Wow Addon Unit Frames (2024)

  1. Wow Addons Shadowed Unit Frames 3.3.5
  2. Wow Addon Unit Frames

One thing that hasn't really changed about World of Warcraft since it released in 2004 is its user interface. Thankfully, enterprising modders have created a host of WoW addons that add all sorts of wonderful functionality.

From addons that make managing your inventory a breeze to ones that replace the UI in its entirety, if you're not customizing your interface you're missing out on some serious improvements.That's why we've rounded up a selection of the most popular favorites (and a few of our personal ones) to help you figure out which WoW addons are right for you and how to get started customizing the interface to be tailor-fit. Whether you're just getting started or are a hardcore player elbow deep in Battle for Azeroth, the latest expansion, this list will get you started.Downloading the is your first step as it gives you easy access to a marketplace where most of the WoW addons on this list can be found. The app automatically detects your World of Warcraft installation and makes managing and updating your WoW addons ridiculously easy.Now that you're all set up, let's take a look at some great addons to try.

All of these addons (except ElvUI) can be found in the Twitch app, but I've also linked to sites where you can manually download them. Must have WoW addonsWorld of Warcraft's hotbars are easily the most outdated part of its user interface. By default, they're quite small, can lack crucial information, and you don't have a whole lot of customization options.

Enter Bartender, an addon that gives you full control of ten action bars including their position, size, and even transparency.If you're starting out in World of Warcraft as a brand new player, this should be one of the first mods you consider. Before long, your hotbars are going to fill up and become an annoying mess. Bartender lets you set keybindings and position them perfectly for an optimal setup. More advanced users will appreciate the ability to program custom macros that can change the state of your action bars too.The other major addon that you shouldn't be without, Deadly Boss Mods makes World of Warcraft's complex boss fights a little more approachable by providing real-time alerts to keep you one step ahead. With this addon (and its other versions for older expansions) installed, you won't have to painstakingly memorize every boss fight. Alerts and camera effects will warn you of dangerous attacks or give you simple instructions. Raid and dungeon timers are synchronized between other members of your group, which keeps everyone on the same page even if one player accidentally disconnects.What I really love, however, is a tiny feature that auto replies to in-game messages while you're in a boss fight.

This optional autoresponse will let whoever whispered you know you're kinda busy and tell them how much health the boss has left so they know if things are going poorly.World of Warcraft's inventory system is kind of a mess in the default version. Instead of having one large inventory, you have separate bags that store all the stuff you find while exploring. It's cumbersome to deal with, but Bagnon makes this nightmare go away. It replaces the entire inventory window with one large bag that stores all your items, but its other features are what makes it a must-have.For one, you can view the items (even if they're in the bank) of all your alternate characters on your account. Icons also have special coloring based on item quality, helping you more easily discern rare items from trash. A search engine in the inventory window makes finding specific items even easier and there's the always helpful sort items option, which cleans up your bags and groups relevant item types together.You get one guess what this addon does. MoveAnything is a powerful tool that lets you adjust every UI element, giving you complete control over not just your action bars but quest list, portrait location, minimap location, and more.

If you've ever wanted to fully redesign WoW's UI, this is a good place to start. Total conversion and immersion addonsThis is one of the most popular total conversion addons for World of Warcraft. ElvUI replaces every single user interface element with a sleek redesign that is a lot more modern and readable. The tradeoff, of course, is that you're also getting rid of the fantasy themed UI altogether. You also have to install and update it manually, but it's not too much of a chore. What ElvUI brings to the table makes the sacrifice more than worth it because, along with the overhaul, ElvUI offers a ton of customization and also includes a suite of addons like that help clean up the look of WoW's aging interface.One of my favorite parts about ElvUI is that it comes with an in-game setup process that'll help tailor the UI to suit your needs.

There's class-specific setups that emphasis the interface elements most important to your role, and the settings have a ton of options to play with. I particularly love how the action bars behave in ElvUI, and its built-in addons means you won't have to fuss with other addons like OmniCC. Just beware, if you want to use ElvUI, install it first before bringing more addons into the fold because it doesn't always play nice.In patch 7.3.5, World of Warcraft introduced dynamic level scaling to all of Azeroth, entirely changing the way you level new characters.

Wow Addon Unit Frames (1)

It's a great time to start a fresh character and experience Azeroth from a new perspective—literally. Using the Action Cam feature that was implemented in an earlier patch, Dynamic Cam shifts the perspective to make WoW feel more like a third-person action game. By doing so, Azeroth has a sense of scale that makes it feel wondrous and exciting again. What's great is that Dynamic Cam automatically shifts between different camera positions depending on what you're doing, which Action Cam can't do on its own.If you're leveling a new character, this is a fantastic addon that'll make your time in Azeroth feel more immersive and intimate. You just can't appreciate the size Ironforge using the usual, zoomed out camera. Combat addonsThis addon is tiny but oh so effective. Basically, it adds text to your action bar icons so you can better read how long the cooldown is on your abilities.

