Rainbow Dash makes a Prank Channel (2024)

by SaiyanApprentice

Chapter 5: The Collab

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Chapter 5: The Collab

Rainbow was laying on her bed with earbuds in watching videos on YouTube other than her own. She was watching the new Drama Alert that had just been posted, it was about her. She was in it of course, you'd think she didn't think much of Keemstar but after a while of chatting and agreeing to be on the show, he seemed like a pretty okay guy.

Okay Rainbow, now a lot of your videos have been getting the attention of many people and even YouTubers, what do you think of all this?” Keemstar said.

Honestly it doesn't bug me, I like pranking people. The end result might not always be what I expected but that doesn't stop Me from releasing a new video every week, or even whenever I can” Rainbow said.

Her Twitter profile in the top right corner was probably the best thing about the video in Rainbows opinion, it was her playing guitar with 8-bit sunglasses photoshopped on to her face. She didn't make the picture of course but a fan did.

Alright, now some People have even said you're just another fake YouTube prankster and a...oh Uhh, now these aren't my words but ‘a flat chested bitch’, now what do you have to say about that?

Rainbow made an annoyed grunt noise. “Wow, why does everyone always call me flat chested as an insult, jeez. But no Keem, my pranks are real” Rainbow said. “I mean you can ask anyone that's been in my videos, they are indeed real. I didn't make a channel to show that in a fraud. I mean I could be like SoFloAntinio, but I’m not

Keemstar chuckled. “Well I'm glad to hear that Rainbow, now that's it for dram-

Rainbows phone suddenly started ringing and the video stopped playing. She looked at who it was and it was none other than Jake, she answered it.


Oh hey Rainbow” said Jake.

“Oh...uhhh hey Jake, what's up” Rainbow asked.

Nothing much, hey listen remember when you said you'd be in one of my videos for a collab?” Jake asked.

Rainbow pondered. “yeah...why?”

There was a brief pause between the two. “W-well, I was wondering if you know...Y-you'd like to come over and make a video with me?

Rainbow paused for a sec, she did promise him she'd definitely be in one of his videos after she had pranked her father into thinking he got her pregnant and nearly got him severely hurt.

“Oh Uhhh...what game will we be playing?

W-well I was thinking something like, super smash bros maybe” said Jake.

Rainbow perked up. “Super Smash Bros?! I love that game, you are so going down!”

R-really, you'll really want to come over and play it?” Jake asked.

“Well duh, I did agree to do a video with you remember” said Rainbow.

“Alright sweet! Be at my house by 3 and we'll get started” said Jake

“Okay, see you then” said Rainbow.

Rainbow then hung up the phone. This whole collab with Jake might not be a bad thing, after all they were be going to playing a game that she was very familiar with and not something that she wasn't like Call of duty. That was something she wasn't the best at.


Jake was sittings at his computer, on skype with a couple of his YouTube buddies he had picked up since he gained popularity over time. They had just finished recording a group video and we're now just talking, while Jake waited for Rainbow Dash to arrive.

“So yeah that's what I plan on doing” said Jake.

I still find it kinda funny you that you and Rainbow live like so close to each other, small world huh?”

“I'm surprised she didn't prank you already...oh wait”

The whole skype chat started laughing, while Jake was turning red from embarrassment.

“Oh c'mon Evan, I didn't know she was gonna do that” said Jake.

“But it was even funnier when her dad was like ‘ya got mah daughter pregnant ya son of a bitch’ and the face you made was priceless

“Screw off Nogla” said Jake.

You know I'll give you credit though, I would have been scared too

But, hey at least you managed to ask her to come over and make a video. Must of taken courage

Jake sighed. “Guys it's not like that, she's just a friend of mine, who just so happens to be another YouTuber and wants to make a video”

Ooooohhh I see, you guys gonna get some of that smoochin on, ya know

Jake blushed. “Nogla…I swear to g-”

Before Jake could continue, he heard a knock at his door, he took one side of his headphones off to listen and heard a familiar voice call out.

“Can I come in?”

“Y-yeah, come in” said Jake.

The door opened up Rainbow Dash came walking into Jake's room with a small backpack on her back. She looked around room looking at all the posters and video game related stuff Jake had.

“Wow, you're kinda a dork huh?” Rainbow said.

Jake chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Oh yeah”

He then turned back to his computer. “Well she's here guys, I gotta go”

Ooooohhh get her to ‘checkmate’ to ya Jake

The whole skype call busted out into laughter once again.

