The Fox and the Filly (2024)

by FrostTheWolf

Chapter 3: 3- New Encounters

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Third chapter and now things get interesting. Leo and his crew from "Life as a Displaced Digimon" have showed up... And Rena finally finds something she is looking for

The Fox and the Filly- New Encounters

Ponyville (Night)

It was calm and quiet when Rena had finally decided to leave the Digivice. To breath some fresh air. But to her surprise, it seemed to be that the night was still young as not many stars were in the night sky. Not to mention that Sweetie Belle was still awake as the fox turned her head to see the young Filly.

“Rena? Are you alright?” She asked, a little concerned for her.

“Yes dear… I just needed some time to think.”

“You’ve been thinking for almost four hours.” The filly deadpanned, looking back at the fox while facehooving herself. “Seriously, what were you thinking about?”

“Just… something personal.” The fox replied. “I’ll tell you later-.” However, when she was going to finish that sentence, something caught her attention as she looked out the window. “Sweetie Belle… we may have a problem.”

“What kind of problem…?” She asked, only to notice that her digivice was vibrating a little on the nightstand. “Oh…”

“It’s picking up a digimon. I’m not sure if it’s friend or foe, but that means we need to go out there and see for ourselves.” She said, having Sweetie Belle hang onto her back as the fox slowly opened the window. “Hang on.” With that, she jumped from the windowsill, only to slowly go back up and close the window. The digivice was tracking the conflux of energy from the digital world that Rena had felt and was guiding the two of them like a compass.

“It looks like it’s picking up in the Everfree forest.” Sweetie Belle replied. Only causing more flashbacks for Rena. The first opponent that she and Pearl had encountered was a berserk Veemon in the middle of the Everfree. The only difference though is that the digivice was not distinguishing what this digimon was.

“Stay behind me, Sweetie.” The Renamon advised, having purple flames from her Power Paw attack to wrap around her paws. “Keep a safe distance. I think the Digimon is nearby.”

Sweetie Belle nodded her head, taking a moment to hide behind the trunk of a tree as Rena got into a fighting crouch. Placing her flaming paws together to form a fiery projectile that she had at the ready. The sound of somepony breaking a twig had Rena tilt her head to the left as she let loose the fireball. But what she found though… was something else entirely.

As the fire began to died down, a small figure shaped like a sun drawing emerged with a single red flame on its forehead. As it’s eyes opened, so did it’s mouth and the outburst that it had for Rena.

“What the heck was that for!?” It shouted at Rena as it hovered over and got in her face while puffing out its cheeks cutely.

“Hey, you came here to cause trouble. I’m only doing what I can to protect my tamer and her home!” Rena snapped, having diamonds form around her paws for if this figure wanted to try anything.

“And you just woke me up after falling asleep from remaking the digital world after it was destroyed!” It snapped back before it started losing altitude, “Urgh… I’m too tired for this…”

However… one thing that the figure said didn’t synch right with Rena. “What do you mean about the digital world being destroyed? Last I was there, it was perfectly fine!!”

“Wait… who are you? and what do you mean it’s perfectly fine?” It asked.

“My name is Rena. My tamer is Sweetie Belle over there.” Renamon pointed, showing the filly coming out from behind the tree.

“Wait… Did you say tamer? how long was I asleep!?” It said as it started to panic at Rena’s feet.

“Honestly, this is the first time I’ve seen you or another digimon.” Sweetie Belle said. “Rena was with my mother twenty years ago when she was a filly… but now it’s my turn.” It was then that the Digivice that she was holding around her neck dropped down, hanging in front of her.

“Wait… Sweetie Belle?” It said noticing the filly before gaining a contemplative look, “Where did I leave it… I need to check the time!”

It was then that something fell on top of Sweetie Belle’s head, dropping to the ground as the Filly tried rubbing her head a small bit from the bump. “The heck is this? Another weird watch?” Inspecting it, she carressed the object in her magic as it was surrounded by a white glow. “That’s odd… it looks like a hoofstep counter now. And it looks almost… ancient.”

“My digivice!” It shouted before diving for the rusted and slightly cracked object in Sweetie Belle's magical grip. which she raised a little higher as the being crashed into the nearby tree. “Ouch…”

“Sweetie Belle… Be nice.” Rena told her, causing the pony to pout a bit as she set the ancient looking item on the figure’s forehead. Patting it with a hoof and saying… there there as a way to comfort the figure. “Thank you… Now, onto more important matters… Who in the name of the Digital World are you suppose to be?”

