The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas (2024)

LOSS LEAVES 'SKINS TIED WITH COWBOYS Steelers rs Overcome QB Woes, Redskins PITTSBURGH (AP) The Pittsburgh Steelers, licking quarterback adversity with big offensive plays, a stubborn detense and a little good fortune, widened their lead in the American Football Conference Central Division. Down lo back-up quarlerbacks Terry Gilliam because of Terry Bradshaw's separated shoulder. Hanrally Joe the Steelers held off a late charge to defeat the skins 21-16 Monday night in a nalionally televised Washington RedNational Football League game. Steeler "We've got tackle somebody up there taking care of us," quipped fumble Joe Greene, who recovered one Redskins' and fell on. lwo others by the Steelers.

but be Hanrally staked lasted the only Steelers a lo half before aggravating a rib injury, Preston a 146 lead on louchdown passes to Pearson and Ron Shanklin. When the ailing Hanratty left the game early In Ibe third quarter, the lead was in the hands of man who was 011 the Steelers' taxi squad last Gilliam, a second-year week. Steeler Coach Chick Noll said Gilliam threw passes, some bad ones and some when he shouldn't have. some good wanted to move on the ground once we the "We "but Joe's got lead," Noll talent lies in his ability to throw the football. 5 "His passes were relatively conservalive," Noll "bul once he overthrew." continued, Gilliam fired a 46-yard touchdown pass to wide recelver Barry Pearson six minutes into the fourth quarter lo give the Steefers a 21-9 lead.

But on the next series, Gilliam passed on zecond-and-12 at the Steeler 22-a time when Noll felt he should have sieved on the ground -and Brig Owens made his second interceplion of the night. Six plays later, Billy Kilmer hit Larry Brown wilh trim the Pittsburgh lead to 21-16. 17-yard a touchdown pass to Washington got the ball with five minules remaining, and pass interference call against safely Glen Edwards gave a Hedskins a first down on 1 the Steeler 17. the Kilmer then tossed a pass to Brown, who was hit hard safely Mike Wagper. popped out of Brown's hands, and by into the arms of Edwards.

Edwards fumbled when he was hit on the Greene came up with the ball on the Steeler same play, but seven, and Pittsburgh ran oul the clock for its 13th straight regular season win al home. "I thought we were going to pull It out." said Redskin Coach George Allen, his volce cracking, "Larry had the ball in one hand, but was intercepted." Steelers' Franco Harris (32) charging 'Skins Chris A Wirep here Hanburger (55), Brig Owens (23). Aggie-Buffalo Game Films Get 'X By JAMES HUTTON Globe News Sports Writer A staid Gene Mayfield walched dejecledly the New Mexico State game film and hoped the ending wouldn't turn Rating put the same. But like the Buffaloes' season, There was no such luck! 441 can't say much," the West Texas foothall chieftan told the Touchdown Club Monday, PUTT POWELL'S PUTTING AROUND Coaches Guess Wrong, Fry 4-0, OU-Mizzou, Horns-Borger Clash backfire. Sports writers aren't the only ares who have their predictions The couches don't do very well The mentors placed Amarillo District 3-AAAA rankings last have sharing first with Caprock.

Amarillo no wins, two losses and one no wins and three losses. In a poll of Missouri Vallcy Conference conches, West Texas State was placed first and Tulsa last. The Buffs will finish in a tie For last with Drake if they lose lo Louisville. Tulsa will win the championship if the Hurricanes down North Texas State. Tulsa should win the Missouri Valley crown.

but Hayden Fry should be Al cinch for the coach of the year honors. lie look a North Texas Slate team that had won only one game last year. He added 71 Tow freshmen and has now won four conference gaines. One of the big games of the nation Saturday afternoon will be the Oklahoma- Missouri battle at Columbia. The Sooners will be favored.

but the Tigers won't be taken lightly. Mizzou has lost only at Colorado, 17-13. Most everyone loses at Colorado. Oklahoma lost at Boulder last season and hasn't last since. The Sonners are leading the Big Eight with a 30 mark.

Missouri is second with a 3-1 mark. Even if Oklahoma finishes on top, the 4 Mi GLOBE AMARILLO TIMES Sports Page 12 Tuesday, November 6, 1973 "Defense and the big plays on offense," Noll said in analyzing the victory. The Steeler coach was elusive, however, would when asked it he week another quarterback If Hanratty can't play next acquire agalast the Oakland Raiders. "Our plans are for Hanratty to heal," he said. "Our other plans are for Bradshaw to heal.

