Read MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey - Chapter 930 ?? (lll?ω?) You put some anti... - NovelBuddy (2024)

Latest website: Amidst the gleaming stars and the dark universe full of fantastically gorgeous nebulae, a chrome-coated silver-white flat watercraft was jumping out of its super-light speed flight. Began to slowly slow down and move forward.

This is the spaceship that Naboo’s Queen Padmé Amidala and her party boarded. They had hoped to break through the blockade of the trade alliance from Naboo and fly to Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. As a result, today, they have to return with disappointment to their home planet that is still blocked and controlled by the trade alliance forces.

However, their journey this time was not too lonely...

Because, except for those who came here, such as the queen, guards, maids, Qui-Gang King, Obi-Wan, the clumsy Gungan Ga. Ga Binks, and a certain Jedi who wants to roam the stars The samurai, that is, the little kid Anakin Skywalker, they have a little girl...

And the little girl, surprisingly, was someone who was really boring on Coruscant, and from time to time she ran to make troubles and fights, but one day she threw a "two kick" to blow up the planet, and then she was The unscrupulous subordinates flickered to this spacecraft, planning to travel to Buna Star and save the world, the little head of state!

Actually, for a little girl, as long as she can leave that boring steel planet Coruscant and go to other places to wander around, then it must be excellent. There is no such thing as "flickering" at all. , She was just looking for an excuse to wander around. As for cracking down on the trade alliance or something, it was just incidental, or would it depend on her mood to decide?


The spacecraft was slowly slowing down in the dark universe, trying to recover from the state of superluminal flight to normal cruising speed, and from its carefulness and effort to reduce the engine output, planning to cut to a hidden channel, etc. From the situation, it is not difficult to analyze it. It seems to be carefully avoiding something?

It's just that what the spacecraft intends to do is something the pilots need to worry about, and it doesn't have much to do with the passengers in the spacecraft.



At this time, in this small silver-white flat chrome-plated spaceship, a little girl was carrying her bear cubs boredly, kicking in the aisles of the spaceship that she had visited countless times. Wandering before.

"Tibbers, it's boring..."


"Why is this broken spacecraft so slow, it's still drifting in the universe for so many days, when will it fly to that nasty Naboo?"


After so many days of boring flying, Little Annie suddenly felt that she seemed to be deceived by the villain named Nova! If I knew how long it would take to go to Naboo and stayed in this kind of little broken spacecraft for so many days, maybe she wouldn't be here!

The facts are already clear, even if the J-327 Rebia spacecraft on Naboo has the ability to fly faster than light and jump in space, but it wants to fly from Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, to the distant galaxy. The star of Naboo in the ring border, that can not be reached overnight and instantly!

Because although the opponent’s spacecraft is beautiful, it is not very advanced. Therefore, it will take a long voyage and many jumps during this period. Otherwise, Queen Padmé Amidala and Kuigang King The master and his apprentice Obi-Wan will not take so long to reach Coruscant.

So, Queen Padmé Amidala and Master Qugang Jin who returned to Naboo from Coruscant a few days ago, they must have a long time to fly if they want to return to Naboo. ...

‘! ! ’

‘Hello, Honorable Head Anne? ’

Two Naboo soldiers passing by amicably bowed to a little girl who didn’t know why they cursed, because the other party was not only a guest of their queen, but also the head of a country, though, they never knew each other. Why did it appear on their ship flying to the dangerous Naboo?

"How are you..."


Although she was in a bad mood, seeing the other person saluting at her with a smiling face, Xiao Anni quickly changed her face and waved at the two people standing by the aisle.



"Tibbers, I won't be fooled by that villain Nova again next time. She didn't tell us that it would take so long to fly to Naboo. People thought it would take a long time to arrive..."


When the two Naboo soldiers passed by, Little Annie quickly changed her face, and continued to talk to her little bear with some sadness.

Anyway, she is in a bad mood right now. If anyone can distract her from something fun, or make her bully, maybe she can spend a little time in this boring travel time. Become a little bit more pleasant?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t want to talk to each other. After all, it was a messy little girl who had promised to follow her, but now she regrets who can blame it? Anyway, there must be no way for it, this shadow bear. Can fly, and cannot accelerate this spacecraft. If it is set on fire, it means it is very good at it and promises to burn this spacecraft into a skeleton floating in the universe within ten seconds?)

"It's annoying..."


On this small spaceship, Little Annie must be idle...

