried in horror when she saw the arrow start setting Daemon’s shoulder on fire.

Daemon pulled out the arrow immediately. "I'm fine, I'm fine," he assured her, pressing his hand upon the blistering open wound.

Harriet becomes red-faced upon witnessing Daemon's agony and the blood staining his hand; she has reached her limit and has ceased her play. “Did their mothers never tell them not to play with fire?” Harriet hisses furiously.

“Darling, wha— your eyes! f*ck!” Daemon tried to stop her, but Harriet was too upset to listen.

Harriet pointed the elder wand at their enemy, “PESTIS INCENDIUM!”she cast without hesitation. The cursed fire emerged from the tip of her wand in the form of a massive dragon, which kept growing larger and larger until it was as big as Caraxes.

“FALL BACK!! FALL BACK!” Daemon orders the Westerosi soldiers to retreat. Yet everyone seems to have forgotten how to move, all their eyes glued to the fire creature Harriet made.

Once it stopped growing, the fire dragon opened its eyes and let out a deafening roar that matched Harriet’s wrath.

The roar makes people snap from their shock, allies, enemies, and even the dragons begin to scramble away to safety.

$Youngling! Stay away from the fire!$Caraxes roared, urging Seasmoke to leave the battlefield.

The young silver-grey dragon obeyed; he made a sharp turn and flew as fast as he could to the open sea.

The curse fire makes its move and burns even brighter. It swallows everything that is alive in its path. No living things are spared; even the stone starts melting, and the sand hardens under the blasting fire.

“déaþ-sætr-ἡδύς déaþ” The elder wand began to rumble in the middle of screams and destruction in her grasp, just like it did back then in Meereen.

Harriet gasped,. She pushed the intoxicating feeling of Dark Magic to the back of her head and quickly dispelled the Fiendfyre.

Once the fire vanished and the smoke dispersed, Harriet was presented with nothing.

She finds nothing alive in front of her; not even a single carcass remains visible. There are just melted rocks, crystallized sand, and ashes.

“Damn,” Daemon commented. “Are you sure you don’t want to wage war with Dothraki?”

“How could you still joke at times like this?!” Harriet smacks Daemon’s arm, making the man hiss in pain.

Harriet gasped in horror when she realized what she had done, “Godric’s heart! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She began to fuss upon the wound on Daemon’s shoulder.

“I am well, my love; this is just a small wound.” He chucked in amusem*nt.

Harriet cast all the healing charms she remembers before bandaging the wound with theFerulaspell.

“You hurt anywhere else?” Harriet asked.

“No, I’m all healed, thanks to you.” Daemon bent slightly, stealing a kiss from her lips. Harriet instantly blushed scarlet and almost smacked the sly man again.

“Let's return now, my love.” Daemon chuckled and wrapped his uninjured arm around her shoulder.

When they turned around, they were welcomed by thousands of Westerosi soldiers looking at them, Harriet in particular, with huge eyes filled with terror.

Harriet gasped; a chill began creeping down her spine.

“What are you all looking at?!” Daemon yells angrily, “Return to your barracks! We have won!”

Snapped from their reverie, people began to let out a choking cheer.


“Yes, Daemon?” While applying burn-healing paste to Daemon's scar in the safety of their tent, Harriet questioned him.

“Would you marry me?”

Harriet clutched the jar of burn healing paste tightly while staring at Daemon in disbelief. “…Come again?”

Daemon put away the healing paste, took both of Harriet's hands, stared directly at her eyes, and said, “Harriet Lily Potter, would you give me the honor of marrying you?”

Harry blinked hard, many thoughts swimming in her head at once. “You don’t need to feel obligated to marry me just because everyone thinks I'm your wife, Daemon; I’m content with what we have now,” she said as calmly as possible while bandaging Daemon’s shoulder.

Daemon takes Harriet both hands once more and says, “There’s nothing to do with how other people think! I love you, Harriet! I have loved you for a long time!”

Harriet's breath hitched. “You…loved me?”

“Yes, dearest, I love you,” Daemon said, his eyes filled with determination. "I never asked you before because I didn't wish to dishonor you," he said, lightly squeezing her hand, "and since there is no one between us now, I want to marry you legally."

Harriet almost agreed but remembered one of Saera's japes: “You sure? I'm not the Valyrian bride you always dreamed of, Daemon.”