There's some nifty customization options, like being able to determine when the cooldown timer starts showing fractions of a second (if you want to be really precise with your abilities). But OmniCC is the kind of addon that does one tiny thing, and does it very well.Details!

Damage Meter is a very accurate graphical DPS meter that shows how much damage you and everyone in your party is doing by sifting through the combat log. If you're playing a damage-dealing specialization, I cannot stress how important it is to have Details. Not only will it help you up your game, its optional tools are a godsend, like being able to see the talent choices and item level of your party members.You might think that only the tank would need a readout of monster aggro, but you'd be wrong. Omen Threat Meter also helps healers and DPS by showing each party member's relative aggro for whatever monster you are targeting.

That way, you know if you're in danger of stealing aggro from the tank or, god forbid, if the tank dies who the monster is going to target next. In high-level raids and dungeons, having that kind of information is invaluable.Easily the most complex addon on this list, Weak Auras 2 is a framework that lets you display special graphical elements on screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant status effects instead of just bombarding your eyes with more numbers and meters. There's an insane level of customization available here, from using custom sounds to class-appropriate visual cues.

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It can be a lot to take in, but will get you started. The great thing about Weak Auras 2 is that, if you don't have the energy to program your own custom ones, you can easily import templates from other players. With a massive list of pre-built Weak Auras 2 scripts you can use.

Quest, profession, and miscellaneous addonsWorld Quests are a new type of temporary daily quest first introduced in Legion. It's a great system that suffers from World of Warcraft's outdated map interface, but World Quest Tracker fixes those problems. From a zoomed out view, World Quest Tracker shows you the rewards available from World Quests in each zone, so you can quickly see if there are rewards that are relevant to your goals. From there, you can simply click on the reward icon to automatically track multiple world quests in your quest window so you don't waste time having to check the map again and again. World Quest Tracker also has a stats screen that tracks how many world quests you complete, cumulative rewards, and more.Once you've finished leveling your first character to 120 in Battle for Azeroth, you probably aren't keen on doing that whole process over again with another character. Enter Azeroth Auto Pilot, a speed-leveling addon that automates dozens of tiny things to make grinding a new character to max level even easier.

With this installed, you'll have an arrow that guides you from quest to quest in highly optimized path while the addon handles all the little things like talking to NPCs, interacting with items, and more. Empire of the undergrowth free download. Really, it's like leveling a new character on auto pilot.There's been a lot of controversy in the community over Blizzard trying to limit addons that automatically place you in groups for World Quests, largely negating the need to even participate in the quest to complete it.

LookingForGroup is a nice compromise, though, that makes it easy to instantly find groups without having to comb through the cumbersome group finder interface. Once you reach level 120 in Battle for Azeroth, it's a great tool to help make knocking out those daily World Quests a little easier.For you crafters and gatherers out there, Gatherer is a must. The addon shows the location of mining, herbalism, and treasure locations on your minimap. It does this by remembering the location of resource nodes that you've previously found.

That doesn't sound all that handy because you'll need to find those nodes to begin with, so import the. This contains data for all the possible node locations in Azeroth, and Gatherer will always point you toward the location of precious resources.If you fancy making a bit of gold in World of Warcraft, Auctioneer is going to become your best friend. This complete overhaul of the auction house interface can scan the market to track bids, buyout prices, and quantity of items sold.

Simply put, it gives you all the information you need to make informed purchasing and selling decisions on the auction house. One thing I love is that item tooltips will now display a recommended selling price based on some black magic and statistical math. Another amazing addon included in this suite is Bean Counter, which tracks your bids and postings to give you reports on item-specific profitability, helping you identify what's really making you money.That's just the tip of the iceberg too. Enchantrix shows you the value of materials from disenchanting, milling, and prospecting. Informant tells you if the item is relevant to quests or a certain class. SearchUI will notify you if there are auctions that fit your criteria for buying or bidding.

The list goes on and on.This one is real simple, OPie creates contextual radial menus so you can easily use certain abilities on your action bar with just your mouse. It's not a necessary addon by any means, but it's sleek and simple to use. I love freeing up action bar space and dumping seldom, but still necessary, actions (like Demon Hunters' spectral sight) on the radial menu.

Wow Addon Unit Frames (2)

First off, you should know that Curse Client is no longer active. It was bought out by Twitch. You can still download manually on Curseforge: Here's the download for twitch: You will probably also want to read this FAQ on how to concentrate on just your mods and skip the other junk: And finally, twitch wants to stay active on your computer. Just hitting the X box does not shut it down. (when I click X section) I play alts, lots of alts.

