The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a 4p PLAIN SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1904. 7: 5 CLEVELAND HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. Twenty words or less.

10 cents. Business announcements. 10 cents per line. BARBER--Good salary 10 1080: steady work. C.

H. Retcher, 732 ADDRESSING CIRCULARS Six girls State Eric. TaPply about 17 rears old, and to mail adverBARBER to furnish and run shop; old hand, tising be matter; neat in must write and plain, have legible bad stand. 2488 Superior st. fair education.

Address once, statiug appearance BARBER--1312 Pearl st. salary expected, box 44-L. Plain Dealer. BOOKKEEPER -A A competent man and BINDERY girls. F.

W. Roberts Co. in thoroughly. reliable: one who is willing furnish to BOOKKEEPER and office hand. thoroughstart for moderate salary and ly competent lady; elo who understands references.

Box 126-M. Plain Dealer. this branch from A to must be willing BOY to work in wholesale 16 liquor store; to start in for a moderate salary and furOle who understands bottling and label- nish references. Box 8-M, I'lain Dealer. Ing' wines; good wages paid, good refer- BOOKKEEPER- Experienced lady; Inust ences Dealer.

required. Answer box 7-L, l'laiu be Airst-class: no amateur need apply. Address in OWN handwriting, giving refBOY wanted to work in store and drive crences. Box 66-L, I'lain Dealer. wagon: CAN live with employer.

'The COOK-First-class, willing to leave the People's Store, 2281 l'earl South city: 01C understanding German or HullBrooklyn. garian rooking preferred; Airst-class postBOY for shop. 14. to 15 years. 167 Luelid.

tion; mornings private or between house. 5 Call and 7 before o'clock 10 o'clock even- BRUSH MEN-10 experienced, on carriage ings. 258 Crawford rd. JI. H.

bodies. to put on color and N. Apply Y. Cut Woman to do plain cooking. Call varnish.

Franklin Mfg. Syracuse. once. 1116 Broadway. salary: CANVASSERS $50 on month to commission begin; or payments straight COLLAR AND CUFFMAKER Experiof per conditional 011 success: Kell- enced.

The W. B. Davis Dunham eral salary not also, $50 per month and and Boother. agents wanted expenses. H.

l'urinton, 125 HOUSEWORK--Girl. to gO home nights; Genesee Cleveland. 0. small apartment and light work: young -Experienced on books: low girl would do: every couvenience: good priced work. 714 Now Eagland bldg.

wageS. Suite 7. Marietta apartment, De- CARETAKER--Middle aged single man 10 act AS caretaker, also to do general pairs about flat; with references. Box 31-M. Plain Dealer.

CASTIBOYS. 10, at once. Must be accompanted by parent or guardian. Apply before 9 a. JI.

R. Hatch Co. CLOTH CUTTER or chopper, experienced. 011 men's custom garments; steady position. English Woolen Mills 191 Superior.

CLOTHES PRESSER. nt once. Superior Clothes Pressing Bond and Superior, Plain Dealer bldg. COATMAKERS-5. lowest coat without extras.

$7.40. J. M. Szabo, Knoxville, Tenn. COATMAKER and pantsmaker; steady work.

Apply 528 I'rospect. COMPOUNDER- Good honest man in a wholesale liquor store: references required. Box 28-H, Plain Dealer. CITY SALESMAN for stationery house; one who understands the business; no others need apply; give references. Address Box 140-L, Plain Dealer.

DRAFTSMEN and engineers. Cleveland Engineering Agency. Station Cleveland. DROPSMEN. triphammer men and diesinkers: good position, good wages and stendy work.

Address box 142-L, Plain Dealer. ENGINEER- Stationary; state salary. Box 22-M, Plain Dealer. ERRAND BOY-40od: must be acquainted the city. 418 Superior.

FARM HAND--Good man on farm, or mau and wife: German preferred: must he temperate and of good habits. iv. 1. Wilbur, box 184, Huron, 0. FARM HAND -Experienced: middle aged preferred: gond wages.

Inq. E. A. HawkIna, 97 and 93 Bank st. FARM HAND--An experienced man to Trork on A farm; single preferred.

Apply 553 Euclid. FARM MAN--Successful with fruit and poultry. 1209 Williamson bldg. FRESCO PAINTERS-Permanent positions to Fischer good Mahler, ornamental 176 E. painters.

Cherry Address Co- lumbus, 0. HOTEL, PORTER--Experience none but sober man. Address box 49-L, I'lain Dealer. LIVERY STABLE MAN--All around man: must. be A good washer and sober.


Box 157-0. Plain Dealer. MAN to clip horses; electric clipper. Call stable, 371 Euclid. MEN learn barber trade; 8 weeks completes: board.

tools earned while learning. Write the old reliable Cincinnati Barber College, 241 K. 3d or Cleveland college, 222 Ontario for catalogue. MIEN seeking employment call-Farm hands, carpenters, truck gardener, others. Room 17 Wick block, l'ublic square.

NIGHT WATCHMAN -Experienced white InaN in dry goods store; give references, age, where last employed. Box 39-M, I'lain Dealer. OFFICE WORK--Young man having experience in factory office; one who can operate typewriter preferred; state expertence. age and salary. Box 65-M, P'lain Dealer.

enced assist on hooks: must OFFICE ASSISTAN expericome well recommended. Apply English Woolen Mills Superior st. store. OFFICE BOT -Bright. immediately.

about 18 vears old. by East End manufacturing concern. Address I handwriting, box P'lain Dealer. OFFICE BOY--Must write a good hand, be neat and quick at figures; age not over 19. Address box 30-L, Plain Dealer office.

BASTER-Experienced. on costume conts: steady work. English Woolen Mills 131 Superior. PHOTOGRAPHER-For For copy work; one willing to locate in must have outAt. Address Johnson dc Twining.

Medina, 0. PHARMACIST- Bright. energetic, registered assistant: single man preferred. Apply nt Urban's drug store, 60 Ontario st. or assistant drug clerk; German.

Box 8-L, Plain Dealer. PORTER, Arst-class: good worker; good reference. Box 73-MI, Plain Dealer. -Lithographic, transferers and engravers: steady employment. Northwestern Lithographing Milwaukee, Wis.

REGISTER MOUNTER -Young man wanted to learn. Ferrosteel 34 Michigan. SALESMAN- -Shoe: also experienced in men's GAR solI hats and fursingle only. Address, stating age, experience and wages wanted, MePadden Youngstown, 0. priced SALESMAN--To tailoring take orders for popular establishment: salary and commission paid.

Box 118-M. Plain Dealer. SCORER for paper boxes: good pay: steady work. Ideal Paper Box 77 Bank st. SIGN HANGER--Strong young man to sist.

Apply to Mr. lasserols, cor. Fulton and Mabel at 7 A. 111. STOREKEEPER and do office workYoung man, age must have experience and use typewriter: give roforences: 84-M, salary $25.00 month and meals only.

Rox I'lain, Dealer. TIMEKEEPER those having bad experience need apply. Box 79-M. P'lain Dealer. TRAVEL- returnable Man bond from country: salary $15: required.

605 Schotield bldg. TRIMMERS--At once. first-class, nonunion. on cushions and backs for automobile work. N.

Apply Y. JI. H. Franklin Mfg. Syracuse.

