Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (2024)

Background Pony #24FF


You know, there’s something I’m thinking about. Even though I’ve went through this list a few times already, and with him throwing THOSE creeps on it as well, wouldn’t he have compromised the legal process? Since he didn’t actually report it straight to law enforcement, doesn’t this shred any ability of the court system to prosecute said people?

Kind of reminds of the ToonktricY2k incident in 2018, never mind the MandoPony case well. People had the evidence, but they splashed it all across the internet. Both people (as far as I recall) got off scot-free due to the internet tampering with much of the evidence. It creates some form of “entrapment,” although that’s on the basis of police screwing up, however.

In the end, he threw minors on this list from what I had heard, so couldn’t he (and I did repeat this already in my previous comment on the issue) get into a lot of trouble for endangering the wellbeing of kids?

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (3)

Dumb Equine

least DataByteBrony shot himself in the foot multiple times and isn’t coming back soon unless he tries to go mainstream on another account and leak himself, which is what he might be planning to do.

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Background Pony #35AA

@Background Pony #24FF
He won’t do a damn thing lol

Yep. He knows the jig is up.

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Background Pony #99BB

It’s been crawled by google now, so all you have to do is search a name in quotations and that list shows up.
My OC name is on that list, because I have regression issues.

My OC name is also the name I’ve used for basically every website or thing I’ve signed up for my entire life, it’s probably in my school records too.
I feel idiotic for doing so but I never expected to be put on a list for simply existing in a server.
I’m having to delete so much, and if I can’t delete all of the ties to my real name I won’t be able to get a job when they google my “alias”.
if my autism is bad enough to have my actions posted on some big list of “criminals” then maybe I should try for disability

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (17)

Libertatem Noctibus

@Background Pony #99BB

You make it sound like this is something highly illegal and that we all were just outed for participating in it in some manner. It’s not. This list means mostly nothing outside of a select few brony communities. And even then it really doesn’t have much impact on anything still.

No job is going to in-depth google search your name and basically dox you and dig up everything they can about you… they are going to look at you, give you some sort of interview with some questions pertaining to the job, and probably hire you without much fuss for an entry level thing. They truly don’t care what you like or do as long as you do whatever job you are assigned/hired for.

I have my name tied to all sorts of NSFW stuff as I have used this same name for more then a decade. There’s probably a lot of stuff I have forgotten about that I used it for as well. But I have worked for the same company for nearly that full decade. They don’t care. You are hired to do a job and make some money, your bosses hired you to hopefully make them some money while paying you at little as they can get by with. Entry level stuff sucks, but it is a job.

I have never searched myself on Google or whatever, but I’m sure there’s quite a few things that would be frowned upon to be found…. but at the same time, I don’t really care. Internet points or credit mean nothing to me as I mostly grew up without them to begin with. So if some people online don’t like what you look at or like, then ignore them. We really need to get back to the old ‘Sticks and Stones…’ mentality in the world.

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (38)

Monocle Gentlesir

Just looked through the list to see if I’m on the list as well as my artist tag & I can gladly say “thank f*ck I’m not on it”.
Aside from that, that’s a fair bit of irony that was bound to bite him in the ass sooner or later.

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (39)


Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (40)

Arise Chickun


Just looked through the list to see if I’m on the list as well as my artist tag & I can gladly say “thank f*ck I’m not on it”.

DataByte probably just hasn’t gotten there yet, it’s a thankless and ultimately futile task what he’s doing, and it takes a lot of time to quantify every conceivable instant of wrongthink and persecute it out of reality. Especially when you (DataByte etc.) start trying to do it via decree having no prior relevance or power or even a compelling stance to begin with. It’s like Sissyphus pushing the boulder up the hill if he was too weak to even move the boulder and was just yelling there is a boulder and soyjak pointing at the boulder, but no one cared and just kept telling him to not treat his dog like sh*t. Actually it’s more like a drawing of a boulder, this analogy sucks like DataByte, my original point is he will fail and already failed before he even started trying.

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Edited 3 days ago because: DataByte sucks and it made me make a typo

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Background Pony #54A7

@Background Pony #54A7

It’s posting time. After thinking about this long and good, I have decided not to reveal the name of the “big house” and to keep the information I have to myself. At least for now. But know that the “big house” will be approached with this info and that I always have it ready to release if they try any funny conspiracy stuff again.