I can do without any addons, except for Altoholic! I use it each and every day, not only does it tell you who has what and where and how many, but also things like professions, reps, and mail. I still use Auctioneer for my AH stuff, I think the current biggy is TSM (Tradeskill Master). I found it a bit too much set up work for me so went back to Auctioneer. Auctionator is still popular as well and as I understand requires much less time to update than Auctioneer. I suck at choosing gear, so I use Ask Mr Robot.

I'm not so bad with choosing one piece of gear over another, but not so good about 'well, if I equip this and change 3-4 pieces then it's awesome (or awful)'. For me it's worth the small ($5 yearly??) extra fee for additional functionality. It isn't everyone's cup of tea but it can be customized. I still have deadly boss mobs, NPCScan, and Tomtom for coordinates. I got nothing for you if it's about Pet Auctinator (NOT auctioneer), OR TSM if you want more advanced stuff.

ArkInventory allow you to make 'virtual bag' where you can separate stuff, such as BoE, BoP, even newly Looted item on the last 5 minute, you can separate them. DBM or BigWigs, i prefer DBM because i already got used to how the settings work (such as warning placement, timer placement, which timer gonna pop up, which warning gonna pop up, etc) But you can try BigWigs, pretty much the same, personal preference here. Bartender, blizzard action bar = garbage, Bartender allow you to FULLY customize how your Action Bar look like and where you wanna put it, it even have keybinding method that extremely amazing you mouseover on one of your spell in action bar, you press the keybind you wanna assign, boom, easy, simple, your alt can even use the same action bar, been using this bad boy since TBC baby. World Quest Tracker, ABSOLUTELY A MUST for Legion expansion. Again Blizzard did horrible job with the UI, this addon will not just make it prettier, it even make it so you can mark all the WQ's you wanna do! But wait there's more! WQT not just make looking at WQ on your map easier, it also have other functionality that EXTREMELY useful in Argus and doing WQ in Broken Shore in general Fly in to a WQ area, boom, a pop up if you wanna join or make a group that also doing the WQ, simple click, auto queue, click that accept invitation button.

No group to be find? Automatically make your own group! What's that, a rare that you can't solo? Target it, a pop up show up if you wanna join or make a group that wanna kill this thing! (i think this only work for Argus rare, correct me if i'm wrong) Invasion Point? Just enter, oh look a pop up to make or join a group to plow through this place. Same as above.

Wow Addons Shadowed Unit Frames 3.3.5

Except it doesn't work for Broken Isle World Bosses for some reason. Work properly on Greater Invasion Point World Boss though.

01:19 PMPosted by Dbm is good for people who don't know fights. DBM is good for anyone who plans on doing any raiding, period. Doesn't matter if you know the fights or not, it'll help you play and move more efficiently. It's not a crutch for people who didn't do their research, it's an important tool that's expected of everyone.

@OP: As for as performance goes, grab a damage meter I recommend Details!, but if you don't want it, get Skada. Recount is outdated and only popular because of its legacy., grab a boss mods addon DBM or BigWigs, and if you'd actually make use of it, grab WeakAuras 2, use it to track your spells/procs, boss mechanics, and literally whatever you could think of Details!

Will actually make Weakauras for you for boss mechanics if you tell it to. You don't need ElvUI or any other UI compilation to perform well, although I'd recommend one simply on the basis that the default UI is hideous and looks like it was designed at the same time as Diablo 2. If you for some reason like it, you might consider grabbing 'Move Anything' to mover the player and target frames to a more central location which is what literally any other UI addon will do out of the box because it makes no sense to be staring at the corner of your screen during a fight.

As far as convenience stuff goes, I guess MogIt and some auction addon due to the prevalence of people posting 8 pages of stacks of 1 of everything. Makes it easier to navigate that garbage. Perhaps the Raider.IO addon? Can you track your OWN score in-game with that or just others? Either way, as cancerous as it is, it's probably gonna stick around and it's what most higher level keystone pugs are gonna be looking at.

02:24 PMPosted by My top five: 1) Bartender 2) Bagnon 3) Clique 4) Deadly Boss Mods 5) Omen I'm less concerned about gaming the AH than I am being able to play the game comfortably and have the info I need immediately at hand. Just for clarity- Clique is used only by healers 99% of the time Omen is completely useless in the current age of WoW 99% of the time and Bartender or something similar is usually baked into large UI addons like ElvUI Other than Omen they're all solid addons, just kinda depends what you're doing at what you're already running if you need them or not. IMO Omen is still around for the same reason Recount is - its high on the 'popular addons' list because it USED to be super useful and super good, not because it's STILL necessary or the best. Like it's a well-built addon in itself, but it's just kinda pointless extra info at this point.