TINNERS and paperhangers; first-class. 140 Quincy st. WANTED -BOy Dealor, to cor. carry I'rospect morning and Sunand Sterling. I'hone Bell East 2065 X.

WOOD CAR call or address A. McClellan. 273 Water Akron. 0. WE DESIRE to got in com 'nunication with artistic job and catalogue compositors with 1 view to permanent 011- ployment at a good salary: must be Architects.

with the: best of references 118 10 charnoter and ability. WARD SHAW. Public Printers, Clereland. A POSITION Is open for Salesmen. Exceutive, Clerical and Technical Mon paying from $1,000 fo $5.000.

Call or write. HAI'GOODS (Inc) Clereland Office, Williamson Hidg. COUPLE on market farm for house and garden: 110 objection to child; foreigner preferred; good chance for trusty party. A. R.

D. No: 7. Mansfield. 0. EVERY to tack signs, dist.

circulars, samples, 110 ennvassIng; god pay. Sun Adv. Bureau, Chicago. FOO PAINTERS at world's fair, St. Louis: union men 50c per bour; 110 trouble.

Apply at world's fair grounds. WE can place several competent stouographers and salesmen. Melcher, Bluim New England bldg. 1. STENOGRAPHERS.

Twenty words or less. 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. YOUNG LADY stenographer desires permanent position; can furnish good references; years' experience. Address Stenographer, 827 Central av.

SITUATION wanted by experienced young man stenographer; best of references. Charles M. Stelling, 100 N. Hill Dassillon, 0. RELIABLE typewriter repairing; all makes; prices reasonable; estimates given.

lay-Sholes Co. Phones. YOUNG LADY stenographer with years experience, desires position; can furnish references. Box 35-Li, Plain Dealer. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires permanent position: can furnish references.

Box 88-M, Plain Dealer. YOUNG LADY stenographer, with some knowledge of bookkeeping, wanted. Ferrosteel 34 Michigan. SITUATION as office girl; thorough knowledge of stenography. Address E.

box 45-1, P'ain Dealer. POSITION by stenographer; Remington and Underwood operator. Box 47-L, Plain Dealer. POSITION by lady: can furnish references. Box 36-M, I'lain Dealer.

EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Twenty cents per line each insertion. IF NEED BOYS for guy kind of telephone the JUVENILE COURT, Main 1754; Cuya. 831. SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE.

Twenty words or less, 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. A AD perienced in WRITER--Young ad writing man. and thoroughly soliciting and excapable of promoting a department of publicity; at present but desiring a change; references. Box 23-L.

Plain Dealer. BANK or office position by young man, 27; good accountant: willing to begin at bottom: references. Address 1311 Now England bldg. BLACKSMITH-Experienced on machinists' tools and light forging; steady, reliable; must have work at once. Box 12-M, Plain Dealer.

employed by large concern, wishes extra bookkeeping, office work or collecting requiring one to four hours daily or evening; highest references: reasonable. Box 122-M, Plain Dealer. BOOKKEEPER and all around office man of executive ability: experienced in manufacturing line; married: age 28: A1 references. Box 128-C, Plain Dealer. BOOKKEEPER, correspondent, general ofAce man, employed, desires to unite with 3 first-class concern: excellent references.

Box 123-L; 1 Plain Dealer. BOOKKEEPER- -Several years' experience: good references; will start at moderate salary. Address D. Johnson, 48 Fay. Crest.

298. BOY 18 years old would like situation, clerical work preferred: best of references. Box 66-M, Plain Dealer. BUSHELMAN or tailor helper; experienced; best of references. Jos.

Massa, 69 Orange. CARETAKERS-By man and wife to care for flat. Box 36-L, Plain Dealer. CHEF white; 12 years' expertence: good references for sobriety and economy; open for engagement. Box 9-M, Plain Dealer.

CHORES for board and small pay, with privilege to use incubator, by steady man. Seatou. care C. A. Daing, Brooklyn, 0., Pearl and McArthur st.

CLERK--Young man, 22; experienced in grocery, cigar and confectionery store; speaks English. German and Bohemian; would drive light wagon. Box 26-M, Plain Dealer. CLERK- Young man desires, position In grocery, or clerical some kind. Room 132 Citadel hotel.

COACHMAN -Married man, experienced sober, competent; willing to work: can give city references. Address E. 107 Perry st. COACHMAN and general caretaker by young married man; country preferred; references. 590 Donn Glenville, 0.

COACHMAN or private gardening by single middle aged man; experienced; sober. Box 10-M, Plain Dealer. COACHMAN--Married man; thoroughly experienced horseman; references. Box 83-M, Plain Dealer. COACHMAN references.

Swedish Box man: 22-L, experi- Plain Dealer. COOK all around. in respectable place; fat or small hotel, city, preferred. 12 Lenox st. G.

Jackson. DAY WORK in restaurant by young man employed at night work. Box 107-L, Plain Dealer. -By young man, 19. Address 144 Luther st.

FARM HAND--Young German (24) wants work: handy with horses: would work 011 farm. 39 McHenry. JANITOR or laborer: good reference. James Lewis, 428 Central. MACHINIST and electrician to.

take charge of A or motors, for factory. street railway, crane and elevator operation. together with new work and repairs. Box 291. Leetonia, O.

WATCHMAN -BY rellable. sober, steady, energetic man, in any good institution requiring such: excellent references as to character: good habits aud integrity. BOx 135-L. Plain Dealer. OFFICE WORK by young man with 3 of years' bookkeeping.

experience: Box also 19-M, good Plain Dealer. knowledge PAINTING, paperhanging, cleaning and repairs or take full charge office or apartment buildings: married: references furnished. Box 119-M, Plain Dealer. P'RINTER'S TRADE--Young man desires to learn trade with reliable concern: faithful worker. Box 82-F.

Plain Dealer. PAPER to hang-first-class work; 10c, John Smith, 332 Central av. SHIPPING or reveiving clerk, by young man with 3 years' experience: can furnish references. Address box 27-M. P'lain Dealer.

YOUNG man well acquainted with city wishes employment: prefers delivering or driving: can give excellent references. Address box 11-M. Plain Dealer. YOUNG MAN employed part of the night wants place to work a few hours during the day: reference. Box 20-M.

P'lain Dealer. SITUATICNS -FEMALE. Twenty words or less, 10 cents. Business announcements, 10 cents per line. CLEANING in theater by reliable woman.

aS scrub woman or oftice cleaning. Call North: 1077 J. DAY COOK. house cleaning. washing or ironing.

by A1 worker; references. Box 64-01, I'lain Dealer. DRESSMAKING home or by the day. Lewis, 428 Central. HOUSEKEEPER for widower, by lady 29 years old: best of references given.

Box 115-M. l'lain Dealer. HOUSECLEANING by the day by a competent woman. .407 1-2 Ontario room 29. young lady wishes 10 make home in good family: speaks German, French, English: make herself useful.

Box 77-M. Plain Dealer. OFFICE WORK -Light, or in doctor's ofby young lady. Box 37-M. Plain Dealer." SEWING--Shirt waists :1 specialty.

103 Marshland Superior car. WASITING. Ironing and housecleaning by reliable person. 728 Sterling. WASHING or housecleaning by colored girl.

