The Macon News from Macon, Georgia (2024)

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Macon, Georgia

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Monday November 14 ins The Macon News 5 Government to Sell Richmond Ball Club Wallace Reid Burden Smith Company Home-Oicned and Operated Injured in Albany Game Buck: May Miss Title Battle Friday Dickie Buck son of Coach Selby Buck and quarterback of the 1955 edition of the Lanier Senior High Poets may miss what shapes up as the most important game of the season against the LaGrange Grangers Friday night In the game with the Indians of Albany Friday sight young Buck was Injured and taken from the Should the Friday night tussle end up in a tie under the rules of the Georgia High School BICHMOND Va AP The I sever dull saga of Richmond and International League baseball reached another climax today In a move unprecedented in baseball Iftftory the government made ready to aell the ball club to the highest bidder in default of payment of back taxes In keeping with the uncertainty i aiieeio onmi i thin aariiioa tlioi las Df Sol -Coat bat BtriSk itSch7f Announce New Way To Shrink Painful Piles Science Finds Healing Substance That Does Relieves Shrinks Hemorrhoids rr SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS 1798 New York (Special) -For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve without surgery In one hemorrhoid case after Jgother "very striking was reported and verified by doctors' observations Pain was relieved prompUy while gently relieving pain actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place And most amaxing of this improvement was maintained in esses where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months I In feet results were so thorough that sufferers-were able to make such astonishingstatementa as hava ceased to be a By KNOPF All suede water repellent knit collar cuffs and waist band Rayon lining Collar Cuffs and waist band are durably mothproofed with "Ml Colors: Buck and Copper Sizes 34 to 46 'U'--" Dept Cherry Street No Heir Apparent in Sight for Title Now Held by Ruling Rocky Marciano At least one section of tho sports world today haa a king without a single heir-apparent to his crown He may look far and wide but nowhere will he see a man willing or able to take the crown from hit head He la Rocky 'Marciano ruler of the heavyweight clan In the squared circle When Marciano lowered the boom on the aged but aide Archie Moore several week! ago be brought this situation into being Metre wbe finally cajoled his way into toe ring with the champion a couple of years too late proved himself to be little more ef a threat to possession of the lucrative title than had the rest of them But as disappointing ai his efforts might have been the goateed ruler of the light-heavies was and still Is the second best man In boxing today Ho baa whipped directly or indirectly every heavyweight of any prominence in the business except Marciano including Baker Valdes Johnson and the British Blubber Boy co*ckell In whipping the light-heavyweight champion without too much difficulty Marciano proved that 99 per cent of the battlers known today would prove even less trouble to him based on Moore's record Of course there Is always the possibility that a new Dempsey Strlbling or Louis may be just across the horizon and on his way up but at last report there was little hope of this even way down among the beginners Young Giant From Africa Creates Stir About the only fighter who created even a stir among the smooth waters of heavyweight boxing la recent months Is a giant from South Africa And reports about him are highly contradictory despite the fact that his size alone would seem to make him "eligible" if he has any boxing skill at all He is Ewart Potgieter who stands seven feet two inches tall and runs the needle up to the 320-pound mark when he steps up on a pair of scales Potgieter put on boxing gloves for the first time on July 30 of 1953 has had only nine fights since then but his manager says today that in two years Potgieter will be the heavyweight champion of the world Included in those nine fights are mostly gentlemen of whom you have never heard anything and of whom you will likely hear nothing from here on in About the only ones he has faced who had any real ability were Noel Reed a real experienced fighter and James Parker whose only distinction to date is that he lasted 10 rounds with Nino I No-No Valdes He belted out the former in the second round of their battle and took care of the latter in short order He was brought to London by his manager Jack Solomons early this year and after his first fight one London sports writer said "Potgieter is 10 per cent worse