In any case, there's Joe." Hanratty's ribs, injured last week against Cincinnati, didn't scent to hamper him in the first half. After Washington took a 3-0 lead Curt Knight, on Steelers a 30-yard field goal by Hanrafty guided the 65 yards in seven plays Franco and hil Harris, who with a seven-yard touchdown rushed for 90 yards in 25 carries, keyed pass. the drive with a 35-yard run. San Diego's Waller's SAN DIEGO (AP) The short, unhappy reign of Harland Svare is over, The husky, former linebacker resigned as coach of the San Diego Chargers Monday and resumed the general manager's job he held before taking over coaching duties from Sid Gillman with four games to play in 1971. geles Ron Rams' Waller, a former Los running star who has been the Chargers' specialloams coach since 1972, was named coach by owner Eugene V.

Klein for the rest of the Nalional Foolbail League season. Klein said he'd name a new coach next year. Svare, 41, the target of heated abuse by the home fans all season, appeared relieved as he made the announcement at a sport writers' luncheon. "The losses have been very hard on me, hard on my pride and my dignity," he said. "I haven't shown my emotions, I've kept it inside.

"It was my decision. I think I'll find my general manager's chair very comfortable. At least now I won't have to explain why we turned the ball OVer." The Chargers were beaten 19- 0 by the Kansas City Chiefs Sunday, their third shutout loss this season. They are 1-6-1 this year after a 49-1 record and their only last-place finish in 1972, The fans hung "Sack banners from the railings, booed a hurried mention of "the Charger coaching staff" at the pregame introductions, and watched as a group pelted Svare with wads of paper as he strode off the field, head high, at the end of the game. Klein, who refused to give Svare a vole of confidence two weeks ago, praised him as "a remarkable judge of talent," but added, "'He wasn't getting it (winning) done." Svare, linebacker on three conference champion New RON WALLER York Giant teams in the coached the Los Angeles Rams from 1962 to 1963, spenl a year as a stockbroker, then became an assistant coach with several clubs before joining the Chargers as general manager in 1971.

A year as defensive coach under Vince Lombardi at Washington influenced him to try to mold the Chargers into a fundamental, Lombardi-type team. field Knight cut the lead to 7-6 in the second quarter with a 12-yard goal. But Hanrally connecled with Shanklin on a 24-yard touch. down pass with 20 seconds left in the first half. "My ribs hurt every lime threw the ball.

The pain was constant," Hanratty sald. "But it's not bad if get sel before I throw. If 1 throw off-balance it's bad," Hanratty did throw off-balance on the Steelers' first series in the second half, and the pass was Intercepted by Redskia linebacker Dave Robinson to set up Knight's third field goal, Hanratty got hurt trying to field two fumbles, one by himself and one by Harris, and the game was in ibe hands of Gilliam. "I fell relaxed," sald Gilliam, "and I think I do my best when I'm relaxed." The Joss dropped the Redskins, 5-3, Into a tie with Dallas for first place in the National Conference Eastern Division, The Steelers, now 7-1, hold a 212-game lead over Cleveland in the AFC Central. "I didn'1 expect they were going to be easy and they weren't," Washington's Larry Brown sald of the Steelers, "I think we played a great Svare Resigns; Charger Coach Quarterback John Hadl, accustomed to a wide-open attack, dissented and was traded this year to Los Angeles, where he is leading the league in passing.

His spot was to be filled by John Unitas, plucked from the Baltimore bench For $150,000 plus a two-year contract for a reported $250,000 per season. But Unitas was benched midway in the fourth game and didn't play again until a brief stint Sunday. Waller, who played for the Rams from 1965 to 195B, became the first player ever drafted by the Chargers after turning down an offer to buy the new franchise in 1960. But his' comeback attempt was thwarled by a knee Injury. After several years he wound HARLAND SVARE up coaching in the Conlinental pete with rookie Dan Fouts for League and won three straight the starting foh.

championships before joining White the Chargers are out of the Chargers as assistant in the playoff race this year, Wallcharge of kick and kick-return cr faces the task of (cams, about quick bringing improvement it he Waller said he took the job hopes to be a candidate for a He said an interim basis." fong-term coaching job. "strictly on he planned a more freewheeling allack, and would "He has a difficult job ahead deaclivate the injured Unitas in of him." said favor of third-year quarterback Mike Garrell. running back "I just hope he Wayne Clark, who is to com- can keep his sanity." from Coach before the first reel commenced rolling. "aral rol sound like I'm making First film, second film, third and finally the Fourth. Each was a portion of a Vincent Price ane scare flick from the West Texas viewpoint played by a comical team of Flip Wilson and Don Rickles characters.