“Who told you that?! It's Saera, isn’t it? That damn old hag doesn’t know when to shut up!” Daemon groaned in shame, “I never thought my teenage spiteful comment would bite me back like this!” He rubbed his face in frustration.

Harriet looks at Daemon in confusion.

“That's just a teenage rant, my love. I felt angry and spiteful because Viserys and Rhaenys, had the freedom to choose their bride and groom, who were Valyrian descendants, while I was sold to the Royces.”


Daemon kisses Harriet's knuckles and says, "I don't need a Valyrian bride; I need you, Harry, my beautiful enchantress."

Harriet looked into Daemon's eyes. "I...," she swallowed hard, "do not share; if you stray from me, I will kill you." She didn't know why she said it or why she felt like she needed to keep scaring him and pushing him away.

Daemon barked a laugh. “I will gladly let you transfigure me into a frog and cook me, my love.” He kisses her knuckles and says, “I don’t need anyone else; I only need you.”

Harriet gazed into Daemon's violet eyes, knowing he was telling the truth. During their nearly two-year tour together, Daemon had never once strayed from her, never looked at another woman, and he had rebuffed numerous whor*s' advances at Yunkai and Volantis. He even let her transfigure one of his allegedly ‘favorite’ whor*s into a cow because the whor* dared disrespect her.

Daemon looked at her with anticipation, his hand trembling slightly.

Harriet finally felt all doubt vanish from her mind, entering her mind to say, “If you are truly sure, then yes, I will marry you, Daemon Targaryen.”

Harriet had never seen Daemon that happy before. He lifted her, spun her, and peppered her with kisses. "We should marry now.”

“Now? Here?”

"Yes, here and now, before Viserys had a chance to sell me to another highest bidder, like what Queen Alyssane does."

“I don’t think your brother would do that.”

“I am not taking chances.”

“But we are in the middle of nowhere.”

"Don't worry about it," Daemon pecks Harriet's lips. I will prepare everything.” He puts on his tunic and leaves the tent like a whirlwind.

True to his words, Daemon indeed took care of everything.

When Harriet asks how he managed to get a Valyrian priest and all the necessary equipment for the ritual, he replies nonchalantly, “I had my way.”

Harriet suspects that her husband just went to the nearest Fourteen Flame temple and kidnapped the priest, judging how pale and traumatized he was.

Harriet shook her head in amusem*nt.

On the shore of Stepstone They Marry, with Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord Celtigar, Laenor Velaryon, and a Maester stood as witness.

Harriet looks at their joint blood goblet; there's a trace of magic in it.

When Harriet sips the blood, she feels a magical rush in her veins, engulfing her heart like a warm blanket. “There’s no going back, Daemon. Once you drink this, you will be bound to me for the rest of our lives,” Harriet warns him.

Daemon snatched the goblet from Harriet's hand and emptied it in one big gulp. “Now you are bound to me for the rest of our life, my darling wife.” He smiled widely.

"For the rest of our lives." She echoed his sentiment before meeting his lips with her own.

His hands cradled her face as he pulled her deeper into the kiss. Not that Harriet was complaining. Daemon was a brilliant kisser, after all.

“Harriet.” She jumped when Daemon touched her arm. “What is the matter?”

Harriet looked at Daemon; guilt started gnawing her heart.

“Why are you so nervous?” He ran the back of his fingers over her cheek. “What worries you, dearest?”

“I—” Harriet felt like crying. She couldn't believe she had forgotten to inform Daemon about her circ*mstances. “I am truly sorry, Daemon.”

“Sorry about what?”

“I forgot to tell you something—” Harriet ducked her head, too afraid to look Daemon in the eyes. “—I don't mean to hide this or to try to deceive you—" she said, taking a shallow breath. "I genuinely forgot about it; since it's been years since I was in a relationship, I am aware of how Westerosi men expect their wives to remain chaste before they marry—" Harriet balled her fist, fighting the urge to break down crying. “I…understand if you want to annul our marriage…”

“Harriet, are you trying to say…”

“I was no maiden, Daemon!” She cried in frustration. Tears began to well in her eyes.

Daemon reached out and touched her hand. “Harriet, love, look at me, please.” He kissed the back of her hands, and she shivered at the feel of his soft lips.

Slowly, Harriet lifted her head to meet Daemon's gaze. She searched for a hint of disdain or disgust in his eyes, but she found none. Daemon looked at her with his usual loving gaze.

“You don’t need to be ashamed, love; I don’t care about any of that.”