Cuy. Central 2221. WASHING- -Places to wash, with conveniences. .44 Lyman st. WASHING.

ironing and cleaning by the day. 27 Forest. LOST AND FOUND. Ten cents per line each insertion. LOST -Lady's bunting case gold watch: monogram L.

N. opposite space on back set with four small diamonds; reward if returned to 825 Willson; phone East 1989 L. LOST- White bull dog. small scar on right hip. Deliver to 266 Hough ar.

and receive reward. LOST or strayed, a ruby King Charles dog: liberal reward. 103 Fourth. HIGHEST casn price for old gold and sit. ver.

J. H. Helman, Jeweler, 144 Euclid av. We cannot Want Ad. after Saturday night Plain Dealer.

Plain Dealer Your Want Ad. will be the PLAIN DEALER office following agents 1 EAST SIDE. Acker $92 Cedar Ave. Asplin, J. H.

St. (Hose Bldg.) Alcombrack, G. W. 958 Woodland Ave. Albrecht, Jos.

..1330 Central AVA Alexander's Pharmacy 614 Ontario Bartlett, ..2606 Broadway Bates Drug Dr. J. cor. Te Bertram Bechberger, C. J.

....777 Willson, cor. Hough Benfield Drug Co. Payne Ave. cor. Willson Benfield, H.


REAL ESTATES classify 'your Ten cents per line each insertion. Ten cents per line each insertion. Ten cents per line, each insertion. Northampton. To close out the estate BARGAINS.

of the late Charles tion CLIFTON 011 the street, BOULEVARD- 60 it. -The front at finest $17 9:30 room No. 790 suite for Prospect rent April first 1st; floor: nothing seven- finer ty, Hathaway. apartment I offer house for sale sites and business residence proper- front bargain foot. on the This street is Positively the birgest in.

town: $55.00 per month. Telephone Tay- lots, modern homes $2,700 to $3,000. Trey 1f you don' pick it up. you'll be sorry and for Sunday's lor. Edanor, Main :152.

St. Call 6-room Clair, suite suites. cor. No. 2.

steam Percival-Two heat, must be sold; easy 2873 GEO. terms. B. Superior, HATHAWAY, near Doun. and streets F.

LAWNVIEW Madison the East -One End, 40 of ft. between lots the at $0 Gidding4 proudest gas, bath, nhone service and all modern Tel. Doan 1-2-3-8 L. front foot; all improvements on the street. street.

conveniences. Inquire at fat or 9 Percival LARGE Fully equipped with MANUFACTURING power and heat: PLANT- 1 S. Bloch, and 3 stories. brick: 50,000 sq. ft.

floor Park bldg. The Essex. Also space; factory side track; exceptional opportunity. Phones Bell Main 2825. Cuv.

Central 1510. Branch Offices wood Spangler Anish throughout, elegant 7-room Ane suites: baths, bard- light on bldg. all railroads. J. G.

W. Cowles, Park SALE--A very desirable small sites. vacant and Improved. Apply L. Dautel Son, 967 Rose or FOR than $32,000 SALE--Down town brick block less showing net on in- suites.

See them if looking for comfort. Sheriff st. Have good tenaccepted and 'phoned to at apartment: open Sundays. buyer; no agents if sold need at once: suap to quick vestment: a splendid town Colonial. P'lain Dealer.

apply. Box 95-L, investment. J. Timendorfer, 517- at' regular rates by the PARTY wishing to build can secure har- 518 Garfield Building. We have one vacancy in Colonial flats, A 1625 Euclid.

There be two vacancies near gain St. in Clair. 011 wood street in Glenville, SOUTHERN California fruit farm. price April 1. These are gilt edge 7 and 8-room Box 79-L, Plain Dealer.

$8.000, property: or will exchange for Cleveland Fetch, D. 659 Quincy St. flats. For particulars see manager at of- 2 GOOD lots with all Improvements in gentleman's 10-acre home ill Pollack, .757 Scovill Ave. Phone East 541.

sold. East Box Cleveland, 116-H. near Plain Euclid must be principally Royal apricots: over 100 varioPetersilge's Perry Woodland fice. Zarden spot of the state. 21 a kinds of fruit, Proulx, H.

....721 Cedar Avg Dealer. ties of roses; also palms, evergreens, magRemy, Reynolds and .2820 Woodland Euclid Ave. Avo. BELLCLAIRE BEAUTIFUL, building site with large trees of nolias. water: high elevation 1,000 fect: abundance Riegelhaupt, Ave.

on street. off Noble. E. (. Call Bell Main state of cultivation: owner Roseman Drug Prospect St.

286 Perkins near Wade Park 2131 J. or Cuy. Central 1085. moving to Cleveland. J.

G. W. Cowles, SOS Sanderson, E. Central Ave. Case; LAKE FRONT-50 acres; l'ark bldg.

.920 cars; 2 elegant suites left. street car frontSchantz Pharmacy. Wade Park Ave. age; sewered; bargain. 1203 Williamson SUMMER cottage lots.

I have a lot 174x190 Schellentrager, E. ....1111 St. Clair St. THE HARKNESS. bldg.

one hour from Public sq. on Shore line troit st. and Oak l'ark. HOUSEWOR girl in a Hat; must be good cook: laundress employed 2 days; wages $5: references required. Sulte 24.

S26 Logan Doan 513 J. HOUSEWORK -German girl who understands English for general work in new house on Euclid; 2 in family; good place. Apply 149 Arcade. HOUSEWORK--Girl for general work: must be able to do plain cooking; good wages. No.

7 The Evelyne, Ingleside av. HOUSEWORK--Competent girl for general work: must understand cooking. 1475 Willson. Telephone East 789 I. HOUSEWORK -Strong woman for general work.

Apply after 11:30 a. ml. Mrs. Claude Cooke, 51 Bond st. HOUSEWORK--Good English speaking Hungarian girl for general work.

1085 Prospect. for two elderly people; a good home. HOUSEWORK -Woman for general work Sawtell ct. HOUSEWORK for housework; no washing. 604 Mayfield Mayfield hights.

HOUSHWORK- -Good girl for general work; no washing. 420 Russell av. HOUSEWORK- -Young colored girl to assist general work. 33 Cedar av. HOUSEWORK -Competent girl.

Apply reference Kirtland st. HOUSEWORK--GIrl for general; no wash857 Hough av. HOUSE WORK Logan av. -Young girl for light work. HOUSEWORK -Girl for general.

630 Franklin av. HOUSEWORK--Girl for general work. 62 Wood st. -Protestant. $0 keep house for bachelor; country preferred; hest of references exchanged.

Box 63-F, Plain Dealer. HOUSEKEEPER for widower in country: light work; write at once. Box 190, Wakeman, 0. NURSE: GIRL, competent: wages $3.00. Call East I'rospect, Saturday; bring references." PIANIST, to play and sell new sheet music by canvassing in Cleveland; salary $1.50 per day, paid daily.

Potter Music Pub. 856 Willson near Euclid. Call afternoons. P'IANISTE-TO travel. Box 24-L, Plain Dealer.

SALESLADY -Experienced, at Thalman's dry goods and notion store. 1482 Cedar av. SALESLADY, experienced, in shoes. 177 Euclid. STEWARDESS for summer club; experience and good references necessary.