A horrible comedy with cight Buffalo furnbles (seven lost) and 12 anissed passes (excluding three interceptions). And now with the Tampa Spartans, one of the nation's top defensive outfits, coming Saturday night to Kimbrough Memorial Stadium, Mayfield doesn't really where 10 begin again after the 50-14 Aggie triumph, think you can kind'a understand about the offense," the Buff boss said about his team running against the stout Aggie defensive front six. the delense is 2 different thing. Nomatter what we seem 10 do we can't stop anyone often enough to stay in a game." And the West Texas offense, despite being the Missouri Valley Conference team rushing leader prior to last Saturday night, has not scored more than 15 points in any one game this fall. Ard, with the erratic performance defensively.

it's rel hard to imagine a 2-6 Buffalo posting. Against the Aggies, the Nuffaloes, as they've exhibited 1.12 past three weeks, failed to contain the wide side plays. And when Joe Pisarcik did pass, he caught the Buff linebackers reacting to the outside for possible flares or dropping back too far trying lonceale any long runs. That maneuver left the middle pass zones clearly open. "On defense, we've been hurl 50 much." Mayfield resumed, "everyone thinks he must make the play." An apparent lack of confidence in others' abilities has been leaving areas of responsibility wide open as was shown on the game films, New Mexico Stale, knowing 1r.e Buffs were sell-conscinus ahout the outside, drilled the middle with fullhack charges off the option play.

"Whal we necded was more penetration particularly against Pisarcik," Mayfield added. "We don't have the IN AP. UPI POLLS Tide Closes on OSU As Top 7 Keep Spots Runner- up Alabama has nar. rowed the gap on. No.

1-ranked Ohio Stale in what seems to have become for the time being, apyway-a two-team chase for college foolball's national championship. The Buckeyes of Ohio Stale blanked Illinois 30-0 Saturday received 35 first-place voles and 1,146 points from the people to play a lot of lechnique and maust take more chances. "On defense, you can surround a weak player with stow up so much, But no one great ones and mistakes won't (on defense) is really playing well and everything (mistakes) that show's is glaring." "'Their (the Aggics') backs were pretty average and we made them look fast. And the next three ball clubs we play at home are better than this one (New Mexico State) and Wichita State." Tampa, sparked by the running and passing of Fred Solomon. has lost only once in seven games.

that to Kansas Stale (17-0). The Spartans have beaten Toledo, Xavier, Akron, Villanova, Southern. and Northern Michigan. The points difference is 152-78. And what makes Mayfield quake is the Spartans play defense (11th nationally in rushing defense and nationally in total defense).

Mayfield has seen the Tampa filins and doesn't like their beginnings, muldles or endings, either. BUFF HAIEFS Aside from Steve Sydow, who is nursing a bruised kidney, and bruisedthighed John Ayers, the Buff injury list has grown to include Jeff Loyd 4 concussion), Jimmy Liste (pinched nerve and hip pointer) and Ricky Schleider 1 possible concussion). Bentley, junior noscguard, managed to receive the scant praise dished out by Mayfield. secured Iwo Apric fumbles and was in on Ime tackles. GENE MAYFIELD Whitefaces' Back Top AAAA Pick By LES GILES Globe News Sports Writer Janies Harris has been the mark of consistency all season for Hereford's undefcaled Whilefaces.

He's closing in on the 1.000-yard mark rushing, and with just average performances the final two weeks should crack it. Last week against Lubbock Coronado, Harris scored two touchdowns and rushed for 160 yards on 25 carries. He gained 97 yards on nine rushes in the first period as Hereford built up a quick 20-0 lead. Jn addillon lo his offensive efforis, Harris inlercepted two passes and was in: OIL a number of tackles from his defensive back spot. That performance by Harris, in a key District 4-AAAA game which gave the 'Faces sole possession of first place, has earned the superb running back this AAAA week's Globe News arcs Player Week honor.

Other top performances were turned in by the following GLENN GRAY, Borger running back -Gray again was hrilliant as the Bulldogs beat Parmpa, 20-8, lo retain a share of the District 3-AAAA lead with Caprock. The 175-pound senior carried 28 times for 150 vards and scored one touchdown. Be now needs just 132 sards in the final two games to reach the mark. MIKE GLOVER, Rorger running back--This sophom*ore back carried 21 times for 112 yards and scored one TD. He pushed his season rushing total to nearly 500 yards, tailback RON BURTON, Caprock -Burton scored three times, on shorl runs, as the Longhorns beat Tascosa, 28-7, lie carried 23 lines for 100 yards.

RODNEY TOWNER, Palo Duro running back- -Towner exploded for a 93-yard touchdown run against Amarillo. Ile carried 15 times for 100 yards, MARK REDL'S, Amarillo tailback--Redus scored once from two yards away, and carried 31. times for 122 yards as the Sandies Lied Palo Duro, 13-13. A special note of recognition should go to entire Caprock defensive unit. The Longhorns limited Tascosa to just 33 rushing yards in the second hall and 09 for the game as they erased a 7-0 halftime deficit.