No, I was in the main cabin just now chatting with the lady queen who likes to put heavy make-up on her face and "stuff the wall" on her face. Then, she hadn't waited for her to study the foundation on the other's face. When she was too thick, she opened her mouth to ask that interesting question, and she was stunned out by the other party, but she had no choice but to sneak up to the place in front of her.



Soon, although she didn't find the awkward and bullying "Duckbill Big-eared Beast" here, she saw the one she knew called Kui Gang Jin. Obi-Wan and the little kid Anakin who doesn’t seem to be much older than her, the three of them are sitting cross-legged secretly hiding in this small room, and they don’t know what they are doing. ?


"Hey! What are you three of you doing hiding here? What fun guessing game are you doing?"

(??⊙ω⊙`)? ?

After opening the door for a while, she walked in naturally under curiosity and asked directly about the strange behavior of the three.

After all, a long journey always requires something to do to kill the boring time. Since you can't find the dumb and bully'platypus', then she will pose with the three in front of her. There is nothing wrong with the strange behavior guys playing for a while.


"It is you……"

"I'm now teaching Anakin to guide the bright side of his own force so that he won't be swallowed up by the dark side of his own when he feels the force..."

I opened my eyes and looked at the little girl who appeared at the door of the cabin. After seeing the other side clearly, the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin sighed secretly in annoyance, and felt a little bit small for not remembering how to lock the door of the cabin. regret.

On this ship in voyage, under normal circ*mstances, there must be no one who broke into this cabin without notification, but there is no way. There is such an unusual identity on this ship and they are still helpless. Little girl...Quigang King also didn’t know what the Queen Amidala thought, why did she bring such a little guy to the dangerous Naboo star? Doesn’t she know that this little guy is The head of a country?

Although he also knew that this little girl had extraordinary abilities, anyway, when they went to Naboo Star to be a very risky behavior, it would be too much to bring such a guy with them.


"Don't be distracted by foreign objects casually, remember what I told you just now, feel the force, and guide them to the bright side!"

Realizing that Anakin was the same as himself, he immediately interrupted the meditation, then opened his eyes and turned his head to look in the direction of the door for the first time. Quigang Jin did not wait for the little girl to react, and moved first. Anakin glared over and yelled at the other person reproachfully.

"Otherwise, as Master Yoda told you, your inner fear will lead to anger, and anger will lead to your hatred, and hatred can only bring pain in the end..."

"You have to know that those negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, malice, etc. are all elements of the Dark Side Force. If you want to become a Jedi Knight, you must keep this in mind!"

Although the masters of the Jedi Temple rejected their proposal to accept Anakin as disciples and allow Obi-Wan to accept the test and become a Jedi Knight, they have always been stubborn and never like to follow the rules. Still feel that his behavior is correct, and resolutely decided to guide Anakin to train as a Jedi Knight, even if the Jedi Order stipulates that a master cannot have two apprentices at the same time?

Because in his opinion, the Force in Anakin is very strong, the opponent is destined to be a Jedi Knight, and the elders refused to become a Jedi Knight because of their age or the dark side of the Force. It must be extremely wrong, and his current behavior is trying to correct that mistake!


"Teacher Kui Gang Jin, I see..."

No way. After being blamed by the teacher who was very optimistic and loved him, Anakin quickly turned back and closed his eyes directly, continuing to follow the method that the other party had taught him before, and began to sense it carefully. The original force in his body and the magic that is everywhere in the universe can make him a supernatural power of the Jedi Knight.

"Oh! I know what you guys are doing!"


Little Annie nodded, expressing that she understood what these people were doing. It seemed that they weren't what she had just thought. They were sitting around here to play guessing, and then people who guessed wrong would be painted or beaten. The kind of fun little game of slap.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Uncle Kuigang Jin, what you just said seems a bit wrong..."


"Because the original force is the original force, it is a kind of energy field, and it is a part of your universe. It itself has no light or darkness, it is just a force guided by the people who use it according to different emotional fluctuations. The size and the manifestation are different? Then, it seems that there are two different powers, but in fact, there is no absolute dark side force!"

"The spiritual resonance caused by negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, malice, etc. must be stronger than in a calm situation, and the guiding force is also greater. That is not the dark force you think!"


This is actually like the holy light and the shadow. The holy light does not represent justice, and the shadow does not necessarily represent evil. There is no difference between good and bad in any power, and the essence of power does not have the concept of good and evil. It's just that later people forcibly added them.