Box 145-L, P'lain Dealer. TAILORESS on custom coats; experienced. Box 52-L, Plain Dealer. TRAY GIRL; bring reference. Huron St.

Hospital. WAITRESS and kitchen help: none but experienced need apply. Miller's restaurant, 527 Superior st. WAIST and sleeve hand, first-class, immediately. 400 Central Trust bldg.

YOUNG. experienced woman on sewing machine for linen room; those with hotel experience preferred. Box 112-M, Plain Dealer. YOUNG GIRT, to attend office; experience not necessary; state salary. Box 110-M, Plain Dealer.

25 HOUSEWORK GIRLS. HOUSEWORK girls wanted; come, take choice 5 places FREE. Room 17 Wick Block, Public square, over Lyceum theater. 10 SCRUB WOMEN to bring buckets and brushes. Call 401 Caxton bldg.

at 7 a. n. RYNALD KRUMHAR. Cleveland's Leading l'hotographer, 217 Superior doz. Sale ends April 1.

No children a taken Lavern platinum art. folder at $1.00 per in the afternoon. A word as to this exquisite portrait: The cover is linen. deckel edge. 'The inside mount is creamy white with tissue to cover portrait.

of cover 6 by 8 open and 4 by size 6 closed. The picture pure platinum, from about $4.00 to 31-2 $7.00 by 41-2. oval. You will pay trait per dozen for this porelsewhere. At $1.00 per dozen money profit on this work at is.

of determined course. out to of the question. But put sample of "Krumhar quality" in every home in Cleveland. My copy department cares for the enlargement and reproduction of old pictures by mail. Write for my prico list.

have dove work for hundreds of P'lain Dealer I readers whom I have never seen. WANTED--AGENTS. Ten cents per line each insertion. AGENTS wanted for only machine in the fortune world that gives a piece of gum. tells your and delivers 21 letter from your sweetheart.

all for 1 cent: one agent or dealer wanted in every city in states of Oblo and Indiana; send self addressed envelope and stamp for particulars. KELLY 135 S. Wigh Hillsboro, Ohio. 10 LADIES and gentlemen, young of old. for pleasant.

profitable employment: go01 I wages. Inquire for Simms. Frankfort hotel. Prospect from 8 to 9 a. m.


ROOM 725; 176 EUCLID. ENERGETIC agents to canvass for new skirt supporter: easy seller: big profits. Address Iluron Difg. Akron, 0. A Call AGENTS between for 10 road: and 11.

salary 610 and Caxton. expenses. WANTED--SALESMEN. Ten cents per line each insertion. MEN to sell our new 11110 of swings and chairs for house and tawn; big commissions.

Bellefonte, Pullock I'a. Swing Chair Mfg. SAL northern 416 SALESMAN-First-class. Ohio: good money for to Cleveland the right and man. Now Eng.

bldg. REMOVAL. Ten cents per line each insertion. DR. LOUTH has removed to the 12tb door, room 1210, New England bidg Blum, D.

181 Euclid Ave. Schmitt, Schlesinger, J. J. Broadway and Euclid Wilson Avo. LOT in East End.

at least 50 by 150 feet. private road leading to lake: deed carri Bolton Ave. Bolton Ave. E. Prospect.

Schneurer, .3419 Fine suite, second floor, April 1st; 6 large Box 72-M. Plain Dealer. right to lake front and park: sell Rohm McDermott ..372 Prospect St. Selzer J. East Prospect St.

St. rooms: every convenience; nothing finer in for $1,300.00 or half for $700.00. Box Bowman, O. J. Co.

St. Clair and Doan. Sexton Pharmacy. Superior Arlington town. Apply janitor, 245 Harkness av.

Plain Dealer. Boyer, Brand, Mrs. Fred I. 1467 2371 Woodland Superior Ave. Smith, J.

Woodland, cor. Central THE NORVELO. LOTS. CHOICE building Central and FOR SALE--HOUSES AND lots, 40x145. on Heatb Braun, J.

C. 877 Payne Ave Spenzer's Smithnight, .368 ..200 Central Cedar Ave Ave. Ten cents per line each insertion. very cheap: cash or payments; these lots Braunlich Sobey 962 Payne Ave. Stearn, A.

.....2457 Superior St. Quinby choice 6-r. suites; $28.00. In- FOR SALE. have all Improvements (except paving) in Brezina, C.

J. 535 Scovill Ave. Stearn, A. .534 Central Ave. spect before renting elsewhere.

750 WOODLAND rooms, im- and paid for. For further particulars apply Burkhardt's Pharmacy 890 Cedar Ave. Stearn, A. Woodland and Jase provements; be all Rev. J.

J. Quinn, 1291 Woodland Hills Carson, Mrs. K. 1264 Euclid Ave. Tinney, Toedtmann, Mrs.

H. .1945 .1328 Superior Lexington St. of land value. This is positively a snap Carroll's Pharmacy 2564 Superior St. Manhattan Annex.

can bought at the price city. Central Pharmacy 1032 Central Ave. Toedtmarn, Wade Park. cor. Dunham One six-room suite.

See janitor or phone and will be sold within a few days. Colonial Pharmacy 391 Wade Park Ave. University Book Euclid Avo. Main 2835. COMMONWEALTH houses on OnC CHURCH NOTICES.

Cory's DePriest, Pharmacy John 1319 Superior St. Vienna Pharmacy ..1318 Cedar Ava, THE MELROSE. lot: one of 7 and one of 8 rooms: parquet ..586 Kinsman St. Voss. George .679 Woodland Ave.

doors and all improvements: $6,750. Presbyterian. East Diemert's End Pharmacy Pharmacy St. Cedar Clair and Willson Weiler, J. and Willson Prospect, 490: elegant 6-r.

suites; April 200 COOK house, all improveand Fairmount Wood. .967 Payne Ave. 1st; $40 ments; stationary laundry tubs; small CHURCH (First PresbyteOLD STONE Ellison 322 Wade Park Ave. Cor. Dunham and Lexington and $42.50.

Janitor. down payment, balance as rent. riau)-Situated on the Public Square. Rev. Emrich, ..3 Woodland AvA.

THE BURROWS 5 rooms, double front, HAVE a number of houses same and lots all over A. B. Meldrum, D. pastor. Engle.

J. ..947 Central Ave. corner suite; two bay windows; ten min- the city for sale or exchange. Dr. Meldrum will preach at 10:30 R.

m. on Feuer, Ferguson. P. L. Euclid and Falrmount WEST SIDE.

utes' walk east of square; ready this week. HAVE a number of houses "Temptation and Deliverance," and at 7:30 Flandermeyer's Clair 2813 and Superior Muirson St. W. Madison and Wellington North 385; Central 2336. Lakewood and Glenville in that the I East can End.

sell p. m. on "How to be Generous." Spectai Florence Pharmacy Superior and Dehner's .737 Detroit SARATOGA. 890 Woodland -Beautiful suites on PL small down payment, balance same as chapel every evening next week in the service Flood, Wm. H.

1403 Woodland Ave. Fischer, H. .439 Pearl St. $20 to modern, rent. This ought to interest every Lome- will render except on Seven Friday, when the chair Fox.

Willard M. 1492 Cedar Are. George, R. a and Harbor light, seeker. Last Words." Fulmer, Mrs.