“My name is Leo… Holy crap! i’ve been asleep for how long!?” Leo said as it looked at the screen of the object Sweetie Belle found.

“ …… Rena? Is it appropriate to say that this pony’s flat out crazy?”

“Sweetie, I told you to be nice.” The Fox insisted.

“Um, miss? when you were last in the digital world… Did you ever see any yellow bug like ponies with scorpion tails?” Leo asked, fear and sadness consuming its features.

“No actually. When I was last in there, the Digital world looks a lot like Equestria now… with some people in a group of Sovereigns. But nothing like that. My last partner was the only pony that had gone into the digital world.” Rena explained, recalling on old memories.

“So… there's no chance you would have seen my daughter…” Leo said as tears began to flow down its small face.

“Wait… daughter?” Rena asked. “Leo, I’m confused. Is your daughter a Digimon or something else-?”

“Hybrid…” Leo interrupted, “First, and probably last, of her kind...”

It was then though that another voice echoed, almost male as the group soon turned in the direction of the sound. “Well… This is an interesting gathering… It’s been almost two decades Rena…” It looked like a stallion, with a tiger like pelt. But soon began to glow and change as Rena recalled the name.


It soon took form into the huge tiger like form as yellow orbs flowed around it. “It has been a long time my friend… and with time… may come some… odd predicaments.” As it moved one of it’s paws, another form stood behind the Sovereign as it looked towards the little figure in front of them. It’s eyes staring in disbelief.

“Mom?” Asked a yellow bug like pony with a strange tentacle like tail.

“Lea!?” Leo cried before moving towards the strange pony like creature at impossible speeds and taking it to the ground, “Oh thank Crux you're alive!”

All Rena and Sweetie Belle could do was just stare at what was happening. Confused. “Okay, just what the actual hell is happening?” The Renamon asked, only seeing her partner shake a little.

“C-changeling!!” She screamed. “Rena-!!”

“Easy there, young filly.” The Tiger Digimon urged. “These are not like the changelings you are familiar with.” He then sighed, the golden orbs along it’s body moving a little. “Now, I believe all of you have some questions that need to be answered.”

“Well, the first thing I want to know is what's going on… and what Lea has been up to while I was asleep.” Leo said as she looked at the yellow bug pony, causing her to give her a sheepish expression.

“Well first… Your old home is gone Leo. But all the ones you cared for are safe. Myself and the other sovereigns have been looking over them in the digital world for a long time… two hundred years in the digital world to be exact. Which is only twenty in this one.” The digimon turned around, looking at Rena now. “But something that you are familiar with though… is not so familiar to Rena over here.”

“That part being?” Rena asked.

“Leo… Rena is like you. She is a Displaced.” The Sovereign spoke briefly. But those words were all that Leo needed to here.

“WHAT!?” Leo shouted before she jumped on Rena, “Another digimon displaced!? Awesome! Someone who can understand me!”

However, Rena only tilted her head in confusion as she looked at Leo. “Okay, what exactly are you talking about?”

“You used to be a human once, right.” Leo said with a cheeky grin.

What Leo said though, caused Rena to tense up as Diamonds formed around her paws. “How the hell do you know something like that?! Give me one good answer before I am tempted to have these fly towards your head!”

“You know… If I was at full power I would laugh right now… But that is certainly intimidating when one is stuck in their In-Training form…” Leo said as she slowly backed away from Rena.

One crystal flew past her head, hitting a tree. “Pick your words carefully. How I arrived here was the same way I got separated from my little brother. And he was all that I had left before I had Pearl and now Sweetie Belle.” This in itself was new to the filly that was next to her, even surprising for Leo.

“Well… Seeing as I grew up in a human orphanage, I can certainly understand how precious true family and friends can be.” Leo said as she gave Rena a smile that only someone who could understand her situation could. “I’m going to take a guess this isn't the equestria I used to know and that I’m going to be staying here then?” She asked Baihumon.

“You are right.” Baihumon replied. “Your old world is gone, however, the one you called Crux reached out to us and was able to evacuate all of the residents before it was destroyed. As for now though, you might want to continue your explanation to Rena.”