No name of the “big house”, but I’ve got other names. Here’s everyone who joined the PCL server and participated in the conspiracy and ban list, a comprehensive update of the name list in the OP:

Get ready for some big names who thought it’s a good idea to secretly plot against the fandom and get undesired people banned on all pony Discord servers. They might rename once they see their names dropped like this, but probably not all of them will. Discord servers they’re coming from included.

And, you know, don’t dox these people and sh*t. Derpi staff doesn’t like that and would remove my post. But you may wanna discreetly talk to these Discord server owners, admins and mods about why they’re banning innocent people like that.

I’ll have another post up in a couple days.


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Smol Robot Filly

@Background Pony #54A7
i’m not sure about this, it has about as much proof as the original List™

like is there really a derpibooru admin involved? derpibooru is very much against the whole concept of The List™ and many of their admins r on it

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Background Pony #11E0

@Background Pony #54A7
users meganought, ixrec and genryu are also mods for the manechat discord

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (44)

The Frowning Pony


13 blinks per minute

No, there isn’t. A former staff member at some point joined of their own volition to alert people about someone going around spamming CP (real CP, I’m sure some of you remember…) and left.

As far as I can tell, the whole “report list” was a project from a small number of people on the server and most were simply there to help figure out how to wrangle discord settings, bots, or send off alerts about spammers and compromised (hacked) accounts.

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (47)

Smol Robot Filly

@The Frowning Pony
yeah, so this list has as much validity as the original advisory

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (48)

The Smiling Pony

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( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )

I mean, it’s a list of people that at some pointed joined a server, where a few people in one channel reported about people on other servers causing issues there. AFAIK none of even those few knew this “foalcon list” was a thing until it got published.

People will take from that what they will, I guess.

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (91)

Smol Robot Filly

@The Smiling Pony
just like how The List™ just has a bunch of people that existed in foalcon servers

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (92)

The Smiling Pony

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( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )

Not even, from the scan I did when it went around most people are there for the most absurd reasons and the guy stretched like Mr. Fantastic to “list” them.

Nevermind the artist/author/user megalist that honestly comes off as a meme.

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The guy is a joke and spent way too much time on something so frivolous. Thankfully most people probably know how pointless it is.

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Background Pony #24FF

I get the feeling he’s going to continue putting so many innocent people on the list. Heck, I have to even wonder if I’m going to get put on it whenever he manages to come back from getting slapped down by the community. Makes me worried tbh.

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The Smiling Pony

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (164)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (165)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (166)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (167)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (168)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (169)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (170)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (171)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (172)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (173)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (174)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (175)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (176)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (177)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (178)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (179)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (180)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (181)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (182)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (183)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (184)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (185)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (186)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (187)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (188)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (189)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (190)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (191)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (192)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (193)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (194)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (195)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (196)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (197)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (198)

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )

@Background Pony #24FF

slapped down by the community

Do keep in mind that things like this, negative attention, harassment, insults, etc. serve as motivational fuel for a lot of people (particularly people that do “this sort of thing”). The more attention you give the guy, the list, the more you try to create some sort of counter mob justice thing, the more they’ll stick with it and the more extreme they’re likely to be.

The best policy with sh*t like this is generally to let it die in obscurity. Sadly, a lot of people know that and intentionally fuel the flames to jerk off to the drama.

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Background Pony #24FF

@The Smiling Pony
Ah crap. Fair point. I will refrain myself from saying such things again then.

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (199)


Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (200)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (201)

Smol Robot Filly

@The Smiling Pony
it’s daring u gotta worry about, i’m fairly sure databyte is just a puppet

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (202)


Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (203)

Arise Chickun

If anyone is jerking off to the drama, they’re crazy. Foals are better.

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Background Pony #ABA4


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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (204)


Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (205)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (206)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (207)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (208)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (209)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (210)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (211)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (212)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (213)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (214)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (215)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (216)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (217)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (218)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (219)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (220)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (221)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (222)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (223)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (224)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (225)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (226)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (227)

Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked. - General Discussion - Forums (228)



Neither of them are gonna really do anything because they think people are dumber than they are.

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Background Pony #54A7

@The Smiling Pony

The more attention you give the guy, the list, the more you try to create some sort of counter mob justice thing, the more they’ll stick with it and the more extreme they’re likely to be.

That only works until he has gotten too much pizza. Or until he found a nice, stinky surprise inside a bag in a near park that’s signed with “Love, George”.

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Background Pony #54A7

Deletion reason: Rule #0

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Fimfetch Owner outed to be a LOLCOW, Private "MLP Community Leaders" server logs leaked.  - General Discussion - Forums (2024)


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