I. 690 Hough Ave. Grosse, G. .......611 Pearl St. high ceilings, cool summer.

Janitor, Cuy. Sunday School at 9. a. m. Garfield Pharmacy 2825 Duclid Ava.

Hurst Pharmacy. ....1105 Detroit St. Central 4175. H. S.

Bloch, Young People's Society of Christian EnGehrung Albrecht 2267 Euclid Ava. Jackson, .985 Lorain St. deavor at 6:15 p. 1u. Genesee Pharmacy 391 Wade Park Ave.

.2034 Detroit St. THE VIENNA, Superior near Willson 701-706 Park bldg. Strangers made cordially welcome to all Goodman, J. 586 Central Ava. Johnson.

J. 1982 Lorain St. av. -New, modern 5-r. suite: $30.

E. R. Phones Bell Main 2825. Cuy. Central 1540.

the services. Haake, Haeflie, E. Will H. 795 .1187 Centrai Payne Ave. Laisy.

Jones, E. W. S. .1130 1529 Lorain Lorain St St. Cowin, 912 Schofeld bldg.

Central 3491. FINE HOME Ave. THE CHATHAM, 221-223 Marcy -April 1, CHEAP. Corner PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHSECOND Heller, M. 742 Scovill Ave.

Lakewood Detroit and Highland Prospect st. and Sterling av. Rev. Hellwig 691 Hough, cor. Crawford rd.

Lehr, ..1538 Lorain St. fine 5-room suite, 2d floor, $32.00. See jani- 8. rooms. vestibule, closets, bathroom; ma- Paul F.

Sutphen, D. pastor. Rev. VerHildreth, C. B.

1277 Euclid Ave. Loeblein. .1037 Pearl St. tor or phone Central 532. hogany, sycamore and oak finish; all mod- non C.

Harrington. pastor's assistant. Hoehn, Geo. 2277 Superior St. McConnelly, G.

.580 Pearl St THE EASTMAN-Beautiful; Just con- ern improvements: lot 40 FEET ON BRAIN- Services at 10:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. with Ideal Pharmacy Payne and Huntington Mueller, P. .1367 Lorain St.

pleted; $32 to Detroit cor. Last- ARD, EXTENDS TO JENNINGS. PRICK sermons by Mr. Harrington. Morning subJilek, Jackson Alois Pharmacy Case and Payne Oakwood .645 .1825 Lorain Pearl St.

St. man. 'Tel. Cent. 1423.

$4,600. Also 5 cottages, 30 feet front. on For- ject, "Liturgy as an Aid 10 Worship." Kemmerling. P. W.

Quincy St. Ott. ......1847 Lorain, cor. Dan estdale P'RICE $1,200. A.

W. TURNER, Evening subject, "The Sermon in the Fire, Knapp, C. H. 208 S. 1332 Woodland Ave.

Ray. Quere, J. 460 Detroit St THE REED, cor. Kinsman and Herald- 41 Brainard AV. or the Secret of Kraft, E.

Superior and Central Ave. Smith, N. 229 Detroit St 2 5-room suites and bath, strictly mod- THE best best planned, first-class Sunday school at 12 m. Krueger, H. ...1187 Payne Ave.

Smith. F. Rhodes and Lorain ern: reasonable. homes are on Young people's meeting at 6:40 p. in.

Doan Sts. built, Lane's Pharmacy Euclid and Schwartz, ...1119 Detroit St. FANCHER BLOCK--4 And 5-room suites, Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7:30. Lasch, Wm. 1363 Lexington Ave.

Tallman, T. nr. Rhodes $22 to $26. B. CODY Gar- SOMERSET AVENUE.

A welcome to all. Lesser, Lederer, D. S. Ff. 463 372 Prospect St.

Trenton Pharmacy .295 W. Madison field bldg. a paved EUCLID AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN Ave. "Leick Drug 2088 Woodland Superior Ave. St.

SOUTH SIDE. JOSEPHINE. 311 Scovill-1 suite 6 rooms, ments. Here street, you with will all find street more for improve- your Samuel CHURCH--Cor. Euclid av.

and Brownell .1703 St. Clair St. and bath; all improvements, $30.00. See mONey than elsewhere. Payments same as dence The New Sprecher, pastor, resiI'.

D. Lustig's 2590 Broadway Flandermeyer's Pearl St. janitor. rent. Take St.

Clair st. car for Someret ay. Amsterdam. Luxton, J. ...1765 Superior St.

Merchant and Kenilworth Services at 10:30. standard time. Madison Pharmacy. ...2107 Superior St. Goodyear, O.

1156 Pearl St. THE ROSE, Willson cor. 5-room Walton Brothers, Sunday school at 11:45. Maurer, H. Clair and Doan Kuder, W.

Jennings, cor. Auburn suite and bath; $30; all modern conven- 959 Rose Y. P. S. (.

Endeavor at 6:30. Meyer, F. .1479 Cedar Ave. Lucas, Pearl St. iences.

bldg. Cur. Central 6399. Prayer mecting Friday evening at 7:30. Miller, J.

.430 Cedar Ave. Schrader, .260 Starkweather Ave. FIND East End home, modern house, just Dr. Sprecher will preach Sunday mornMorgan's Pharmacy Lincoln and Cedar Schrock. A.

1897 Pearl St. THE JEANNETTE. 661 Hough-5 rooms and finished. and 4 lots, all 011 Westwood ing at. 10:30, standard time.

Oster, F. .392 Cedar Ave. Warnicke, W. ...101 st Literary St phone; $24. See janitor or E.

B. Lakewood; 600. ft. south of McKenzie, L. ..1261 St.

Clair St. Zepp, L. .......1877 Pearl St. beautiful Detroit CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. location.

Call at once, 104 St. cor. Euclid and E. Madison 'S SUMMER COTTAGES. FOR RENT-ROOMS.

Highland LAKEWOOD -Two apartment, nice 6-room cor. Detroit and Clair st. at 11 a. m1. and at 7:30 p.

111. Morning srTen cents per line each insertion. Five cents per line each insertion. suites, $25, FOR SALE -Would you buy $10.000 home: mon by Rev. Dr.

T. S. McWilliams. line. $27.50.

small payment, balance like rent: large, Children: How to Fit Them for Life. SunFRISSELL'S on the elegant, every convenience: in Windermere. day school at 9:45 a. m1. Young Prop'e's 90- Business announcements, 10 cents per open May 1: stop 128 Shore Lake--Season line 1904: ANSEL 996-Furnished room, with THE SHELBURNE Modern suite 'of Bell Glen 371.

ciety at 6:30 1'. $20. See janitor. Cor. Quincy and Shel- n.

l1. Prayer mecting Friday E. cottages and rooms by the season; beat. gas and bath, for gentlemen. burne.

ON BAZETTA 241-An 8-room Louse, evening at 7:30. good table: boating, fishing, bathing. D. A. BOLIVAR 88.

Hotel Utica -Furnished all modern must be sold in 10 days; WOODLAND AVENUE P'RESBYTERIAN Frissell. Mgr. P. 0. address Nottingham, rooms: heat: $1 week geutlemen.

LEXINGTON and Russell -Well arranged price only $3,000. Laronge, 335 Williamson CHURCH-Corner Woodland and KenCuv. Tel. Shore 268. Dinner parties upwards; apartment; private entrance.