than rPrlmol Camera was at his worst" Just about aa insulting as the writer coi get even if he worked hard on EWART POTGIETER Following his next fight before which he spent several months working with one of the best trainers in Merry Old England the 23-year-old heavyweight received much more favorable comment He is still however much of a question mark and the sports writers and fight experts who have been watching still mostly refuse to take him too seriously Solomons said he wants to bring him to the United States and start him off with somebody like Rex Lane After that Solomons says the young giant will be ready to fight for the heavyweight championship in one year but that it will probably be about two years before he can get him signed up for it As far comparing him with Camera which ia about the first thing anyone would do beeanso af the giant slie Solomon waa quite definite in his statement ta newsmen He said "He IPotgieterl would eat and then box the rest of the heavyweights around on the same evening He has excellent balance and We doubt that the young South African giant would do all of that but he might Just he the man unknown and unsung on his way up to take Rocky's crown Whether he is or it appears sure that the popular Rocky still has long quiet and easy period of reigning ahead of him SAKE WITH SAFETY Osrrcit Divitads that has surrounded the Virginians ever since they entered the trlple-A league in 1954 nobody was quite sure this morning whether the auction ever would come off The tax lien was 17921368 and if Richmond owner Harry Seibold could plunk down the money before 2 pm there would bis no sale Seibold though had given no indications he had raised the necessary cash As a result the best guess appeared to be that the high bidders would be a syndicate of six wealthy Richmond business men who said they had the money in the bank to buy the team problem And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions some of 10 to 20 years' standing All this without the use of narcotics anesthetics or astringents of any kind The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne discovery of a world-famous research institution Already Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation suppositories or Preparation ointment with special applicator Preparation is sold atalldrugstoresSatiafaction guaranteed or money refunded rs tvf Name Withheld Out 14 Drastic Price Reduction PAINT 'sprayer Wiltl W-r WOChiM Is Knr 2S vfiu fw FREE DtweatlisriM ACT TOOAY game early In the second period of play Coach Buck aaid that aubse-quent X-rays have shown so broken bones but did show several torn ligaments Is his right knee "It is doubtful If he will be able to play Friday Coach Buck aaid The game' which was the first Region 1-AA loss in the season for the Poets threw the region championship into a tie between the Poets and the Grangers Friday battle in La-Grange will he to determine which outfit is the region champion and entitled to a shot at the state championship playoffs Coach Buck has listed three possibilities as replacements for Dickie should the young quarterback be unable to play Friday They Include Harry Smith who has been trying for the slot for three years and who succeeded Buck Friday night Bobby Joiner who sparked the Poet Bees to a 7-0 record from the quarterback position this season and Bluy Greer a junior who has seen little service for the Poets this year Like Father Like Son BROOKLYN The Duke Sniders will celebrate two birthday instead of one next Sept 19 The 29 -year -old Dodger outfielders second son Kurt Brian was born on Sept 19 Duke birthday too AIR BRAKES Installed Complete Repair Parts Service Tracking Equip Co 4517 Forsyth Rd Ph 5-3442 Art Supplies Pictures Pictures Framed Picture Frames Toys Carnes Office Supplies 357COTTON AVL DIAL 5-5739 IFord Theatre present! Blue Ribbon" starring scon BRADY OENI BARRY WMAZ-TV 10:00 PJL CHANNEL 13 NATURE Clark DEPOSITS RECEIVED Thru The 10th Earn a Full Month's Dividend ACCOUNTS INSURED to S1IMX0 Association the championship would then be decided by the rule of penetration KEENUM JR WBML announces the recent addition of Keenum Jr to its staff Mr Keenum is business manager of the station Formerly with Retail Credit Co he is a native Maconite a graduate of Lanier and Mercer and a member of Vineville Baptist Church He his wife and child reside at 476 Corbin Avenue Adv MablDirterPiw iron NO ONE ELSE CAN MATCH OUR QUALITY AT OUR PRICE OUR OFFER IS 0FTER IMITATED BUT NEVER DUPLICATED WE ARE THE ORIGINATORS OF THE "FREE OALLOM" 7he qsoctuealer seccew ef Mary Cortpr peiatn bos many facets mwT T19 VBimUiMf MBS IN determlsutieu te turn eet pend nets Maal er heft nr thee competition lowing