Of course, for people who are not strong in spirit, it is always better to touch the supernatural power with calm or positive emotions than to touch the power with negative emotions, because that way will not be easily affected. Those emotions and the so-called dark side that influence or magnify yourself?

"Actually, without you, you don’t need to deliberately suppress the dark side's force and use the light side, because they are actually like day and night. You can’t stop a planet and stop your half of the city. Always be in the daytime, and the other half will always be trapped in the night, that will definitely cause big problems!"


"Instead of that, you might as well exercise his will, and then teach him how to properly use the power contained in his own body. It is much easier than using the light force you said. ."

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Although Xiao Anni has never used the so-called Roshzi force, she also knows that whether it is force or magic, the more suppressed, the more powerful they will rebound, and the more afraid of something, the easier it is to be Only by facing up to and using them well is the most correct way to open up such forces.

and so,

The so-called Jedi master in front of him, let the Anakin in front of him be filled with a large amount of force that is easily resonated by the emotions of the'dark' side. Instead, he has to guide and use it. The kind of power that suits him must be a big problem!

She had heard that this Anakin was a slave when he was a child, and his place of living must be very sinister, but now he has to teach the other positive elements such as justice, benevolence, and healing. Isn't that a joke? It is better to directly guide the other party how to use the power in their body correctly. In that case, the person who teaches is relaxed and the person who uses it is comfortable. Isn't that good?

Of course, she just talked casually, and she wouldn't care if the other party listened. Anyway, she didn't know much about these people in front of her...


Hearing the little girl’s words that seemed to make sense, Anakin opened his eyes again, and looked at him questioningly at the Jedi master Kuigang Jin, who could only be called a teacher for now, not a master. .


At this moment, Obi-Wan, who had been unmoved by foreign objects before, couldn’t help but open his eyes. First, he frowned and stared at the little girl who seemed to be a little bit wrong about what he said. Just like Anakin, Cai turned his head to look at his master and waited for the other's explanation.

"Your Excellency Head Anne..."

"You have to be alert, your thoughts are dangerous, very dangerous!!"

No way, seeing that the training of the three masters and apprentices seems to have been completely unable to continue quietly, Kui Gang Jin could only take a sigh of relief, then turned around and looked at the one with a slightly stern look and ran to use it. That kind of dangerous words disturbed herself and the little girl of her students.

"It is undeniable that the Dark Force is easier to master, more aggressive, and more tempting. Even Master Mess Windu himself has techniques on the application of the Dark Force..."

"However, you have to know that it is very undesirable to rapidly increase your combat power by simply relying on the vent of anger, hatred, fear, arrogance, desire and other negative emotions. The dark force will gradually corrupt you. Inwardly, it consumes your will and makes you feel as if you are addicted to drugs, and then you fall into darkness completely..."

Although it was explained in name to the little girl who rushed in, the Jedi master Kui Gang Jin turned his head earnestly to look at his two apprentices and quasi-apprentices.

"and so……"

"Once you hold that kind of fluke in your heart, you may become a terrible'Dark Jedi', and even go further and further on the road to the'Sith' until it is over..."

I remembered that in addition to protecting Queen Amidala’s safety during this trip, I was also responsible for the sacred mission entrusted by the elders of the Supreme Council: the task of investigating and unraveling the mystery of the'Sith' warrior, Kui Gang. Jin couldn't help but sighed heavily.


"Anakin and Obi-Wan, both of you must remember: no matter when and where, you must insist on resisting the temptation of the dark side! Otherwise, if you accidentally take a wrong step, you will fall into the dark side. On the one hand, I am afraid I can never look back."

After a little refutation of the little girl's false reasoning, Kui Gang Jincai used that kind of persuasive tone to persuade his two apprentices and prospective apprentices.

It is undeniable that he also agrees with the remarks of the little head of Anne a little bit by Quigang King himself, but that kind of remark is very dangerous for Obi-Wan and Anakin in front of him. After all, they have not yet received the trial. Becoming a real Jedi Knight, and another person has just received his own training not long, in the case of not reaching a certain level, casually contacting those taboo areas is extremely dangerous, he has to be careful to explain and intimidate one Fan.

"Yes! Master!"

"I see, teacher..."

Looking at the serious face of the Jedi Master, Obi-Wan and Anakin dared to be negligent, and they had no choice but to bow their heads quickly. As for what they thought, no one knew.