Wow Addon Unit Frames

This is the official thread for LunaUnitFrames version 2.x. The old one can be found.Hello Community.It is with great joy that i bring you the second incarnation of my Unit Frame project. After i figured that the old design couldn't handle the feature requests that were coming up i decided it was time to re-do everything.

@Res Stubborn people can suck my. There are lots and lots of small fixes which might not all matter to you. Just make a backup of your old settings and see if you like 2.0.The benefit of MH3 is it will provide hp numbers on ToT and ToToT.@Zappa I installed this version and got no error.Also if there is some french dude around who wants to translate this feel free to contact me. Prefered are people who are able to make a pull request on GitHub and know about escape characters in strings. Edited November 19, 2016 by Rhena.

@Res Stubborn people can suck my. There are lots and lots of small fixes which might not all matter to you.

Just make a backup of your old settings and see if you like 2.0.The benefit of MH3 is it will provide hp numbers on ToT and ToToT.@Zappa I installed this version and got no error.Also if there is some french dude around who wants to translate this feel free to contact me. Prefered are people who are able to make a pull request on GitHub and know about escape characters in strings.I installed the other version of DeuceCommander and now it works!!!Thanks a lot man.I love your Addon - it´s the best UnitFrame ever! Excellent as always, i remember seeing this posted when Nost went down.I do have a clique Lua that im getting after installing this.InterfaceAddonsCliqueDongle.lua:236: unexpected symbol near `.'

As far as things i would love to see added there is 2 things i have noticed.1. I use the combat fader option, would love an option for the fade to be just instant as the way it is the player bar fades and the target just insta pops off.2. You have an option to change bar growth to vertical for health/power bars. Would love to be able to flip the bar horizontally.Great work. Edited November 24, 2016 by Nemebetas.

Version 2.11 is here! - New tags: namehealerhealth,shortname- Improved feign death detection- Fixed timer for early canceled hots (Swiftmend,clicked off or Purge)- Added german translation (me) and chinese (zerosnake0)- Added Silver dragon graphic for rare mobs. (zerosnake0)- Fix cooldown on non timed debuffs (sipertruk)- Added bar for paladins that counts reckoning stacks- Fixed some pixel sized placement errors of bars- Implement explicit placement of frames- make frame 2-9 of the raid save position when interlocking- Fix issues with click casting (slaren)- Added option for casting on mouse down (slaren)- Some totemtimer fixes (zerosnake0)- Speedy fading option for combat fader- Fixed Aimed shot castbar- Performance improvement when DruidManaLib not used- Fixed german translation for priests in HealCommLib- Readycheck now working. It uses the CTRA/ORA2 readycheck since the default blizzard one sucks. Version 2.11 is here!- New tags: namehealerhealth,shortname- Improved feign death detection- Fixed timer for early canceled hots (Swiftmend,clicked off or Purge)- Added german translation (me) and chinese (zerosnake0)- Added Silver dragon graphic for rare mobs. (zerosnake0)- Fix cooldown on non timed debuffs (sipertruk)- Added bar for paladins that counts reckoning stacks- Fixed some pixel sized placement errors of bars- Implement explicit placement of frames- make frame 2-9 of the raid save position when interlocking- Fix issues with click casting (slaren)- Added option for casting on mouse down (slaren)- Some totemtimer fixes (zerosnake0)- Speedy fading option for combat fader- Fixed Aimed shot castbar- Performance improvement when DruidManaLib not used- Fixed german translation for priests in HealCommLib- Readycheck now working. It uses the CTRA/ORA2 readycheck since the default blizzard one sucks.

Categories:SUF focuses on a simple configuration while maintaining the flexibility that most users will care about, preventing unnecessary bloating of the addon that sacrifices performance. While you aren’t going to be able to set the health bar to be exactly 3.14 pixels outside of the unit frames, you can change options you actually care about such as bar height, ordering, frame height and so on. To speed up configuration, you can configure multiple units at the same time through the global configuration.

Wow Addon Unit Frames (3)

For example, if you want to set the height of the Player, Target, Focus and Party frames to 50 then the height of Target’s Target, Target’s Target of Target, Focus Target to 30 you can easily do this by changing two options instead of having to do it seven times.However, should you need a little bit of extra configuration do not despair! An advanced option is included that will unlock additional configuration giving finer control over the configuration.Slash commands: /shadoweduf (/suf)DonationsDonations are not required, but are appreciated!ExpansionGame VersionDownloadWotLK3.3.5aCataclysm4.3.4MoP5.4.x.

Wow Addon Unit Frames (2024)


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