Central 6418. bldg. ard. Row W. T.

Wilcox. pastor. solicited. BRIDGE, 217-Furnished room with heat, THE PURITAN, cor. Bolton and Cedar- Rev.

Willian T. Wilcox at 10 a. "Palm ON THE LAKE, beautiful 8-room cottage: gas and bath for gentleman. One 6-room sulte: will be vacated April 1. FOR Euclid.

SALE-On one of the Logan handsomest Just homes north of Sunday." and at 7:30 p. "No Night." splendid location, fine lawn and shade, at CASE 386-2 furnished rooms, cheap; FOUR rooms, modern apartment, free for the East End. Box 82-L. Plain Dealer. ill Sunday school at 2 p.

111, $350 per stop 27, Lake Shore electric ry. Price all improvements and use of piano. boarding one person. 2381 Superior, suite Dover, season to A1 party. S.

L. Parke, COLLINS A LARGE 10-room house in Last Cleveland Episcopal. 1. First av. Cuyahoga Central 6880.

36 For rent suite of ANTIONETTE, 282 Perkins ele- can be had at a bargain if sold at once: TRINITY CATHEDRAL. Euclid avenue, CONSUMPTIVES rooms. gant suite April 1, $30. Inquire suite 1. all improvements.

29 Stanwood rd. corner P'erry street. cured; beautiful country EUCLID, 276-Furnished rooms with heat, A. Leonard, D. Bishop Clergy: of It.

Ohio: Rev. Very W. 511 New England per day. Write or inquire $2.00 and up. of 4 rooms and bath, 4th floor: $23.

ments or discount for cash. Inq. Il. Rev. C.

D. Williams. D. dean: the Ven. retreat; $1.00 THE BECKWITH, Franklin circle-Suite $2.350 BUYS 6-r.

house, Fancher bldg. CODY Garfield bldg. A. A. Abbott, archdeacon: the Rev.

Francis COZY 5-ROOM cottage, lake front. stop 129, rooin; FRANKLIN all conveniences: rent 443-Furnished reasonable. front CLARK. Prospect-Fine 4-room suite, FOR SALE busi- M. Hall, A.

senior canon; Rer. 0. E. line; open Sunday. Inquire 20 Ply- $21; all conveniences.

Central 3267. ness district: no agents house, answer. handy to Box 125- Watson, B. minor canon: Rer. Robert mouthe st.

GRANGER 35-Large front room, first THE CHAMI'. Willson Payne-6-room M. B. B. Foote, curate.

Sunday services, 7:30 floor; furnished or not. flats, elevator and phones. $25. Plain Dealer. n.

holy communion: 10:45 n. morning FURNISHED 5 rooms. on lake. east: one HANDY 112-Furnished or 2 RIGHT ROOMS: all conveniences: burd- service, sermon and holy communion: 4 p. fare: all improvements.

Box 131-M, Plain room for 1 EAST PROSPECT. 191-Large private wood. coal grate. 51 Elsinore choral evensong and address: 9:15 a. Dealer.

gentlemen; references required. porch: fine, large, light rooms. Fast Cleveland. Sunday school. Week day services at Catho5 LAKE FRONT cottages; electric HANDY 108-Pleasant furnished room.

THE MILTON, Jennings -Furnished $1,800 BUYS 8-r. cottage facing the lake at dral House: Daily evening prayer at 4 p. $90 to $200. Apply 97 Brenton st. LEXINGTON 1239-Furnished rooms.

suite. 5 rooms, until Sent. Collinwood. Ing. I.

B. CODY and morning prayer and litany Wednesdays Fridays at 9:30 a. holy communion $250 rents nice lake front cottage. H. B.

NORTH PERRY. 158-P'leasant, furnished; CEDAR. 343-5 rooms. Ist door (new); bath, Garfield bldg. on and other holy days at 9:30 CODY Garfield bldg.

all convenieuces; good location; walking hot water, natural gas. HOUSE and lot on Livingston cheap. a. m. Strangers welcome at all services.

distance. THE IN location; high-class Inq. of G. M. Daughaday, 508 Cedar.

East SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH -Euclid and WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. NORTH PERRY. 154 Large front fur- six-room suite, $35.00. 1593 J. Case Avenues.

Ten cents per line each insertion. nished, suitable for two; board If desired. LOT. 56x162. on Clifton Boulevard.

near The Rev'd. d. George IT. McGrew. D.

Ethel. Inquire J. Driscoll, 38 John st. Rector. HOUSE DOE sufficient size to accommodate NORTH rooms, all PERRY, conveniences.

152-Neat furnished FOR RENT HOUSES. Services for Palm Sunday (March eight fifteen boarders; within fire or 'Ten cents per line each insertion. FOR SALE -Modern 8-room house. Inquire Sunday School at 9:15 o'clock in the mornten minutes' ride from square. Address box OLIVER, 35-First floor, basem*nt, 7 rooms; 294 Melvin st.

ing. 38-M. Plain Dealer. all improvements, in new house. Call on AMHERST 55-8 rooms; modern.

Phone Confirmation Service including the Holy RESPONSIBLE, children: party 3-year wants lease; 8 or will 9-room pay D. phone Thiemer, Doan 987 180 L. Commonwealth Bell BELL. Crest 947. J.

40-Beautifully R. Johnston, 54 furnished Stanwood 9-room rd. Ten FOR cents per line SALE-FARMS. each' Insertion. Communion Evening at Prayer 10:30 and A.

M. Address at 7:30 P. M. $25 or $30. Box 133-L.

Plain Dealer. PRINCETON, 56-Large frout room for house until fall: adults. Dr. Jackman. The Right Reverend William Andrew gentleman; private; modern conveniences; BERTRAM 42-Modern 10-room house.

roads: FARM-60 also near at Bedford, C. near electric two road. rail- in the D. morning; the Rishon Rector of in Ohio, the will evening. preach Leonard.

in the viciuity of Hough and Crawford; references. BOLTON 40-6-r. house. Inquire 201 Box 92-M, T'lain Dealer. All are cordially invited to attend the serrBEFORE May 1, modern 6 or 7.

7-room house about $25. Box 144-L, Plain Dealer. P'ROSPECT. 483-Elegant front suite: run- Harkness. ices.

BY MAN and wife, house 5. rooms with ning water: private entrance: housekeep- CASE 888, near Cedar -House rooms 1 WANTED--REAL ESTATE. GRACE CHURCH Prospect and Bollvar bath, by May 1: $10.00. to Last Side. ing if desired.

and barn: rent $35. Ten cents per line cach insertion. streets. W. Worthington.

Rector: Box 114-M, Plain Dealer. PROSPECT. 337, suite 2-Furnisbed front (residence 31 Cheshire St.) Rev. V. C.

Laroom; opposite Grays' armory. COOK AV. 200--8 rooms, all Improvements, LET ME KNOW what you have to sell or cey, curate. All seats free. Sunday servWANTED- rent or lease house in Fast stationary laundry tubs: $30 per month.

exchange. I all sure I can satisfy you. Ices (standard time): 7:30 n. 10:00 n. P'lain Dealer.

$35 per month. Box 84-L, PROSPECT, 512-Pieasant, furnished front H. S. BLOCH, H. S.