“Screw you Nogla!” said Jake.

But nah seriously have fun mahn

Yeah have fun

Jake chucked and exited the Skype call
and turned to Rainbow.

“Say what were they talking about and who were they?” Rainbow asked.

“Nothing!” Jake blurted out. “And uhh...you know, some friends of mine. You might know them as Daithi de Nogla, Vanoss, terrorisor a-”

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Did you say Vanoss, as in Vanoss gaming?” Rainbow asked.

Jake pondered for a second. “Uh..yeah, why?”

“Dude!” Rainbow started. “That's so cool! How do you get these connections?”

Jake blushed. “I don't really know, I guess it sorta just happened”

Rainbow chuckled. “Oh Jake, I'll never understand how you manage to do all this, but you do it anyway”

Jake smiled. “So…you wanna start making that video?”

“Oh yeah” Rainbow started. “It's the latest one right?”

Jake smiled at her. “The one and only, I must warn you though. I'm pretty good with with Donkey Kong and Captain Falcon”

Rainbow grinned at him. “Oh is that so? You better not go easy on me just because I'm a girl, unless you want to get beat by Link”

Jake grinned. “Is that a challenge?”

Rainbow grinned back. “It is unless you're chicken”

Jake laughed. “Alright well let's fire this up and see who can do more than just talk the talk”

“Well while you're doing that, I'm gonna go use the restroom” said Rainbow. “Which door is it?”

“Third door on the right” said Jake fiddling with his TV/PC monitor.

Rainbow then walked out of the room and headed for the restroom. Once she got to the door of the restroom, she looked around to see if the coast was clear and headed inside, locking the door behind her.

Rainbow then set her backpack on the floor, reached inside it, pulled out her camera and turned it on. She was gonna try and stay as quiet as possible in fear that Jake might hear her.

“Hey what is up my AWESOME subcribers, this is Rainbow from Rainboom.TV and today I have another great prank for you guys” said Rainbow.

Rainbow then readjusted herself so the camera was pointing at her and the backpack. “So if your guys are wondering what I'm doing in the bathroom, it's because I'm currently at Jake's house and we are about the make a video. I told you guys about this a couple days back on my Twitter and the fan mail I've been getting is unreal”

Rainbow then reached once again inside the backpack once again, and pulled out a odd looking Wii U control. “Some of those items have been ‘modded controllers’ now don't get me wrong I know exactly what they are and what they do. But I didn't know they made ones for the Wii, don't I have the most creative fans?”

“Now I'm gonna wait a bit before pulling out the big guns here” said Rainbow. “But I'll still hid the camera and manage to record for a bit, so let's do this!”


Rainbow and Jake were now sitting next to each other in front of Jake's TV and PC monitor, he had just about everything setup and ready to go, only waiting to see if Rainbow was too. He however wasn't aware of the camera other than the one he set up that was looking at an angle showing the two from behind and TV screen.

“It's recording, you ready? Asked Jake.

Rainbow nodded. “Yes sir, Mr. Alter ego”

Jake chuckled at that, she had been jokingly calling him that ever since she found out he had a YouTube channel. She told him it was referring to how he acts like a totally different person on YouTube then he does at School around other people. It wasn't a bad thing but he was just so much more open online then he was in public.

Jake waited for a moment, then looked up at the recording camera.

“Hey how's it goin guys, this it's CheckMateJake here, bringing you another video on the one and only Super Smash Brothers!” Jake exclaimed. “However, as you can see I have a very special guest here today who's going to 1v1 me in Smash, please welcome Rainbow Dash, aka Rainboom.TV”

Rainbow shyly waved at the camera. “Uh hi...I'm not really used to the whole let's play aspect so it's a little different from what I'm
Used to”

Jake chuckled. “Well all you have to do is commentate while you're playing the game and you should be fine”

Rainbow smiled. “Oh okay”

As time went by the two continued to battle each other in smash, it was on and off on whichever one of them would win and lose but they were still having fun. Rainbow was also starting to see why Jake did game plays, she was enjoying herself and starting to get the hang of the whole commentary thing.

“Final smash Jake! You're gonna die!” Exclaimed Rainbow.

“No! No! No! NO! NO! Stay away!” Jake said.

But it was too late, Link on the screen had got in range of Donkey Kong and she activated his Final smash. Link suddenly unloaded dozens upon dozens of strikes on Donkey Kong as he stood trapped in the big bright life size triforce.