“Do I have to explain this to her? I’m not a very good teacher, even if I have Jedi training.” Leo asked causing Lea to chuckle.

“Either that or have your body become a target. Your choice.” Baihumon insisted. “As for me, I will leave you be. The other Sovereigns need me and I can’t be absent from my post for long.” With that, the tiger faded away, turning into dust as it left the four of them on their own.

“So… where should I begin?” Leo chuckled nervously.

“You were at the part where you were going to tell me what a Displaced is.” Rena replied, eyes narrowing a little as she folded her arms.

“Um… Displaced are beings sent from their home universe to another while being given either powers, new forms, or whatever… In our case, we were turned into digimon.” Leo tried to explain.

“Again… I said what a Displaced is. Not the general concept.” Rena clarified, looking back at Sweetie Belle as she sat down next to the filly. “Were they human like us at one point?”

“Some of them, but not all. also, I may have grown up on a human world and may have looked like one… But I wasn’t a human… I don't really know what I was…” Leo chuckled.

Rena sighed. “And now this just gets a little more confusing. If you talk so much about them, are there other worlds outside of the digital one? Because something tells me that with the next sentence you're going to say, you will be saying yes.”

“Correction, other dimensions. Expect to encounter many more equestrias in your future!” Leo said with a smug grin at rena’s expression, “By the way, are you single?”

“Mom!” Lea shouted as she gave leo an incredulous look.

“Honestly, relationships are only my… second concern. My main one is if these Displaced that you mentioned will somehow make protecting my home and my partner more… difficult.”

“Meh, it depends. some of them are friendly but there are bad guys out there.” Leo said.

“So it’s a toss up?” Sweetie asked.

“Sounds like it…” Rena replied. “Leo, I thank you for explaining this to me… but I have a question…”

“Shoot.” Leo replied as she floated over to her digivice and started to mess with it.

“Why did you ask if I was single?” The question in itself had Sweetie Belle roll her eyes as it made Leo blush a little. There was a brief pause, in which Rena allowed for the chance to take Sweetie Belle back to the boutique. But in doing so, Leo could finally respond once they were on the roof of the boutique

“W-well… You're cute for a Renamon, and I don't really have anyone besides my daughter and dimension hopping father. And the relationship between me and Lea’s father… Is complicated.” Leo said shifting about with a nervous blush consuming her face.

“That… is actually the first time I have been told that… ever.” Rena replied, surprising Leo.

“I… Uh… Um…” Leo stuttered before flopping onto her ancient digivice as a blush consumed her tiny body.

“Leo… I’m sorry for if I made you feel embarrassed… But honestly… I had not been able to find anyone in the same position that I was in for over twenty years… Even though relationships are… my second concern… That’s only because I haven’t been in one before… If you are willing to though,” The Renamon paused, looking back at her. “I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.”

As soon as Rena finished speaking though Leo had stopped responding for some reason…

“Mom?” Lea asked as she poked Leo who was mumbling incoherently. “Well, If you need me I will be starting a hive in the Everfree.” She told Rena as she chuckled at her mother’s antics.

“Actually… if you want… I can talk to Twilight and introduce her to you. Maybe she can do something to help you out.

“Yeah… Not a good idea…” Lea chuckled, “Well, later.” she then turned and flew back towards the everfree.

Several hours had passed since Lea and her mother had made their presence known. But now the sun had risen and a new dawn had arrived. However, to her surprise, when she was up, she found herself staring at a little brown colt with a pinwheel hat on his head and a Digivcie around his neck.

“Oh cool, it’s awake!!” The colt cheered in glee. “Hey Strabimon, come have a look at this!”

“Oh joy… another digidestined…” Leo sighed as she tried to go back to sleep.

“Excuse me, but can you refrain from acting like that around my tamer?” A new voice asked from behind Leo, causing her to look up and see a digimon that was hanging from the tree she was sleeping on like a ninja.

“I will when ponies learn about personal space…” Leo complained as the colt repeatedly poked her.

“Button, be nice.”

“Aww man…” The colt groaned. “Alright Strabimon.”

“Thank you. So you're a Strabimon? That’s both rare and impressive.” Leo commented.