10:45 n. 7:30 p. Sunday school 9:30 A. and side rooms. 701-706 Park bldg.

Bloch, m. Lent services: Dailv. except Friday. 8-ROOM modern house in vicinity. of QUINBY.

120-Furnished room for gentle- Phones Bell Main 2825. Cuy. Central 1540. 701-706 Park Bldg. 4:00 p.

111.: Wednesday, Thursday and FriHough and Genesce. Box 129-M, Plain man, in private family. Tel. Central 3373. HARKNESS -One house for rent in Phones--Bell Main 2825; Central 1540.

day, 9:00 a. Friday. 7:30 D. m. Dealer.

SIBLEY, 39. Furnished room for two our new terrace, cor. Harkness and ST. ALBAN'S -Rev. Edmund G.

7 OR 8-r'oom modern house: West Side: gentlemen; all front monds; everything new: hardwood floors, List your property for sale or rent with Mapes, minister in charge at St. Alban's walking distance. Box S0-M. Plain Dealer. conveniences.

price $28. Phone East 511. Geo. r. our Real estate Dep't.

Parish. Euclid Heights. HOUSE 5 or 6 rooms, modern, within 2 WANTED share or furnished congenial batchelor young apart- PRUDENTIAL TRUST Evening services, 4 p. m. two Lynn, manager.

THE Morning services, .10:45. miles square. Box 81-M. Plain Dealer. down town: must take care of their house.

Address near box 23-M. Plain Dealer. 8-room Euclid corner of Erie st. All welcome. Seats free.

HAYWARD, Prospect AN 8-ROOM modern house in East End. rooms; changed. 110 Box sports 18-M. wanted: Plain Dealer. references ex- MODERN new house or vacant building lot EMMANUEL CHURCH-Euclid OppoBox 116-M, Plain Dealer.

KENNARD, 145-12 rooms. in Last End, near Euclid: will gO $75 site Brookfeld st. HOUSE at once. from $25 to $45 per month. THE HAWTHORNE-Parlor and bedroom, 47 Windsor, 12 rooms, $45.

per Box foot 80-F. for Plain lot or Dealer. $5,000 for house and lot. Rev. Wilson R.

Stearly, rector. Box 28-M, Plain Dealer. elegautly furnished. 181 Dodge, suite 2. 569 Case, 8 rooms, $30.

7:30 n. holy communion (except Arst Kensington, 12 rooms, $75. TRUNKS mored. Central 5327, North 124 J. 112 Streator, 9 rooms, $30.

TO BUY corner lot within two squares of Sunday In the month). school. Transfer Co. 36 Cedar. Euclid between Dorchester and 9:15 a.

Sundav WANTED-ROOMS. Delivery 753 Furnished Republic, rooms, $25. Fairinount sts. G. H.

Tipling, 54 Euclid av. 10:30 A. morning service. (Holy ComFive cents per line each insertion. LUGGAGE LUGGED Baggage houses on Crawford, La Grange, munion first Sunday In month.) Housekeeping rooms 10 cents per line.

136 Walnut. North 826 Central 2135. Cedar. Kensington. VACANT lot from forty to forty-five feet 7:30 p.

evening service. 1st. 7 Chestnut, cor. Erie. 152 Modern Walnut, suites $18.

$35 to $75. front; good depth: state location and A room in GENTLEMAN Last End. wants in a nice furnished 150 Muirson, $40. L. H.

WAIN. price. Box 85-M, Plain Dealer. Reformed After April Episcopal. pay good fair prico if private suited.

family; Address will HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 705-6 Williamson bldg. TO. BUY house, $3.000 to $4,000. in vicinity :1 Willson, Cedar, Forest or Woodland.

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY. Euclid av. box 76-M. P'lain Dealer. Ten cents per line cach insertion.

KENNARD. 157, near Cedar-10 rooms: all Hahn. Schofeld. and Glen Park--Morning prayer and serimprovements. A.

W. Barber, 010 Wick J. 0. 610 mon 10:30: evening prayer and sermon 7:30: A APRIL young 1-4 couple. rooms, Box gas.

125-M. bath. Plain East Dealer. End. br DODGE unfurnished; 58.

separate up or stairs--Furnished together; near or block. E. CASH Cleve. for 7 or or E. 8-room End; no.

house; agents. good Box location; 121- T. rector, Noakes. Rev. D.

T. Hubert rector Jones: emeritus. Rev. WANTED-BUSINESS PLACES. LAST MADISON, 996--3 rooms.

door, light all round, large attic and re- Baptist. Superior. NORWOOD 583-5 rooms, modern, 2d MI, Plain Dealer. Ten cents per line each insertion. with all conveniences: bath connection.

randa: a second-floor Central house. 2190. Bell Inquire 79 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. unfurnished Hough or Cuy. Main FIRST and BAPTIST Kennard sts.

CHURCH--Corner ProsFIRST-CLASS location for hotel or liquor SIRLEY 359-Two completely fur- 1077. Ten cents per line each insertion. pect Stilwell. D. pastor.

Rev. Herbert F. store: must be centrally located. Hox nished all conveniences; Euclid PROSPECT -Will put in first-class 34-M. Plain Dealer.

and Cedar rooms. private family. S16 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Tract, which Preaching at 10:45 n. m. and 7:15 p.

m. by condition for right party at $75 a month, can be allotted Into 8 lots; all Improve- the pastor. Morning subject, 'An AmbasSTORES, mfg. spaces, buildings. static L.

Phone Main 2835. ments; cor. Lake View av. and Crawford sador in Bonds." Evening, "The Triumphs Striebinger, 1123 Williamson bids. 399.

BOARDING. SCOVILL. 781-7-room, lower part of house; Box 123-F, Plain Dealer. of Friendship." STOREROOM for saloon. alt once; down Ten cents per line each insertion.

all latest conveniences. sell or will exchange vacant lot EAST END BAPTIST CHURCH-Cor. Eutown preferred. Box 75-M, Plain Dealer. SIBLEY.

477-7-room house: all modern worth $900.00. clear. in East End, for elid and North Logan, Rev. Elijah A. CASE.

779, near Sibley-Furnished room for conveniences and 111 excellent repair; equity in small house. Box 23-F, Plain Hanley, pastor. -ROOM AND BOARD. 2: all conveniences, with board. possession given April 1.

Inquire on prem- Dealer. The pastor will preach at 10 A. m. on Ten cents per line each insertion. HOUGH 119-Front alcove room, first- ises or at 303 Society for Savings bldg.

"Why Did Jesus Suffer?" At 7:15 Col. R. class, with board: private family. FINE electric and exchange 2 lots: bargain; leaving E. Holz of the Salvation army will speak FURNISHED room and board by young SIBLEY near Willson lease to city: or will for improved prop- on his experiences In the feud districts of married couple: West Side.

Address KENNARD 156-Des'rable room with tenant. 10 rooms and barn. J. G. W.

erty. Box 17-M, Plain Dealer. Kentucky. Witchas, 211 Alauson. all conveniences, suitable for two; good Cowles.

SOS Park bldg. FINE 8-room house, sale or exchange for Christian Science. board. SIRLEY No. 284.

Inquire of farm near C. car line. 22 West PERSON.IL. PROSPECT 984, near Case--Furnished G. P.