“Goodbye, hahahaha!” Rainbow laughed.

“Nooooo!!” Screamed Jake.

Link has finally launched Donkey Kong off the stage and ending the game.

“Wahooo! In your face!” Said Rainbow.

“Gosh dangit, I almost had you” said Jake.

Rainbow snorted. “Uh huh, sure you did”

“You weren't so co*cky last game were ya?” Said Jake.

Rainbow playfully punched Jake's shoulder. “Whatever, now hold up a second I need to get something”

Jake nodded and focused back on the screen. Rainbow then sat up and headed to back of Jake's room, where the camera was hidden and her backpack lay. She gave the camera a thumbs up, reached into her bag and pulled out an identical looking controller to the one she
Was using, except the bottom was a little different. Rainbow didn't expect him to notice unless he looked at it closely.

Rainbow then took the batteries out of the current controller to disconnect it and then headed back over to Jake with the modded one her hand.

“Hey Jake” said Rainbow.

“Yeah?” He replied.

“I think my control got disconnected somehow” said Rainbow. “Do you think you can reconnect it?”

Rainbow then handed Jake the controller. He only started at I briefly and then nodded. “Yeah not a problem”

Jake then pressed a small little button the on controller and pressed another small red button on the console, syncing the controller with the console. Rainbow smirked as it lit up taking the player 2 light.

“Alright so...final destination same thing again?” Jake asked.

Rainbow smiled. “Oh yeah totally, I'm sure it will
Be a ‘smashingly’ good match”

“Wow you're terrible at puns” Jake said bluntly.

Rainbow frowned. “Shut up, it's was all I could come up with”

The two then chose each other's characters. Rainbow once again choose Link and Jake this time picked Lucina. They then picked a stage and prepared to battle it out, how ever right when the match was counting down. Rainbows character was glowing in the final smash aura and was surrounded by lighting.

“Huh, what's up with your character?” Said Jake.

Rainbow only smirked and her character charged at Jake’s. Link however was coming at him with incredible speeds and attacked Lucina before Jake could even reacted.

“What?!” Jake spat.

Rainbow started laughing to herself as her now modded character was attacking Jakes, bouncing all over the screen at phenomenal speeds and delivering a final smash every chance she could.

“What?!” Jake repeated.

This continued on for a little bit longer before rainbow started to notice that the controller was getting pretty warm, and it wasn't from her hands. She looked down at it, but shrugged and continued to play.

“Rainbow, what in the acutely hell is going on with your character?” Questioned Jake.

Rainbow chuckled. “Well let's just say, you just got pra-”

Before rainbow could finish her sentence, the controllers heat flared up and started to get too hot for rainbow to hold in her hand


She then dropped the controller on Jake's carpet and it burst into flames. The two only stared at it for a second before panicking.

“Ahhh! Rainbow, I think your skills caught the controller on fire!” Exclaimed Jake.

“It wasn't me, I was using a modded controller for a prank and well...you know, this happened” said Rainbow.

“There's no such thing as a custom Wii U modded controller!” said Jake.

Rainbow paused. “What…”

“There's no such thing! If anything of the sort like that, it was probably custom made and based on how it's now on fire. It was probably cheap and poorly made!” Said Jake.

Rainbow stared at Jake dumbfounded, then glared at her camera sitting in the back of the room. “Wow! Thanks a lot Assho-”

Rainbows mouth was suddenly covered by Jake's mouth. “Rainbow! Don't bad talk your viewers!”

Rainbow then forced Jake's hand off her mouth. “I wasn't bad talking them, just the person who sent me the Controller!”

“Who was it then!?” Asked Jake.

Rainbow pondered. “I don't know! I think it was anonymous”

Jake stared at her and shook his head. “Well that's not a concern right now, I need to get this fire out! Oh man grandma’s gonna be sooo mad.” Said Jake.


The fire on the controller was now out, Jake's room didn't suffer from the flames. They did however put it out in time to where only a very small portion of the carpet was effected.

The two were now cleaning up the remains and finishing up what was left of the controller.

“Hey Jake?” Rainbow started. “Sorry about almost catching your house on fire, I was just trying to get a good prank in. I hope your not mad”

Jake chuckled and held the trash can over toward Rainbow to throw the remaining parts away.