"Nonsense! There is no difference between light and darkness, and you are wrong to think that way!"



"Oh! You really are... well, let me show it to you personally now!"


No way, seeing that there was no way to persuade the three people in front of her, some unscrupulous little Annie decided: show her hands to the three dumb guys in front of them, let them know the power of light and darkness, they The limit is not absolute!

"Look at it?"


As soon as she stretched out her hand, two large groups of dark and weird energy **** appeared in the palms of the left and right sides of Little Annie, which seemed to be capable of shocking power, and then proudly showed off to the three of them.



In the next second, after Obi-Wan and Qui-Gang King felt the pure dark power, they were so scared that they jumped from the floor of the cabin on the spot.


And a little student named Anakin was a little curious about the strange black ball in the hands of the little sister. Regarding the behavior of his teacher and Obi-Wan, the kind of bluffing and jumping up. I don't know why.


"How can you have such a dark and evil power, who are you?!"

Subconsciously, although I don’t know what the pure dark power that has never seen before, but faintly penetrates their hearts, what does it represent, but the Jedi master Kui Gang Jin still subconsciously took the other party, and it still has some The origin is unknown, and even some abrupt little girl heads are classified into the category of'Dark Jedi' and'Fallen Jedi'!


He also frantically wondered whether the other party was related to the mission of the Dark Force and the'Sith' that he and Obi went to Naboo to investigate this time? Is the so-called hero federation the origin of the ‘Sith’, and then the trade alliance is the opponent’s minion, and they have completely fallen into the opponent’s trap at this time?


∑(??△`)? !

"Sorry, I just forgot to switch. If this happens, you should feel better, right?"


It seems that she has discovered her own mistake, and accidentally produced shadow energy on both sides. Little Annie quickly switched after she discovered it, turning the dark shadow on her right hand into golden sparkle, which made people feel The look of the warm holy light.

Although she didn’t like to use holy light, because it would make her feel a little annoying, but in order to let these people in front of her be able to pay a little attention to what she meant, she did it that way. After all, it’s about transforming energy. It's too simple.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"My left hand is holding the shadow, and my right hand is embracing the holy light. The power of the sacred is stirring in my heart, and the power of the shadow surrounds me. Do you think I am righteous or evil?"


Little Annie grinned broadly, and at the same time the two **** of her own hands had diametrically opposite attributes, but she threw away the energy that could be converted at will. She didn't mind the changeable expressions and ups and downs of the two in front of her.

"I'm telling you, on a planet called Azeroth, a group of guys called priests often play like this. They all seem to be high-ranking members of the church, and they don't mind using the power of shadow. of!"


As for the question of whether the Holy Light and the priest are dirty, Little Annie doesn't want to talk too much to these so-called Jedi masters and Jedi apprentices, anyway, as long as the other party understands the meaning.



I have studied the Force for many years, and have never been willing to follow the rules. The Jedi master Kui Gang Jin and the somewhat ignorant Obi-Wan who also know about the Dark Force were shocked, especially the group in the right hand of the little girl. The extremely evil dark power was transformed little by little in front of their eyes, and the fact that they were light in one hand and darkness in the other hand shocked their hearts so much that they didn't know what to say.

"Forget it!"


Suddenly, Xiao Anni directly grabbed the two groups of Holy Light and Shadow Power in her hands, and then turned her head and left, despite the fact that there were still some silly three people in the cabin.

"You are not other apprentices, so don't teach you so much!!".


Seeing that his goal of bluffing the other party seemed to have been achieved, and seeing that he had successfully disrupted the small'game' that the other party was sitting around, Master Anne, who felt that he had done something very meaningful today, turned directly around. He left, and thoughtfully pressed the door of the cabin, let it close gently, shutting the three people inside.

As for what the three of them are thinking about, it doesn't matter to her...


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


When a little girl left the Jedi Master’s cabin, the chrome-coated silver-white flat watercraft was getting closer and closer to Denab Star...

Although, the pilot with full proficiency of the spacecraft has worked very hard to control the speed of the spacecraft and the output of the engines behind the spacecraft, in order to control the light emitted by the unnecessary particles? But, unfortunately, when they broke through the enemy's blockade and were about to penetrate into the atmosphere of Naboo, they discovered this shockingly:

Their ship, which wanted to sneak into Naboo Star silently, was discovered by the enemy patrol at this critical moment?