"Darling, I should be ashamed; I was the man-whor* and widower in this relationship." He smiles at her. “I was the one who needed to be afraid that you would regret marrying me.”

“You are not a man-whor*, and I do not regret marrying you.”

“I'm glad, but that doesn’t change the fact that I was once a man-whor* before I met you.” Haring Daemon’s chuckles make Harriet feel relieved.

"Is there anything else that worries you?"

Harriet shakes her head.

Daemon kissed her softly; one of his hands traced the curve of her waist while his other hand took her hair and moved it aside, placing it over her right shoulder. "Good, because I can't wait to have you, dearest," he whispered, making her body tremble as he lowered his head and kissed the back of her neck. His lips then moved to a spot below her ear. “Two years—” His fingers moved quickly over the back of her gown, the laces giving way until her gown was on the ground, her other clothes following swiftly. “I almost lost my mind for wanting you—” His lips moved over her bare shoulder. “Gods! Your skin is so soft, darling.” He ran a finger down her spine. “And you smell so divine, too.”

His hands moved over and around her hips, clutching her belly, before he gently moved them upwards until they were below her breasts. Her legs were shaking, and she was struggling to breathe. He pressed his body against hers, and she could feel how hard he was as his co*ck pressed against her back. Daemon’s hand clamped around her throat, but it did not feel threatening as he turned her until they were facing each other.

He kissed her, then released her. Harriet was about to protest, but she saw Daemon begin to undress himself. Her eyes traveled down his body, enjoying how handsome he was. His muscles were well-defined, probably from all his training; there was no softness there. She continued moving down, and her eyes widened when she saw his co*ck. Merlin’s beard! It was the biggest co*ck Harriet ever saw; it's not like she had seen many, but… Godric’s heart!

“Like what you saw, Darling?”

“I don’t think that will fit.” She blurted out without thinking.

Daemon burst out laughing; his mouth took hers again, sending her senses into overdrive. He shifted her onto the bed, positioning her back on the pillows. The head of his co*ck touched her core, and she started to tense once more, then moaned when Daemon pressed his co*ck against her, dragging it over her slit. When he began to relax inside of her, one of her hands reached for the back of his neck, and her nails dug in. Her lips opened against his, and her body struggled to adjust to the length and girth of his co*ck.

There was no pain or discomfort; she felt full and stretched, but her body just wanted more. Daemon stared down at her, his pupils blown wide as he started to move. He pumped his hips and tightened one of his hands around her leg.

“You feel so good, Harry.” His voice was hoarse and heavy. “I always dreamed of you like this, drowning in pleasure. Your voice hoarse from screaming my name.”

She screamed his name and other things that she was unsure of. Bliss consumed her as he moved faster, their moans and screams echoing around the tent and possibly out of it. Her hips moved against his, their bodies crashing together until it felt like her body would shatter. Daemon showed a particular hard trust; that was all her body needed to explode. Harriet’s body shook as Daemon groaned above her.

Daemon kissed her softly, bringing her mouth to his. As she kissed him, a smile would not leave her face, making him smile against her lips. Harriet felt Daemon's co*ck gradually hardening once more inside her. “I want you again.” He said it hoarsely.

“Then what are you waiting for, my love?” She teased him.

Daemon sucked his breath. “You love me!”

“Of course I love you; why would I marry you if I don’t?” She frowned.

“You never said it before!” He pouted.

Harriet blinked, “Really?”

Daemon rolled his eyes.

Harriet laughed; she cupped both Daemon’s cheeks, kissed him senselessly, and said, “I love you, Daemon Targaryen; I just never said it out loud.”


“Yes, I love you even though you tried to roast me alive TWICE on our first meeting.”

“Dearest!” Daemon groaned, “I already apologize!”

“Yes, you did, and I forgive you, but I never promise to never talk about it ever again,” Harriet laughed.

Daemon huffed, “I guess I'll just live with it.”

“That you do.” Harriet pecks Daemon’s lips.


“Where’s my brother, Lord Corlys?” Viserys asked when Corlys entered the throne room only with Laenor, Vaemond, Lord Celtigar, and Ser Arryn.

“Prince Daemon decided not to return and resume his Essos’ tour, Your Grace.”

“What?!” Viserys snapped, “Was he aware I already prepared a Victory banquet and Tourney to honor him?”

“Prince Daemon is well aware of the banquet and tourney, Your Grace.”

“Then why?!”