“Mad? I'm not mad” Jake stared. “I mean of course I didn't expect it, but I know you didn't do it on purpose”

Rainbow smiled at him. “Well I really do appreciate it, I guess we both got a good video out of this”

“I suppose we did” said Jake. “And it almost cost me my house”

Rainbow chuckled. “ALMOST Jake, it didn't though”

Jake chuckled. “Yeah true”

The two were silent for awhile before Jake finally spoke up.

“Hey Dash?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Jake. “Yeah?”

“Well I was just curious, do you think you'd want to come over and do this again sometime? Maybe….even if it's not for a future video?” Jake asked.

Rainbow paused for a minute before responding. “Uh...yeah sure, why not”

Jake gave her an enthusiastic smile. “Really? Awesome!”

Rainbow then got up from the floor. “Yeah of course. But don't expect me to let you win at anything, even if it's not Smash Bros” said Rainbow.

Jake chuckled and got up with her. “Believe me, knowing you. I don't think I'd have it any other way”

Rainbow playfully punched Jake in the shoulder and headed for the door. “Well I better get heading back home, thanks for having me over”

“Hey no problem, you're welcome anytime” said Jake.

Rainbow looked back at him and smirked. “Even in the middle of the night?”

Jake started blushing. “W-well not like that….common, you know what I mean”

Rainbow laughed. “Oh Jake, messing with you is almost as fun as a good prank”

Rainbow then opened the door to Jake's room and walked out. “See you later”

“Bye Rainbow” said Jake.


The council of Pranksters were meeting yet again in the dark, dimly lit room. They all were once again discussing issues that had came up yet again.

“So our little message didn't seem to work out that well according to the video”

“Whose idea was it to send a custom modded Wii U control to her in the first place?”

“Well I suppose Roman is know for doing pretty expensive pranks”

One of the figures signed. “It's seems that the message only aided both CheckMateJake and Rainboom.TV’s channel. Considering both of the videos that were uploaded of the controller catching on fire seemed to spike their views up, it did the exact opposite of what was intended”

“What are we supposed to do now?”

“I know what we need to do”

Everyone turned to see a figure stepping out of the shadows revealing the one and only SoFloAntonio.

“Rainbow Dash recently called me out on the recent Drama Alert, her pranks aren't like mine. Unlike her I'm gonna show her who's boss” said SoFlo.

“You sure about this?”

“Yeah I'm sure, she decided to play with the big leagues, she gonna get what's coming”

“Just don't screw up like you did with H3H3, understood?”

SoFlo nodded.


Rainbow was laying on her bed about to watch some video somebody sent her. Not only that but she was getting quite of few comments on her video say stuff like ‘hissss’ and other stuff about some reptilian army.

“So this guy called Leafy, made a video about me? I think I've heard this guy's name before somewhere” said Rainbow.

The video started. “So the other day, I was just smoking blunt. You know, hanging out and getting krunk with Pewdiepie, no big deal and the craziest thing happened to me. I was walking down the street on my way back from hanging with Pewdiepie and this man walked up to me and told me how much YouTube's quality has been going down the bootie hole lately. So I stopped and thought to myself, know you...he's probably right, YouTube's quality is going down hill. So when I got home, I browsed around YouTube for about 15 years and I finally found some good Quality content, some pure...quality...positive vibes

Rainbow frowned. “Wow this guys either really sarcastic...or really knows what he's talking about”

That's right guys, I'm talking about...the one, the only...Rainboom.TV, now in case you guys have been living under a Dwayne Johnson for 100 years and don't know who Rainboom.TV is well the-

The video was suddenly interrupted from her phone starting to buzz and Jake's Caller ID showing up. Rainbow then answered her phone and put it up to her ear.


Hey Rainbow. Look this is serious, I need to talk to you for a second

Rainbow was a little confused on what Jake was going on about. “Oh...okay, what's up”

Look I was just checking around in YouTube this morning and I found this video of someone calling you out pretty bad

“Oh who? Leafy?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah I'm watching it right now”

Wait Leafy made a video on you? Wait no,no,no I'm not talking about Leafy, his videos are satire. Some guy named SoFloAntonio called you out!

Rainbow froze briefly before responding in a stern voice. “Jake…”


“Come over here immediately” said Rainbow. “I want to see what this little punk had to say, this could get ugly”

Rainbow could hear Jake gulp and she hung up her phone. Then proceeded to look for the video calling her out, if it was bad as she presumes. Then sh*t was about to go DOWN!

Next Chapter: Heated DramaEstimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 37 Minutes
Rainbow Dash makes a Prank Channel (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.