'beep! beep! beep! ’

'alarm! alarm! Our spaceship is locked! ’

'alarm! alarm……'

Then, naturally, when beams of explosive energy blasted from the dark cosmic starry sky in the distance, they made ripples on the shield of this flat spacecraft and caused the entire spacecraft to involuntarily oscillate slightly. After getting up, the rapid siren resounded throughout the spacecraft.

‘! ! ’

'what's the situation? ’

'what's going on? ! ’

‘Is there a war? ’


This chrome-coated silver-white flat-flowing water spacecraft is not big, so soon, the three of Kuigang and Jin, the master and apprentice, a little girl who has been swaying in the spaceship, and the Padmé who rushed in. Queen Amidala and her party gathered in the small bridge and co*ckpit of the spaceship.

'Oh no! Your Majesty Queen Amidala! We were discovered by the enemy! ’

‘They are one, two, three...oh no! They have a total of five teams, a total of more than forty fighters, and they are now surrounding us from different directions! ’

‘Your Majesty, this is a trap. They must have known that we are coming, so they have prepared in advance. It is impossible for such a place to have so many patrol teams! ’

At this moment, a certain Naboo star aviation soldier who was manipulating something on the radar exclaimed!

Judging from the number of enemies and the direction and reaction speed of the attack, it is not difficult for him to judge that the enemies must have received the news long ago when they set off from the planet Coruscant and had already prepared for the ambush. Here are waiting, and they are now like headless flies, still bumping in without knowing it?

‘! ! ’

'fast! Get rid of them first! ! ’

Although knowing that the situation is critical now, Queen Amidala has nothing to do. What can she do besides nervously giving such meaningless orders to the pilots of the spacecraft?

Boom~! !

However, just as Queen Amidala finished speaking, the spacecraft shook violently. Obviously, the blast energy beams of those enemy planes that were attacking from a distance hit their spacecraft, but luckily, the shield might return. Yes, except for a little shock, the spacecraft did not seem to have much damage.

"This won't work!"


"Where is the weapon control equipment of your spacecraft? I'll tell you, my shooting accuracy is super accurate. Hurry up and let me out of the shooting platform. I don't have enough to keep them for shooting!!"


Seeing that she finally had something fun to do, Little Annie couldn't help getting excited, and started to pull her sleeves eagerly, ready to show up in front of these idiots, let them know that it was just over forty. What a fighter plane is, as long as her omnipotent head Anne is here, even 400 planes are worthless!

You know, she's been bored for many days, and she's holding back the fire, and now she can do something serious and fun, she will definitely work hard.

‘No weapons! ! ’

Before a certain little girl started looking around for the weapon console, the radar officer yelled with a hint of crying.


"What does it mean to have no weapons?!"

∑(??△`)? !

Little Annie is puzzled. She is still hiding at this time. Is it because she wants to die or doesn't trust her Master Anne's skills? To be honest, it’s not that she brags. In this case, if anyone besides her can save this unpopular spaceship that was besieged by the enemy, then she would take her own bear Tibbers. Swallow!



‘It’s just that this ship has no weapons installed! ’

'This J-327 Rebia spacecraft is a royal-class interstellar spacecraft used by Queen Naboo. It is mainly used for diplomatic visits and sightseeing tours. So according to Naboo's tradition, it does not have any Armed, it only has a high-power shield and that (p)t-14 super-light speed engine! ’

Before the Naboo star radar officer could tell the reason, the little guy on the side, Anakin, who seemed to be familiar with machinery and who had studied the spaceship, explained it instead.


Σ(??Д??; ≡;??д??)?

"You dumb guys, can you die if you install a few counter-attacks on the spaceship?!"


Looking at the left and right, no one came forward to refute the little boy Anakin's words. It was easy for Annie to know that what the other party said should be correct. There really doesn't seem to be any weapons on this ship? Then, of course, she sneered directly, not giving any face to the Naboo people present.

You know, in their Kepru region, the military factories under her can't even wait for the medical ships to be equipped with missile launchers, let alone this kind of head of state ship, the Nabo people Good thing, such a big spaceship doesn't even have a cannon?

boom! !

There was another explosion sound, and then the spacecraft began to tremble violently, and then from the scarlet warning characters in front of a certain crew member, it was not difficult for everyone who had just stabilized their body to know that their spacecraft’s Under the enemy's high-intensity bombardment, the shield seems to be dying?