It was the fewest amount of yards the lichels harl gained against any team this season, FRITCH-Sanford-Fitch fligh School needs a varsity (oolball game for either Sept. 20 to Scpt. 27. 1074. according 1o W.

D. Kay, superintendent of schools. "We would like to play anyone in classes AA, A or said Kay. Teams interesled should contact Kay at the high school. OAKES INSURANCE 110-A WEST PHONE 374-7000 62 spnrls welters and broadcasters who participated in this weck's Associated Press poll.

Alabama also posted a shulout, 35-0 over Mississippi State, and earned 14 first-place ballots and 1,096 points. Last week, Ite difference was There was no change among the next live teams, -Oklahoma, Michigan, Notre Dame, Penn State and siana State. Oklahoma defeated "Towa Stale 34-17 and polled seven No. 1 voles and 910 points. Michigan, a 49-13 winner over Indiana, received one top vole and 888 points.

Notre Dame pulled down one first vole-ils points first for of the a 447 trouncing of Navy while the four remaining No. baliols and 714 points went to Penn Stale, which beal Maryland 42- 22. Louisiana Stale received 580 points for a 51-14 rout of Mississippi. Previously unbeaten Arizona Slate's 36-31 loss (o Ciah dropped the Sun Devils from eighth Southern place to (4th, enabling California and UCLA 10 more up. Southern Cal rose from ninth to eighth by wallop.

ing California 50-14 while UCLA climbed from 10th to a 62-13 drubbing of Washington. AP RATING Tr.e Top Taerty, season records ye'es ard '3'al 17-101 laculaled on basis 70-12- 14 14 7-4-5-4-1-2-1: 2. Crio Stare 139, 7 C9 1.145 Alabama (14) 8-6-4 IC Oxiargia (7) 0.1 5. Michigan Dare (V) Ill 7-03 $00 Penn (4; 204 7. Stale 50 10.

UCL4 J-10 1-10 Pet taste 12. Teras Tech 14 Texas 5 20 Arizora Stale 100 1205130 7-1-0 HE Terrelice Cr 7-1-0 Kersas 5 Stale 20 Pill 5.2-1 Qurers receiving votes, fosted a Arizona, Ryborn, Ca chis North Cardina 51 are. Telane. MILLER RADIATOR RADIATORS I Awaking Repainng 612 deMervon Dial 376-6666 NEW ond USED Missouri, which dropped out of the Top Ten a week ago, moved back in with a 31-7 triumph over Kansas State that lifted the Tigers from 12th tu 10th. The Second Ten consisted al Arizona a a a Slate, Houston, TenNebraska, Texas Tech, Texas, nessee, Miami of Ohio, Kansas, Kent State and Pill.

Kent Slate and Pitt made the Top Twenly for the first lime. Kent defeated Marshall 35-3 for its seventh victory in eight games while 5-2-1 Pitt downed. Syracuse 2R-14. Last week's Second Ten was composed of Tennessce, Missouri, Nebraska, Tulane, Texas Tech, Miami. Colorado and Houston, with Auburn and Texas tied for 19th.

Tulane dropped oul after 105- ing to Kentucky 34-7, Colorado bowed Lo Nebraska 28-16 and Auburn was, edged by Florida in their ratings. High first and Borger last in the August. Right now, Borger is Itigh and Palo Duro each lie. Only Pampa is lower with HAYDEN FRY top bowl bid out of the conference. The Sooners, who are en probation, are banned from bowls.

The big garne as far as I'm concerned will be at Dick ins Stadrum Friday night uten Caprock takes on Borger. Den't worry about the Horns being overconfident. Borger whipped Caprock, 21-14, last scason. The Horns will cinch the right 124 TING on l'age 13) 12-8. UPI POLL NEW YORK fUF: United Board 61 Press Coaches maicr Manit; first-alace ratings voles with rumber al comes lEighih Week) la parentheses: Team 1.

Ohio Stale (1-G) 110 Oklahoma JD5 Alabama Michigan 11-01 111 19T NOIrE Dame 11-01 11) PArA State 108 a LSU UCLA Southern (8-0) 1.11 to (5-1-1) 205 Missouri 15 IJ. 11. Tor al 15-12 14. Texas Tech 0.11 15. (riel Miami, si.

17. Tulane (7-2) ronly 11 Teams received THE Great Imperial IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGAR IN THE WORLD KING EDWARD.

The Amarillo Globe-Times from Amarillo, Texas (2024)


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