Scofeld. No. 103 Superior or Lake av. FIRST TIST-Sunday CHURCH services OF at CHRIST, 10:30 'SCIENroom. with board.

phone Main 3-129. a. Fifteen cents per line each insertion. Church edifice cor. Kennard st.

and Cedar PROSPECT 667-Nicely furnished SUPERIOR, 1685, west of Willson-Up-to- TO EXCHANGE. av. Subject, Have You Any facial blemish pain- rooms and board. date 9 rooms; vacant about May 1. Ten cents per line each insertion.

Sunday school immediately following Hair or lessly moved and by electric permanently needle, re- EUCLID. 276-Furnished room, with board. LARGE brick house. Selover furnished. near Coun- desires they Wednesday morning service.

evening meeting at 7:30 Moles on $1.00. Miss Reese, Derma- $5 and un. bldg. try Club. Main T.

3577. A. Son. Garfeld YOUNG change Italian lessons in gentleman Italian for English to with ex- o'clock, church edifice. tologist.

Est. 1892. Beau- suitable person. Robert Cancellery, 211 So. Reading room 310-11 New Eng.

bldg. Open Your Faoe? ty book free. 50 Euclid av. FOR RENT--BUSINESS PLACES. MOVING household goods.

pianos: best ser- Woodland av. dally except Sunday from 9 a. m. to D. vice, lowest rates.

Storage packing. Engle where all Christian Science literaturo DI. MARIL KOLLOCK, late St. George's Ten cents per line each insertion. Stge.

Mov. Eagle, cor. Erie. Cuy. AUTOMOBILE wanted In exchange for may be obtained.

hospital. cures Rheumatism by NEW VI- STORE ROOM-337 Central 3541. Bell 416. nice building lot. Address box 92-L, Plaln All are welcome to these rooms.

vibrations minute through the human also half of second, and also 3rd floor at SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENBRATORY, action, sending six thousand Huron, after April Dealer. system. 'TRY I'T. 29 Euclid suite 19.

231 Sheriff. Chas. M. Mix, 415 Society for FOR RENT -FURNISHED HOUSES. WANTED-FARMS.

TIST-Euclid near Morse av. acquaintance xolu- Savings bldg. Ten cents per line each insertion. Ten cents per line cach insertion. Sunday "Unreality." service.

10:30 a. m. Subject, GENTLEMAN wishes sive. bright. refined.

educated young lady BUILDING, remodeling and attlug up of Sunday school 11:45 a. m. or widow: object matrimony. Address bor mercantlie bulldings, stores, our FURNISHED house in East End. near HAVE sold my business, want good farm Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30 I'lain Dealer.

specialty. Geo. A. Rutherford 40 Sherif. Wade park.

Box 91-L, Plain Dealer. for cash. Box 124-H, Plain Denler. o'clock. MADAM RITTER HALF of second floor; light on four sides; FOR RENT Reading room, 112 Colonial Arcade.

Open Hair dressing parlors, 348 Arcade. central location: rent reasonable. J. FOR RENT-FARMS. dally from 9 a.

m. to 3:30 p. m. Shampooing, manicure. massage, chiropody.

CALLAGHAN SON, 623 Superior st. 17 Ten cents per line each Insertion. Ten cents per line each insertion. THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENMANICURING. facial massage; refined pa- TWO-STORY building.

power and. railroad THREE light, outside offices, southern ex- FARM of 10-1 acres, good buildings, fruit TIST-Grand Army hall, 1864 Pearl st. solicited only. Sisters, switch; good for manufacturing business. posure, in Citizens singly or en and six acres of vineyard; sis miles Sunday service 10:30 a.

m. 426 Euclid. Acine Brass Works. 55 Herald st. suite.

Inquire 1023 Citizens bldg. south of city. Address Mrs. E. Fritz, Inde- Sunday school 9 n.

m. MIME. PEAL HAIR STORE. SP'ACE-Corner Prospect and Sheriff, for EUCLID 176-Desirable offices. front- pendence, Ohio.

Subject. "Unreallty." 122 Euclid. First floor. mercantile. office or light manufacturing.

Eucild low rent: both phones. Lutheran. MANICURING. chiropodr. scalp massage.

F. W. Roberts. also NOTICE OF MEETING. ing Miss Alvord.

8 Pythian Temple: 10 to 9. ONE store, cor. Kinsman and Herald: drst- FINE light offices; 20 Wick desk block. room; Wick Ten cents per line each insertion. 4 CHURCH -Wilson and Lexington av8.

MME. EWING. specialist in bust develop- class location for millinery, jewelry or block. Inquire Rev. H.

P. Eckhardt. pastor. Residence. GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERA ment.

314 New England bldg. notions. NOTICE OF MEETING. Lexington next to church. CuV.

phone FOR mfg. space, stores, see IC. I. FOR RENT -DESK ROOM. Notice is hereby given that there will be Central 2779.

Morning worship 10:30: evenEXTERMINATORS. Striebinger. 1123 Main 399. C. 1651 Ten cents per line each insertion.

a weeting of the stockholders of The Vern ing Seats service free. A 7:30. hearty, Sunday welcome school to 9:15 all. a. 10.

on. Ten cents per line each insertion. Join OFFICES, stores, Blood. 603 Am. warerooins, power bidgs.

DESK Call room 420. at 176 on April 11th. 1904, for the purpose of vot- m. Theosophy. Co.

at 402 Sce. for Sav. at 10 o'clock a. ZO-NO-Sure death to bedbugs, roaches, Trust bldg. Euclid AT.

ing to dissolve the corporation FLOOR space and aban- Theosophical stuGy classes, open to all moths, fleas, etc. Ask your druggist. Con- Jones, 1226 for Williamson. stores, warehouse. don its corporate nuthority.

terested. every Monday. 8 p. Wed. tract work our specialty to rid any building Both phones.

MOVERS. THE VERN COMPANY. nesday, 4 p. at Assembly Room, 20 of those pests. GEO.

A. BOYLE CENTRAL. 527-Brick store, basem*nt, and By O. C. Ringle.

Pres. Pythian 'Temple. Literature. Library. Free 628 Superior st.

North 521. large barn or warehouse. 278 Seneca. H. SHEELER, Reading Room open daily.

All welcome. Mover of brick and stone buildings. NOTICE. MEDICAL. LAWYERS.

Buildings moved on steel roller bearings Ten cents per line each insertion. Unitarian. Fifteen line by patented method. UNITY CHURCH -Service in Historical Socents per each insertion. Ten cents per line each Insertion.

Buildings and walls shored up and raised. HOUSEHOLD goods stored Dec. 10. 1901, ciety cor. Euclid and Fairmount st.

M. GEER cures. Advice free. 153 ADVICE FREE -P'ractice in all Cleveland CHANGE and offices: 1151 ST. BUILDERS' CLAIR EX- a'.

Btown Nos. 131-133 Ontario Rev. Minot Simons at 10:30 a. subject superior st. a.

m. to 2 p. Citizeus Law Firm, 1117 Citizens bldg. Chicago office: 715 Chamber of Commerce. under the naine of Mrs.

Likens, will be for Palm Sunday. A courts sold for storage charges about April 11. rian literature free. Apply to 10 Forest st. 1 5 A Mei 2.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.