“You make that sound like you have met other Digimon like myself. No wonder Button believed that you were some kind of tourist.”

“Tourist? More like refugee. My names Leo, you have a name other than Strabimon that I can call you?” Leo said.

“My name was once Lyall. I have been here for a while, but honestly, you are the first digimon that I’ve met.” It replied. “I keep feeling the presence of another Digimon, but I can’t make it out for some strange reason.”

“That must be Rena, she’s the only other digimon besides me that I know is around here.” Leo said. Only to duck a few minutes later when a slash of a claw went over her head. “Hey what was that for!?”

“Watch your tone. That’s the name of my sister for god’s sake.” Strabimon growled.

“What does that have to do with anything!? I was just telling you the name of the only other digimon around here!” Leo snapped.

“Look, pipsqueak. I have been separated from my freaking sister for god knows how long and unless your friend is named Rena and has a missing brother, then you better be more specific in your explanations.” However, it was only then that Leo actually could put two and two together.

“If I wasn't so exhausted right now I would turn into my champion form and kick you butt you stupid rookie.” Leo growled, “And as a matter of fact-”

“Leo, what the heck is going on? I was just making sure that Sweetie Belle got to school and now I found you like this?” The Renamon walked over, looking at the group.

“Rena! This rookie is picking on me in my weakened state!” Leo cried as she jumped towards Rena. The only change though was that the Strabimon’s eyes widened upon hearing Rena’s voice.

“R-rena? Oh god, is that you?”

It was only then that Rena herself was shocked. The voice she knew… the voice she remembered… and the one she missed for over twenty years. “L-lyall?”


“Wait, this jerk is your little brother?” Leo asked as she hovered over Rena’s shoulder.

“Yes he is… And I can’t believe he’s here” Rena said, tears forming from her eyes as she hugged the Strabimon in front of him. “I’ve missed you brother… Just please don’t pick on Leo.”

“Not pick on the squirt? …… Heh, what the hell? I have my sister back. I’m fine with that.” He said, rubbing Leo’s head.

“Call me squirt again and I will use my old title to get a wild digimon to attack you.” Leo hissed as she increased the temperature of the flame on her head in an attempt to burn his hand.

“Oh really…? Button, do you still have the blue card you found?” Strabimon asked. The colt nodded, having it slide through his digivice as the Strabimon had lines of code swarm around him. He was digivolving. And when the light faded… Strabimon was now Lobomon.

“We found an extra blue card earlier. You should give your tamer this, Sis.” The Lobomon said, handing the card to the Renamon as she put it in her arm sleeves.

“So you have a blue card, so what? hero of ice.” Leo quipped. Only to shut up at the sight of two lightsaber like katanas in Lobomon’s hands.

“The force is strong in this one.” Rena chuckled, pretending her best to act like Yoda from Star Wars.

“Great… now I’m remembering the pony version of Yoda… Why did you have to do that Rena!?” Leo whined.

“Hey, when I saw those, the first thing I thought was Star Wars… either that or No More Heroes with Travis Touchdown.” Rena chuckled. “The bloodier one if you ask me.”

“I don't know the second one, but I’ll let this slide for now… Though I’m now wishing I had my lightsabers that I got from Lea’s father…” Leo grumbled as she floated back over to the tree and retrieved her digivice from its hiding spot.

Lyall smiled, retreating back to his former form as he looked back at Rena and Leo. “Yeah… what’s this thing though with you being Leo’s girlfriend?”

“What? got a problem?” Leo asked as she gave Lyall a suspicious glare.

“No I just… found it surprising… Because surprisingly… you look cute when you're angry.”

“Compliments won't get you anywhere!” Leo shouted as she dived into Rena’s sleeve to hide her blush. Only to hold her out of there by a small pinch.

“Both of you should… apologize.” Rena suggested.

“Yeah, sorry about what I said before, Leo.” Lyall responded, sighing a little as he looked back at her.

“Apology accepted…” Leo relented as she dangled in Rena’s grip, “Why do I feel like a christmas tree ornament?”

All Rena did was laugh a little as she set her down. Now, things were looking very good for the three Digimon and the young colt with them.

For once… Rena didn’t feel like she was alone.

End Chapter 3

Next Chapter: 4- That's my spotEstimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 37 Minutes
The Fox and the Filly (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.