reports and flattering car-respeedence era ceotioaertfy directed te Miss Carter by stroma rs from all walks ef IMo You era urged te hoiHeto In buying any ther product autN you I avow Ig era the famous "I'll Pay Half Year Whale Pelut Mi" offer OUR HOUSE PAINTS levee ear lowest priced utility grades) ARE 1 PURE OIL BASED FORTIFIED WITH ALKYD RESIN 2 MILDEW RESISTANT 3 PIGMENTED WITH ZINC AND TITANIUM FOR EXTREME WHITENflSs DURABILITY AND PERFORMANCE 4 ARE GUARANTEED TO PERFORM AND GUARANTEED TO PAINT INSIDE and OUTSIDE WITH THE SAME PANT USE ROL-LATEX FOR ALL INTERIOR WORK AND FOR CEMENT STUCCO MASONRY AND ASBESTOS SHINGLES OUTSIDE 5 9S Gd Every 2nd Gd FREE ier Alhyd Plot FJHe lets a Chine Lew Dech lament Hern Yrim aad TreHb from erino Varnish Alemieem Meny ethers ei anew fer I effe 39! 491 791 171 191 991 191 UARY CARTER PAINT FACTORIES 1625 HOUSTON AVL FHONE 5-0967 Branches Coast-to-CoasJ Choose from our large selection of these beautifully designed Your budget will approve Other boxes at $200 and $300 See them today Cellopaks I 29c 59c 79 13 cards all alike In each package OS at css) Hallmark Gift Wrappings 10c to 100 Center Aisle Main Floor 1951 MODEL BRAND NSW TANK TYPE VACUUM CLEANER GA SEED STORE 535 Poplar St Phone 2-7044 ATTACHMENTS Full Cssh Price Burke Co OFFICE OUTFITTERS Serving Macon and Middle Georgia for 93 Consecutive Tears 626 Mulberry St Dial 2-2353 When Ton Bug at Burke's You Bug With Confidence Sandlolfers End 1955 Season The City Recreation Depart-ment's football program ended last week and the department had a successful season The winners In the 105-pound leagueeould be Vineville or South Macon Ia the 125-pound league Billy Pell was captain of the Gordon Bush team The YMCA won the 135 and the 145-pound leagues with David Lyles as the team captain These teams will receive silver footballs for winning in their leagues Jack Mason chairman of the City Recreation committee will present the awards The winners will be feted at the annual banquet at the YMCA on Nov 25 at 1 o'clock Guests that have been invited are Mayor Merritt Mason and members of the recreation committee Mrs George Beggs superintendent of the Recreation Department: Nick Roberts Carl Thomas of the Club and members of the Recreation Department staff Mrs Juanita Black of the Bibb Manufacturing Company will present the annual awards for the boys that have been picked as outstanding boys on each team The hoys are: Tim Vinlng Lan-ny Hill Alfred Nolan Jerry Price Jim Douglas Jerry Tyson Sam Hutto Billy Johnson Freddie Cromer Wesley Sorrow Spivey Steve Adrileton David Lyles and Tommy Harwell Paul Riley will receive the trophy for the outstanding sportsman for the entire sandlot football program Riley plays for the Gordon Bush 125-pound team EXIDE BATTERIES Kenneth Carswell's Chapman's Garage 439 Mulberry Fh 5-6557 DOCTOR By Dr Reed slim skirt with side kick pleat for walking ease lined seat and cuffed hip pocket! Designed to flatter with smart side swept double button tabs Textured Menswear Flannel In charcoal grey charcoal brown charcoal navy sizes 12 to 18 598 guaranteed 2 YEARS Wt DEMONSTRATION PHONE 3-4689 IN MACON HEAD THE CLASSIFIED SEND CIcoMd Sons people have pcceliar opisioe as te what chirepractic is ta vhat eiteat and te vhat limit it us be applied te them A cesimes qeestios is cis peer Chiropractor! de for a broken leg ar epos vroiied?" "Nothiag is ia far as giving as adjustment We would seed them to a phytieba to 'net the break or stitch asd dreu the woiisd If the dressings am kept done sature does the healing" The qnestiou would arise "What is Nature?" The Chiropractic contention that nature the force ef energy which emaaates from the brain The nervous system transmits this energy ta all parts ef the body controlling and regulating all body processes lack ef this energy in any part ef the body weald result hi the lea ef fueftiou or in disease Locating and mbasing any interference ef the Hew of the forces ef Nature the Chiropractic objective so that healing and recovery will acme from within the lady One of a neitse af articiM nubliaM the public haemal to nplia and Dteatrato the praetteo ef chiropractic written bp Or Clarh whom af-IW In located at UPCrimn Avenue DR RJ CLARK itw-s msu NO To Awm Safahcl Sold Only Hmm Dtowaifroliesi The skirt takes a Blouse or Sweater And we have Just the right one for you! BLOUSES 298 to 1298 Nylons crepes shantungs wool Jerseys or cottons SWEATERS 298 to 1298 Slip-overs cardigans and sweater seta in Orion Ready-To-Wear Second Floor Peechtree St Atlanta Ga PAGES FOR RESULTS Burden Smith Company.

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The Macon News from Macon, Georgia (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.