"You will definitely be shot down by the enemy like this..."


The more than forty fighters are getting closer and closer, and the accuracy is getting more and more accurate. Now, Xiao Annie can see from the porthole of the bridge, she can see the kind of explosive energy beam bombarding the shield many times. The kind of turbulent waves that have risen, so things are already obvious, their broken ship will not last long.

‘! ! ’

‘Can you get rid of them? We must penetrate into Naboo's atmosphere as soon as possible, and then land on the ground! Otherwise, once the shield is broken, all of us will be finished! ’

The Jedi master Kui Gang Jin quickly analyzed the current situation facing his side, and then he quickly found a way, that is: to break through the encirclement, land to the ground, ask those fighters with powerful attack power, and then pick up Leave everything to them to the Jedi Knights!

As long as the enemy is not chasing a lot of ground troops, he and Obi-Wan, the two Jedi knights, can definitely deal with them easily. At the very least, it is not necessary to be like this. They can only be beaten and cannot fight back?

'No way! ’

‘It’s an unmanned fighter that integrates high-speed reconnaissance and strikes. Although the range is relatively short, their speed doesn’t seem to be slower than ours, so they definitely can’t get rid of it! ’

Without waiting for Naboo's crew to reply, Anakin, a little kid with extraordinary knowledge of machinery and equipment, spoke again and beat his teacher mercilessly.

‘! ! ’

'not good! There are more high-speed patrol fighters approaching in the distance, the number...more than 80? Your Majesty, we can't escape this time, what should we do? ! ’

Soon, the Naboo crew member who was sitting in front of the radar exclaimed again. Obviously, he had just detected a larger number of enemy planes and was currently besieging their poor unarmed high-speed'visiting ship'. The number of fighters has reached a terrible one hundred and twenty, that is the number they absolutely cannot resist or escape!

So the meaning of his question is obvious, that is: to consult with their Majesty, should he surrender now in order to save a life?



No one spoke anymore, including two Jedi Knights. They just watched the pilot gritted his teeth and tried to avoid enemy bombardment and pursuit, while watching the Queen Amidala nervously and helplessly. , And waiting for the other party's reply.



"Forget it! Now that this is the case, I have to reluctantly let you first see the power of the strongest ghost agent in the Kepulu region!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

As the spaceship trembles, Little Annie, who doesn't want to be sunk by the enemy along with these useless guys, has to pretend to click on her wrist.

Then soon, under her spellcasting, everyone only saw the light distorted in bursts. In the next second, a little girl in a beautiful red, white and gold three-color ghost suit made by the head of state appeared. In front of them?

Of course, the most eye-catching thing now is the long rifle with a slightly frightening caliber on the opponent's shoulder.



‘Head Anne, are you sure you can deal with those fighters outside? Outside is the universe, this is not fighting on the ground! ’

After the Jedi Master Kui Gang Jin saw the little girl's mischievous dress-up behavior, he shook his head to the other party with a bit of bitter smile. After all, this is the universe, and even Jedi knights like them can't help it, let alone each other.

"Who do you think they are?"


"Is it a Jedi like you who can only wield a lightsaber to be handsome? Let's just walk and see. Later, people will go out from the maintenance tunnel and guarantee one shot and one fighter. If you fire one more shot, you will lose!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Space warfare is good. Space warfare does not have all the various environmental influences. After the Gauss electromagnetic rifle is fired, there will be no range limitation at all, and the power will not be affected by the resistance and will not be reduced at all. Regardless of how far away the enemy plane is, once a shot passes, as long as the hit is hit, the enemy will be guaranteed 100% damage!

And If it weren’t for taking the Gundam directly out of her pocket, these people might be puzzled, or it might break the broken spaceship, she could even show them what it means. Wushuang rushes into the formation' and'Single Cavalry Breaks the Army'! Even, she can directly hit the enemy's lair and dismantle the enemy's warship directly?

However, Little Annie certainly wouldn't do it like that now, because the troublesome Nova said before, it's better to wait for her news first, and then take action to deal with those trade alliance warships?

So, now she had to show these idiots Naboo and the Jedi heretics first, and let them know that the Sagittarius must be better than the warriors, the ‘Jedi Warrior’ or something is now outdated!


?? Ask for votes at the end of the month??


Read MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey - Chapter 930 ?? (lll?ω?) You put some anti... - NovelBuddy (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.