“I cannot tell, Your grace, but He left me several messages to relay to you,”

Viserys frowned in confusion.

Corlys pulls out the letter that Daemon wrote. He looks at Viserys and then at the court member, hoping he won't get into too much trouble after reading this. “First, Prince Daemon wants to let everyone know that he and Lady Harriet did not aid Battle in Stepstone as a representative of the Crown but as themselves.”

Viserys' eyes widened, and the court members began whispering at each other.

“Second, following the recent death of Prince Daemon's first wife, Rhea Royce, Lady of Runestone, Prince Daemon decide to legally married Lady Harriet Lily Targaryen in a Valyrian ceremony, witnessed by myself, my son Laenor, and Lord Celtigar. A maester was present to properly documented the union and sent the record to the Citadel.”

“He what?!” Viserys roared.

“Prince Daemon has legally married Lady Harriet Targaryen, your grace.” Corlys repeats slowly as he explained things to a child: “They also have consummated their marriage properly; there's no Maester to confirm it officially, but—” he clears his throat, “Prince Daemon makes sure everyone who has ears is aware he is fulfilling his duty.”

Viserys' mouth hung open.

"Third, Prince Daemon suggested that you not try to annul his marriage with Lady Harriet, because if you, your grace, deem the marriage invalid, it's the same as deeming King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne's marriage invalid and declaring all their descendants as Bastards."

Chaos finally erupted on the court member's side, while Visery's face immediately turned an ugly shade of deep red, almost purple, out of anger and exasperation.

“Lastly, Prince Daemon wants you to know that he is not your dog that you could summon and banish as you please—” Corlys enjoyed the second uproar, its sound like sweet music in his ear, and the way Viserys looked almost fainted upon the iron throne were cherry on top of delicious cake, “That’s all your grace.” He hands over the letter to a king's guard, who then relays it to Viserys.

Viserys read the letter twice, and then his face twisted in pain before crushing the letter. Corlys bet it's because of the part where Daemon crossed ‘Your Brother’ and addressed himself as Son of Baelon Targaryen instead.

“Court dismissed!” he yelled before leaving the throne room, followed by his entourage.

He deserved that,” Laenor commented lowly enough just for them to hear.

Oh, yes, he does.” Corlys chuckled. He felt that all the resentment and humiliation he had to endure since Viserys refused to marry Laena and his reluctance to openly wage war with the Triarchy, which led Corlys to suffer massive losses, paid in full.

You could just hand over the letter.”Lord Alton Celtigar said the man no longer looked pale and tired, his skin now glowing, and his cheek no longer sunken.

Corlys smirks at the man and says, "I could... But it's way more interesting this way, isn’t it?

Alton Celtigar laughed, “You sound like Lady Harriet.”

Corlys hummed; he hoped Daemon and Harriet would visit Driftmark soon. Rhaenys would love to be acquainted with the new Lady Targaryen.

Small Council

“Did Lady Targaryen truly create dragon-shaped fire out of thin air?” When they were waiting for the King and Otto Hightower in the council room, Lord Lyman Beesbury asked curiously.

“It’s true, my lord; the fire burns hotter than Balerion’s fire,” Corlys answered.

“It even melted the sand.” Alton Celtigar added, “Show him, Corlys.”

Corlys gives one of many crystallized sands he took from the battlefield as a reminder of the war.

“Gods be good!" Beesbury exclaimed as he inspected the crystal.

“May I?” Lyonel asks next; Lyman Beesbury hands over the crystal to the Master of Law.

“I also heard The Lady could turn men into massive timber.”

“Not only timber! Lady Harriet could turn a man into a big rock! And you know what, Lyman? The lady knew how to fight! She’s no stranger to the battlefield; she matches Prince Daemon perfectly!”

“And you think it's a good thing, Alton?”

“What do you mean, Lyman?”

“If what you said is true, can you imagine the chaos that the two of them could create?”

“Glad you bring that up, Lyman,” Corlys interjected.

All heads turn toward Corlys.

“We are all aware of the purpose of this emergency court hearing; the king wants to dissolve Prince Daemon and Lady Harriet's marriage. We all know what Prince Daemon is capable of; I guarantee he would react badly if King allowed to have his way,”

“Prince Daemon truly besotted the lady,” Alton said.

“Truly?” Beesbury asked in disbelief.

“Truly, Lyman, it's truly weird for me to see Prince Daemon keep calling the lady My Harriet, Darling, and Dearest all the time.”

"Are you certain the prince isn't under a spell?"

“Nah~ I don’t think so, Lyonel; the prince is the same as always,”

“I agree,” Corlys added. “He seems more mature, though; he no longer seeks validation from the king.”

“It's all because now He seeks validation from his lady wife!” Alton snickered.

Before Corlys could remind Alton to mind his words, the council room door swung open.

“You have to annul their marriage, Your grace.” Otto said as he, Viserys, and Grand Maester entered the room. "We need to marry Prince Daemon to another lady of Westeros, and his witch to another lord!"

“I beg to differ, my lord Hand,” Lyonel interjected, “as Prince Daemon stated, Your grace, you annul Prince Daemon’s marriage; it will deem all King Jaehaerys’ descendants, including the king, a Bastard.”

Visery took a sharp breath.

“Well, even the annulment comes without consequences; I don’t think it’s wise to separate those two lovebirds,” Alton Celtigar hummed.

“What is that supposed to mean, Lord Celtigar?” Otto asked.

"Did you really expect Prince Daemon and Lady Harriet to just stand by idly if you tried to break them apart?" Lady Harriet is capable of creating a dragon-shaped fire from thin air that is even more intense than Balerion's fire, for goodness sake!

“It’s just an exaggerated tale.” Otto scoffs.

Corlys grabbed another crystalized sand from his pocket and tossed it to the center of the table for everyone to see. “If you are still in denial about Lady Harriet's power, then explain that.”

“What is it?” Viserys asked.

Grand Maester picked up the crystal and said, “It's glass made of sand, your grace.” After a quick examination, he said:

“You are correct, grand maester, It’s the sand that burns under Lady Harriet’s fire; her fire not only melts rock like Balerion did with Harrenhal, it also turns sand into glass.”

“That’s impossible!” Otto insisted.

“You are welcome to question Lord Darklyn, Ser Arryn, Ser Royce, and every infantry soldier who is present at the battlefield, Lord Hand.”

“Then what should we do?” Viserys asked; he looked utterly desperate.

“Nothing,” Corlys answered. “My counsel to this council is to leave Prince Daemon and Lady Harriet alone.”

“I agree with Lord Corlys; it is not wise to anger the prince and his lady wife, considering how much destruction the two of them are capable of doing.” Lyman Beesbury adds.

“Prince Daemon and his witch wife are King Viserys' subjects! They should abide by the king and cannot be allowed to do as they please!”

Corlys laments the hopelessness of this small council, certain that Viserys and Otto will eventually kill them all. “Well, Lord Hand, Your Grace, if you two insist on bothering Prince Daemon and Lady Harriet Targaryen–” Corlys makes sure to emphasize the Targaryen part, “I wish you to inform me beforehand so I could make sure that all my family members were far away from King’s Landing.”

Otto stood up as if it would make him look menacing, “Are you implying something, Lord Corlys?!”

“I'm not implying anything, my dear Lord. Hand, I am not willing to die in vain just because someone feels entitled to force everyone to submit to his will simply because they wear a crown and shiny pin on their chest." Corlys stood up from their chair and grabbed the crystalized glass, “Good day, Your grace, My lords; I hope all of you will never see Prince Daemon and Lady Harriet Wrath because it burns brighter than Seven Hells.” He bowed, then made his exit, followed by Alton.


I'm no expert in the Anglo-Saxon language.
déaþ-sætr-ἡδύς déaþ literally translated: Death, Sweet, Sweet Delicious Death :3

Sneak Peak Next Chapter Pentos.

“Are you still sulking?” Daemon chuckled.
“I still can’t believe That stupid war cost us Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh!”
“We can’t do anything, love; they refuse to open their gates for us; they are too afraid we will conquer them.”
“It’s not fair! I want to taste Tyroshi Pear Brandy and buy Myrish lace! I also want to visit the Master Armorsmith and Glass Crafter workshop!”
“Lucky you, you could find everything here in Pentos.”
“It’s not the same!” Harriet wailed.
Daemon cooed to Harriet, “Ooh, My poor darling.”
Harriet glared at him.
Daemon laughed; he lifted Harriet to sit on his lap, peppering her face with kisses till she started giggling, “Stop it!”
“I’ll stop if you stop sulking,” he said before starting to give her wet pecks.
“Ew! Gross! Daemon!” she shrieks.

Off To The Next Great Adventure - mongvie (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.